Quick Run Down >May presents Brexit Withdrawal Bill to parliament >"Deal" includes no exit from EU institutions for 5 years - Infinite 'backstop' >Retain free movement, EU judicial supremacy, 'parallel' EU legislation, no decision on Ireland >Her party is torn asunder, Labour is split on Brexit, united against May >She needs a parliamentary majority on the Withdrawal agreement >She will not get the majority in parliament and plans are being made to oust her imminently
___________________ >Tory RESIGNATIONS >Shailesh Vara, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
>Dominic Raab, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
>Esther McVey, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
>Anne-Marie Trevelyan, PPS to the Education Ministers
>Suella Braverman, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
Updates: -Mogg to submit a vote of no confidence today -Gove's people keeping quite but all resignations are pro-Gove [leadership bid] -Raab says "EU were blackmailing us" -Pound begins to tumble
I'd move off BBC Parliament now because it's the same questions at this point and the happening is outside of the House.
Nathaniel Phillips
May will win the no confidence vote but if she gets 100 or more votes against she is finished.
Isaac Foster
What does cake taste like user?
Parker Jenkins
What should we watch then?
Kevin Smith
>Gove leadership bid For the love of god when will this guy fuck off. The only reason we have may is because he fucked BoJo and now he's going to fuck Mogg too. I hope he gets hit by a fucking bus he has been a catastrophe for Brexit since day 1.
BOJO just arrived at the meeting with moggy and all the brexiteers are writing their letters of no confidence.
Someone outside the meeting told a reporter that there are a load of remainer Tory MP's that who are the people that want a leadership challenge the most.
Blake Fisher
nah m8, england is finished, you're literally nonwhite at this point. S to spit Muslims and slavs are based, certainly a bigger improvement than being on an island with complete cucks to the south
>I've read this tweet 3 times and I still can't make sense of it.
Remainers are voting for the bill because it offers the least possible Brexit. Despite it being hte legal enshrining of the UK's exiting the EU's treaties. Whereas Brexiteers are voting it down because it's brexit-lite and don't want to Brexit on Theresa's terms.
Jack Brooks
good and hard
Jose Price
Who will the remainers back in a challenge? who are the likely candidates? BoJo and Mogg would both be great but Gove would be worse than May
Jaxon Russell
the one where we realise the last 2 years were a waste of time thanks to May and were now staying.
Jackson Flores
Crab for PM
Oliver Thomas
Friendly reminder that Brexit only happened because everyone in the Midlands is economic dead weight, and they know it.
They have no skills, no savings, and exist only to suck away taxes from the hardworking South. 'But Muh Nationalism!' they cry, knowing that without the entitlements of British citizenship, they would have starved to death in a slum.
This is like an old, sick dog barking at the vet, too weak to even stand, as the needle of euthanasia inches closer...
Its ok to steal white peoples land as long as its LEGAL
Anthony Moore
James Ward
Fun fact, you don't have to be an MP to be PM, unelected lords can be PM though we haven't had one in over 100 years. This means, in theory, Nige could join the Tories and enter the leadership race.
Well, you put globalists in charge of your Nationalist plan and they intentionally sabatoged it. Big surprise there. Now they are going to rub your faces in it, and make sure the whole plan is undone. He's right, they will never give you the real Brexit anyway, if you stop the fake one, they will make sure none of it every happens.
Liam Jackson
why would you say this why? why get our hopes up?!!? FUCK YOOOOOOOOOU
Tyler Robinson
its very likely that May would win the no confidence vote
Easton Jackson
80+% of UKs money is in the service industry. 80+% of UK citizens work in the service industry. the UK is a meme country. A bank and a telephone
Alexander Myers
this is true. iirc it's only since the 20th century that PMs have come from the commons
Julian Ross
Don't write those letters goy she'll win anyway Strong and Stable
Liam Diaz
a comfy has appeared. cytu be
Jow Forumsliocense-to-stream
Josiah Moore
If he was going to do something like that, don't you think he would have just stuck around from the start?
We were outclassed by the Krauts in manufacturing. We are truly untermensch.
Levi Jones
Based Celtic brothers. The hour of our final victory over the Eternal Anglo is at hand.
Hunter Rivera
James Wilson
>euthanasia for the sick and feeble Pro EU cucks social Darwinism and betrayal of the British people doesn't surprise me.
But just for arguing. The new "trendy" narcissistic eu cucks in European cities, most of them born in other countries and most of them completely without skills other than doing general office work, I dont think the EU has a bright future at all. Opposition is growing in all EU countries
>pm has faced resignations at cheques >didn't change policy >resignations now >still showing no sign of change >but we just need to get her to change, we don't need to change leader Spineless twats they are
That's because this is the D-Day they've been planning for a few weeks.
John Howard
>he sincerely thinks the EU has our best interests at heart >he’s deluded enough to think that this country even has its own sovereignty anymore this was all a shit test remainers are still too blind to see. We’re a puppet state now. You have no future and nothing you vote for will ever matter. You are a powerless drone slave.
Mason Sullivan
>Michael Gove has turned down an offer to replace Dominic Raab as Brexit secretary
>100 year anniversary of WW1 >100 years since UK sent a letter to create Israel 100 years ago UK was an Empire, now it's about to break up. Good job goyim.