Even though Kavanaugh gang raped 37 women with a beer bong and skated by on his white supremacist laurels, Avenaughty is being set up on a neopolitical ploy!

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-15-09-34-39.png (1440x2560, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread: porn lawyer&client=ms-android-zte&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb7YPx2dbeAhVmqIsKHTJ2AKQQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=360&bih=560

Trump should just start killing all this fuckers

Ha ha, this dickhead is hiring shills to defend him, but they're so over the top they're not believable. Basta!

Twas hubris led him here

Keep making the point he probably just lost his temper over her Trump supporting immigration issues. Punch Nazis and all that.

i love it that they cant see their own hypocrisy


Creepy porn lawyer! Hilarious. porn lawyer&client=ms-android-zte&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb7YPx2dbeAhVmqIsKHTJ2AKQQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=360&bih=560

Michael "Believe women unless I'm the one hittin' 'em" Avenatti

It almost seems too easy to go through shitlib Twitter and find the same people posting "believe all women" and calling this a setup.

I'll let the lower tier autists handle it.

How do leftists live with themselves?

Attached: 8177724.jpg (1125x1356, 138K)

Mike "Don't make me tell you again" Avenatti

I notice she didn't sit on the story until CPL runs for office, then try to get him shut down at the last minute. Democrats take note!

I wish I could be autistic enough to even begin understanding liberal logic.

These all have to be paid shills. I went thru the comments and so many of them have no avatar or super pixelated and compressed ones, with spotty posting history. Who the fuck bankrolls these operations to endlessly shitpost and create the illusion of online public opinion? Who the fuck would spend their life actually doing that as a job even? Is this Soros shit too?

Michael “Shut the fuck up bitch” Avenatti

Attached: KRASSENSTEIN.png (1092x1164, 455K)

I read somewhere that Kavanaugh didn't even pass the bar. Is that true?

Michael pleeeeeaaaasssseee call me.

I dont get it... a set up how and why?

>speculate about muh Russia constantly
>upvote debunked articles on trump peepee tape
>literally bang on the supreme court doors demanding kavanaugh be arrested before trial even took place

Hey guys hold up, he's our guy, we better double check

>Who the fuck bankrolls these operations to endlessly shitpost and create the illusion of online public opinion?
>Who the fuck would spend their life actually doing that as a job even?
Same people who drone weddings, along with crazy people and drug addicted