When did the Nordic counties learn to write and read?

Considering the the Eddas were first written down in the 13th century. Did they just copy the Vedas from the Indians?

Attached: los-actores-de-vikings-en-la-vida-real-phalbm25522305_w767h767c1.jpg (767x767, 150K)

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Aren’t Germanic runes derived from Phoenician?

AFAIK there’s a theory that Brahmi is also derived from Phonecian so that would make the ancestor script of all Indian and South East Asian languages Phoenician derived as well.

what's with (((tv shows))) and making everyone wear ruber saying its lether armor when lether wasn't even commonly used at no fucking place ever
look at those cheap fucking rubber """armor""" wtf jews can't even make nice looking gear, i wonder why i even watched that crap

The earliest runic inscriptions date from around 150 AD.

Germanics had no true written language until they became Christian in the 13th century.

When african islamic settlers reached them.
Get angry all you want. One daythid will be the official history

This just isn't true. There's little pre-Christian record of Germanics, because the Christians thoroughly deleted the pre-Christian record.

Proto-Semitic is a Nordic language.

IJK were Nordic :)

Ashkenazis are Mongols from the steppe who stole the Nordic Semitic language :)

Attached: Haplogroup_F_(Y-DNA).png (1144x726, 295K)

>One daythid will be the official history
You're right about that kike, but it doesn't make it true.

Any language with an alphabet is derived phoenician

A country can't write or read. The Nordic people learnt to write and read with runes in pre-history. The Nordic people learnt to write and read with the latin alphabet when christianity was brought there after the year 1000.

Phoenicians learned from Egyptians and Egyptians learned from Atlanteans and Atlanteans learned from Hyperboreans.

They had Younger Futhark as a written language by the 9th century. It just wasn't very standardized. They also just borrowed the Greek alphabet through an intermediary civilization and modified it. It's Elder Futhark that we have no clue about. EF was almost like Chinese in that symbols could mean both letters and words/concepts. Meanwhile, Icelandic written in Younger Futhark is pretty damn close to the 9th century Nordic language, which is why the Eddas you're referring to were recorded in Iceland.

TV wants to make them look like leatherclad sexy rockstars. Actual Nordic warriors wore chainmail, cloth gambesons, and conical steel helmets with face guards and chainmail aventails. Ie: More like Kievan Rus or Normans, and less like Marilyn Manson

Sort of like this

Attached: 600 CE - Valsgärde Rustning Sverige.jpg (640x1024, 289K)

Earlier than anglos

This isn't correct. Ulifas created the Gothic alphabet when he translated the bible in the 4'th century. Essentially every language in Europe is either based off of Greek, Latin, or Gothic.


earliest runic inscription is in Finnish :D
how can nord cucks ever recover!

>will be the official history

You like to make """official history""" don't you Schlomo. Doesn't mean any of our children ever believed it. I'm one of them.

Ow your children wont inherit shit cracka

Sorta, basically it was like Phoenician -> Greek -> Roman -> German

Gambesons dont like sexy enough