If the Holocaust didn't happen, where did these pictures come from?

If the Holocaust didn't happen, where did these pictures come from?

Attached: Ebensee_concentration_camp_prisoners_1945-1068x784.jpg (1068x784, 172K)

Attached: 0421belsencamp01.jpg (640x418, 55K)

How do these pictures prove millions of homicial gassings?

Lack of food, late in the war provisions were scarce.

lurk moar

Typhus infection

Attached: 1919.jpg (823x1174, 266K)

I believe what you've posted but I'm specifically asking where did the pictures come from?

They were taken during Fashion Week 1944.

Attached: Fashion-Model-Health-thumb-375x561-63474.gif (374x561, 98K)

The pictures are genuine. Like I said, these are late war pictures from camps that were just conquered from the Germans. Was it wrong to keep your prisoners in a camp if you couldn’t feed them? Yes, absolutely. Germany is not without war crimes, neither side were saints. But the Holocaust is Soviet propaganda to draw the attention from their own war crimes.

Jews in panic mode trying to enforce their lies

Food was rare, mostly due to allied bombing and the allied naval blockade.

They used a camera

Typhus victims and starved people since the Allies bombed the railroads

First picture you post was taken 3 days after the supposed liberation of Auschwitz, The historical line and explanation for the videos on photos was "people did not look sad enough when they were initially freed" so they did a re shoot with (((Volunteers))) 3 days later.
The mass graves are of victims that died of Typhus of which there were about 800,000.

Attached: 1540606915337.jpg (942x750, 368K)


Shit happens in war.

Attached: IIws-1f-Zamordowani-Polscy-oficerowie-Katyn3.jpg (1800x1238, 1.03M)

Towards the end of the war food was scarce.

Holocaust denial is just a tool for delegitimizing Jewish privilege and Jewish supremacy. For decades now, they have shamelessly used the corpses of their ancestors as a soapbox to shame the world into giving them gibs. To even shame countries that did not participate in the holocaust into embracing suicidal political and economic policy because they were so moved by Tales From The Shoah.

If you value your country and want to prevent it from being transformed into a brown third-world shithole by Jewish policy, the first step is to remove their trump card. Tell them no, FUCK YOU KIKE, the holocaust never happened. But it will.

Attached: 14345961-4EC7-4A65-AE06-72A48D8344EB.jpg (378x400, 41K)

Oy Vey!
Are you telling me they fed the German people and soldiers rather than feeding prisoners of war!?!!???

They starved 6 gorillion!

Attached: 1540607014013.jpg (795x868, 253K)

you realise that Belsen is officially accepted as not a "death camp" by every single historian

all this picture shows that death was common even in camps where there was no intention for anyone to die, which draws serious questions over the claims of the other camps

from the labour camps operated by the Germans during the war

you realise both America and Russia also had the exact same type of camps, right?

Why would you starve people to death instead of shooting them on arrival? Before you say it’s for the forced labor, why are there so many Jewish accounts of the forced labor being pointless? The one I’m specifically referring to is the one jew who claimed they moved rocks from one side of the camp to the other repeatedly, as a form of tourture, but tell me, why would you torture an already condemned man?


germany. end of the war. axis supply lines had been cut off. had to ration food heavily.
eastern europe in soviet territory. the soviets were the only ones using mass graves. those people are likely prisoners of war or townspeople of a recently acquired territory.

Photoshop. That’s actually the Romanian Olympic shuffle board team
>the Military is always 100 years advanced

The camps existed, that’s been proven by the fact that a lot of them still exist today. There is no evidence that there was ever gas used, and these pictures don’t prove that there was. Also there is the fact that if 6 million were killed, that means that they had to kill 3,000+ a day, every day, for the entire duration of world war 2, which Germany was fighting on several fronts during the time that these people were allegedly gassed. It just doesn’t add up


Soviet famines, Holodomor, staged photos, that sort of thing

Attached: holodomor.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

>There is no evidence that there was ever gas used, and these pictures don’t prove that there was.
That's not exactly true, the gas was used to kill lice. Even the "holocaust historians" agree that the vast majority of Zyklon-B was used for disinfestation purposues, which makes showing the stacks of cans to the visitors in the museums pretty misleading.

>if the star wars diddnt happen then where is this picture from
Just pretend theres a picture of gay star wars shit here, I cant be assed to find one

That never happened ukraine does not exist shut it down

Attached: urban1.jpg (933x624, 39K)

>Zyklon B makes you skinny real quick and then they let you out again

Is that what you're implying? They were starving and had Typhus. Zyklon B was a delousing agent, which is why 1) they shaved their heads and took their clothes, and 2) the people had Typhus, because it's spread by lice.

The Jews were being deported from Germany to Palestine (now Israel). The "Holocaust" was a post-war narrative from behind the Iron Curtain. The stories were ridiculous and were never meant to withstand the scrutiny we're capable of today, which is why investigating the Holocaust is extremely illegal.

Homosexuals get pretty skinny with their autoimmune wasting disease and rectal cancers.

Slave (labor till death) camp.

Attached: AssadRuss.jpg (1024x800, 402K)

People starved in internment camps after allies bombed the supply trains.

A few hundred thousand dying of typhus in deportation camps and prison camps

Labor camps. They were no walk in the park: avg life expectancy was 6 months.

I can't find a single Jew, in any of (((those))) photos?

Could you point out which one has a Jew in it?

Attached: goyim propaganda1 r.jpg (346x207, 19K)

from American death camps for gooks