Brit/pol - A Deal in our lifetime Edition
>Dominic Raab - 5/1
>Sajid Javid - 11/2
>Boris Johnson - 6/1
>Michael Gove - 17/2
>Jeremy Hunt - 17/2
>Jacob Rees-Mogg - 17/2
>David Davis - 17/2
England sucks lol
How do I lose weight?
it doesn't have to be this way
eat when hungry
>tfw the Tory boys are back
Tory cunts out tbqh
Males under 6 foot should not be allowed to vote.
How do we meme Boris into office?
better than being an abominable leftist
When do the letters all have to be in for? It’s 3pm already
What about females?
Goes without saying that they shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.
Oh god. You think the Tories are right wing. Oh god. Just fucking leave. Please be baiting.
We won’t get vote of no confidence, will we lads?
People have to take pride in their homes first user. As someone who's been looking for somewhere to rent recently, the absolute state of rental properties and the conditions in which people are content to live is disgusting.
>May under preassure
that's putting it litley beeb
If they don't respect the result of the first referendum, why should we respect the result of the second?
Rehman Chishti
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My letter of resignation sent to PM @theresa_may stepping down as Vice Chairman @Conservatives & PM Trade Envoy to Pakistan. 1. Cannot support Draft EU Withdrawal Agreement. 2. Very disappointed by lack of leadership shown by UK Gov to do morally right thing in Asia Bibi Case.
because we'll have all the facts this time
Based Mods
Just as things were getting boring
Yessss my pretties
Vote for this and Theresa will give you many things
Yesssss many things
muh rule of law, and the law is fuck the plebs
Peter Hitchens is a virgin freak, we will get a no deal, gove will be next PM, god save Princess Meghan
Neck yourself.
Boris for PM.
We need 5 years of laughs before ushering in the collapse with a McDonnell led workers revolt.
What did they do
>official thread theme
The most honest Tory in this whole thing has been MP Peter Bone
>Peter Bone said the reported agreement would not "deliver" on what people voted for and risked "losing the support of many Tory MPs and millions of voters across the country".
That's the real worry in the party; is this going to hurt my chances for re-election?
They're not sending their best.
but we don't, we have the facts of what happens when you put a Remainer communist in charge of negotiations
Purged the split threads.
I think May will survive the Mogg attack, and then she'll join Corbyn as a cockroach leader, hated by large sections of their own party, but impossible to eradicate.
>meme ancap thinks his opinion is worth anything
>We're without a trade envoy to Pakistan
FUCK, riots when?
Ok then brit/pol/, what would your Brexit deal look like?
no they didn't. they are still there. and more popular than this cesspit
Peter bone was the most rebellious MP during the Cameronite years, truly underrated
I'm not an ancap, it's just the best flag for the job desu.
Pakis out
Check again.
have you seen Waterworld?
Brit bongs did you hear the news?
Step up your shitposting game
No deal lol
No money to EU
Merit based Immigration system
All current EU can stay so long as they have a job over 12k
Tariffs on selected industries
Joint Police/Defense database
>yes gotta keep up with these
even the BBC can't keep up
Fuck anime
digits say terrorist attack
Time for our guy Graham Brady to become PM.
*ahem ting ting*
Fuck jannies and jerries. Dresden was well deserved, that is all
2 brexit chaos generals are still there, and full of posters
the first got 500 posts before dropping.
so, the mods haven't done anything, and nor should they have.
That's a very helpful insight. Well done.
Based and redpilled
Plenty of little girls to replace the imported doner inshallah
Free trade with EU, nothing else. Repatriation of £400Bn from the EU as well as £20Bn national pride damage
>Merit based Immigration system
Did your wife's son write that list?
d u b z and Jacob Rees Mogg Establishes a National Socialist State in Somerset
What did I miss in the last 2 hours? Shit falling apart?
who linked us to tory whatsapp ?
>No deal and default to WTO
>Total independence from any and all EU jurisdiction
>then over the years we have massive civil unrest and economic downturn in the short term, encouraging normies to vote hard-right parties to form a government
>get rid of every sigle Muslim, man, woman and child by any means necessary.
that's it.
pretty much. but if may has one talent it's holding on to power.
lmao the fucking guy in the background
>Still no vote of no confidence
>Nothing is happening
Fuck... it’s over isn’t it
>Make it so anything low paid isn’t needed
>Make it so even high demand sectors have high standards
Norway, then slowly wriggle our way out of the EU over decades of economic restructuring and rebuilding
Actually buzzing were legit gonna get the kino no deal we’ve all been waiting for
meanwhile in the real news
EY up you haggis scoffing degenerates, I've come to fuck shit up, all the way from Huddersfield.
Up to now no one else has really wanted it, no one has wanted to have to be the one delivering this proposed deal. Now it's done and everyone hates it it's the perfect time to try and push her out of the way and position yourself as the true people's champion.
Going to fight pubes?
Thighs and nationalism
Can you tell us what munchy boxes look like up in Caledonia?
Greggs fumes are an aphrodisiac.
>there are people who actually want a no-deal exit
yeah who fucking needs a functioning economy
Bet you love the taste of Paki cum dripping out of your wife's daughter's cunt
Peter Hitchens has three (3) children.
It’s time to bring back the north/south divide
>no deal panics people into supporting Ref 2.0 and voting to remain this time
ill shag yer arse
Implying they aren’t chris’s
i like how everyone is saying may is shit and no one is mentioning the fact that the EU won't negotiate anything better
i've got a voucher for afternoon tea for two there.
should i make use of it sharpish?
Every day I wake up and thank God for not making me an (((Anglo))).
>thinking people voted for brexit because of the economy
>mayflies on damage control
You don’t need to project your fetishes on me user