Official Laugh at the Britcucks Thread

The absolute state of the UK

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Seething yanks

You're the one seething, cuckboi

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Fucking yanks I swear down

You're welcome to come laugh at them too, period stain

Glad you care, thank you for continuing to think about us.

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I can't laugh at this. The British people were batrayed by their government once again, just like happens in the U.S and Canada. Even though British posters are usually insufferable pestering cunts, I would never wish this upon them. In fact, I hope they get the football hooligans together to take power away from these tyrants.

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How's it feel to be constantly fucked over by exported American liberalism?

>implying I don't laugh like a mad man about the state of my own country
I'm going to be laughing long after the bullets inevitably start flying. It's what I do.

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"Why should we fight" he asked me,
"'Cause England is at war?
Why are they fighting now, Dad,
What are they fighting for?
What does it mean to you, Dad,
To babes, and mum, and me?
The Germans won't come here
From away across the sea.
So why should you go there, Dad,
And leave us here to cry?
Is it cause England owns us?
Is that the reason why?"
His eyes look widely at me,
I tightly held my son,
And this is how I answered,
His questions one by one.
"We fight when England calls us,
For in her sacred keep
The ashes of our fathers
Lie in her soil asleep.
And many times for England
They fought that she'd be free,
And they are part of England, And so, my son, are we.
And some may pass her by, lad,
And some may scorn her hand,
But we must be forever
A part of that fair land.
For everything we have son
That's good and fine and just
Was washed in British blood
And given to us on trust.
"And we must keep that trust, son,
Against the force of greed.
And fight beside old England
Whenever she's in need.
And once again she's calling
Across the Empire wide,
And all her Empire answers:
"You'll find us at your side"
Oh yes, we're owned by England,
But we own England, too,
As you are part of me son,
And I am part of you.

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I suppose the absurdity is pretty funny... Good way to stay light-hearted as we descend further and further into hell.

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It must suck to get the absolute worst of what the US shits out without any of the good. But I suppose that is what it is to be British.

But at least we're still a white nation

Haven't you got a jew to die for?

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Don't you have some oxys to get addicted to

white nation oh Jesus fucking Christ the bong thinks there’s still time

laughed out loud



Nope, you're on the way to joining the mutt club
deal with it, can't wait for all the multi racial ads for this christmas

Good show, old boy.

Nah, I'm just a massive chaotic neutral type. I'll unironically be voting for Kanye in 2024 just for the laughs

Didn't think mods allowed the mutt meme to be posted on Jow Forums.
Wasn't that why Yanks successfully lobbied the mods to create Jow Forums, so all mutt threads would be moved there to end the endless wave of reports?

bruh! Look at this dude!


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70% white >>>>>>>> 40% white


>Can't even step foot into London without getting stabbed by muhammed
>W-whiter than you Yankee

>70% white
>in an indigenous European homeland
That's frankly even worse than the American experiment failing.

You realize we're still like, 60% white, right? And the non-whites that are here are ghettoized in the cities

And we still have our guns and the ability to say the words nigger, kike, and muzzie without getting sent to jail

Stay mad

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We've lost London and Birmingham close behind it.
Tell me burger, what's the demographics of your nations capital?
Feel free to ask me if you can't work google as its so hilarious ive got it memorised

Now don't included Mexicans

I'm not. If we were 40% white, we'd be in a state of civil war already because the politics would be that bad


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56 and that's being kind, mutt

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can I get a QRD? What did May do this time

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Britcucks long since have disgraced
Their nations name with the Irish race
Remember with pansys your "gallant dead"
we will remember what you done here instead.


When the financial elite running western nations into the ground are exterminated.
So probably never.

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Remember that time you potato niggers were offered Northern Ireland during WWII if you joined the war and allowed us to use your ports and like the cowards you are you refused?
Good times.

Trying to push a brexit deal that basically makes the UK into a second class german colony for the rest of eternity.

>we will remember
no larpers please

>entire fighting age generation weakened by decades of war
>offered a deal by a country that done nothing but break deals for 400 years
>offered guns by hitler, no strings attached
yeah, we took the right path. Enjoy your shitshow

The funniest thing about that is that it just shows how retarded y'all are. We're European mutts for sure, but the number of mixed-race is incredibly low.

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A Brexit deal that doesn't changed a damn thing. They aren't even really leaving. Half her cabinet has resigned and I believe a vote for no confidence is underway.

How much black/indian/spic DNA have you got running around that fat carcass or yours, mutt?

>We're European mutts
No you're African-Mexican mutts

>like the cowards
Remember that time British sacrificed tens of millions of Europeans to the Jews because the fat fuck Chruchill was indebted to the Rothschilds?

More English than London, m8

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Africans can not be Americans.

Sure , I totally believe you , mutt.

i bet you wish you had guns right about now, you stupid fucks

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>being this mad
This is why I started this thread

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Not mad fella. Just superior.

But they can be president and make up 80% of your capital city

>no guns, no free speech, non-functional right wing, EU-cucks
Pick one

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>If we were 40% white, we'd be in a state of civil war already because the politics would be that bad

Counterpoint: Brazil.

A Muzzie is Mayor of your capital... Give it time, Achmed.


Why do all put problems seem to come from the continent, mainly Germany.

The Dems would be in control and way too many non-whites would be in government. They'd come after the 2nd Amendment and it'll pass because non-whites gonna non-white and that's when the whites would fight back. Give it 10-15 years and you'll see that exact scenario play out.

You're as white as we were in the 1980s.

I think you mean the Jews...



I’ll agree that 90% of the “tehehe UK bad” comments are VALID. I’m a scotfag and the recent Scottish government “anti bigot” campaigns (advertisements, cringe videos) make me want to apologise to my ancestors and slit my wrists with a bagpipe.

‘We’Re PhObIc Of YoUr TrAnsPhobIa”

Ok, sturgeon the virgin. Ok.

double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles
double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles
double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles
double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles
double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles
double doubles, toil and troubles
>double doubles, toil and troubles

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>slit my wrists with a bagpipe
Is that even possible?

Could be worse. We could be the world leader in absolute degeneracy.

Commiefornia doesn't count

That'd be Sweden. Dunno why you're looking at burgerland.

Yes, our jew problem came here from Germany and Netherlands.

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It's still a Jewish problem, not a German or Dutch one. If anything, blame Napoleon because he's the one that gave them acceptance.

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Like it or not, the US is what's wrong with the entire western world.
It doesn't end with nukes bombs etc. It ends with the US infecting the rest with shameful degeneracy.

To be fair, Europe adopted exported American liberalism with open arms while we're still fighting back against it with a lot more success. Stay mad, faggot

Yes, the son of an American Jew, Churchill. who was backed to the hilt with paper promises from america, the sons that gave not one fuck for their ancestral lands & bombed, raped, burned all across Europe once they were sufficiently weak enough to barely resist.
It has become your MO really. Attacking the weak or defenceless & making a right meal of it.
Were it not for him we'd have made peace & had peace. No cold war though. America would still be the poor, backward, childlike colony it was meant to be.
But, like a nigger in a stolen Mercedes, you let the whole affair go to your heads & now the world is ruined.

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Communism and socialism were invented in Europe. Just throwin that out there.

They wouldn't have been much of a problem if they wasn't alredy stinking rich from the continentals giving them money. When they came here it was to buy the place.

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Fighting? Come on, lad. You're embarrassing yourself now.

Your still degeneracy ground zero my little mutt friend.

>we are white
For the most part yes but you also have a nonwhite capital and some nonwhite cities
>We are a nation
No you are not, a nation is defined by one race and religion and one languague. You also can´t get citizenship of a nation unless you are part of a diaspora of said nation.
You are a country at best.

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Stay mad, bitch. America is and always will be the greatest country in the world. This is where Europeans came to grow up and reach for the stars, and for a brief moment we did before the Jews ruined everything.

We'll make our way back to the top. The good guys always win in the end.

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I'm sorry, do you have a sitting politician that just got re-elected after retweeting literal /ourguys/ that refereed to themselves as national socialist as recently as 2 years ago and actively fight against degeneracy and race mixing?

That's right. I didn't think so. Sit down and shut up.

Imagine being this deluded. Good God man.

You'll be a minority with a decade or so. That's some fight you guys are going. Well done.

I was here doing all that. Everyone was.

At least we'll actually be able to fight it.

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We love the UK. This is sowing chaos.

Oh silly me, I forgot.
Day of the rope right guise

I love the US...I'm in this thread for the bants. No hard feelings.

The biggest blackpill of all is a sincere americlap poster, what.

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Give it 10-15 years when some nog tries to revoke the 2nd Amendment and it passes because there's too many other nogs for the Jews to keep in check. Watch how fast whites go full exto

i'd still rather be british

Oh look it's the snipdick that got BTFO in the last thread so he had to delete it and make another

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Haha its too sad to even laugh at bongs anymore. So I laugh then cry

Like any good real Brit. Go fight and take your country back, and if you shall die on the hill, you shall die a martyr to your people, even if they don't realize it.

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