How can you be a proud American with this on your conscience?

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These are rookie numbers, defend this.

Fake numbers, like global warming.

The age of guilt is over, we will not apologize for our achievements, our history cannot be used as a weapon against us, no-one can say they have legitimate claims on us -- we are in debt to no-one. Our glorious past is a matter pride and joy to us, whatever we have done in the past only inspires us today for even greater deeds tomorrow. Those who feel that we have wronged them should be happy they are still alive.

Did you ask for jew help to come up with those native americans numbers?

US killed more Native Americans than existed in the entire Western Hemisphere!

Let us live or we will kill you. Seems fair to me.

Dont forget the jews that could be saved if america intervined in the war sooner. Atlest you learned your lesson and now dont think for a second before bombing anything that moves


wow, how retarded of you, now I believe the numbers OP posted

We have a lot of catching up to do in the middle east.

yeah, you have all those deeds coming back
to your tribe amalekite. all those who died
because of your tricks, you shall reap the
world wind and no one will save you.

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say the numbers arent just entirely made up...
how do you not see how an american would be proud of these stats? are you dense? have you met an american?

Gonna need a citation on this mate

I definitely feel ashamed. We could have done better, it's just that bullets and bombs are so expensive. We'll try harder this time, I promise.

And still the whole of the USA is still going brown. They need more guns.

You'd think brown people would stop trying to move here.

wow I no longer believe OP's numbers.

You'd think

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You Americans need to up you Mussie count!


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Add +1 for yourself to that list

>How can you not be a proud American with this on your conscience?

>82 million native Americans
Get the fuck out of here. There were never remotely close to that many natives

Yeah right after we fought to end slavery right goy??

Americans don't care how many people die anywhere
Didn't you get memo?

To the victors...

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How could I not be?

t. enlisting in the Air Force

ummmm sweetie, theyre called undocumented peoples

check your privilege birther

If you lay it over with an U.S. Israeli dick sucking count, you'll find that the numbers align perfectly.

The weak should fear the strong.

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Lmao this. Idc how many die for the homeland. We need anothet good scrubbing now aswell

grats run 2 miles in 17mins tops at any age and youre good to go

if youre 20 do 60 situps and 60 pushups for a 300 pt score BEFORE you get there

Our high score is the reason I'm proud to be an American.

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you should get an air force tattoo before you ship off, your instructors will be very happy to see your enthusiasm

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a bloo bloo

Citation please.


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None of it weighs on my conscience at all. In fact, I'm proud of those numbers.


Trying to raise that count as we speak. Come at me towelheads

>Being ashamed of being successful conquers.

Lmao, cucks.

Jews: 10 gorillions

Don't listen to those other fags
I'm in the AF we have failures all the time. Basically as long as you aren't a first responder nobody cares.
You can walk our fucking PT test. Literally run 1.5 in 12 minutes, 50 push ups and sit ups and don't be fat. Congratulations you passed.

>82 million Native Americans
There weren't even 40 million Native Americans when Columbus landed here, and they were slaughtering each other long before we got involved

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82 million injuns? C'mon chief, lay off the peace pipe.

>mentions muslims first
>not even mention specific the amount of europeans killed

Muslims had it coming
Natives died of disease
Japs had it coming
War is war, get over it
Pretty low compared to most places
Niggers were privately owned, mostly by jews and other niggers
Homicide is by private citizens, nothing to blame the state for
Immigrants had it coming

These are grand achievements.

>Some of the best killers on the planet
What's not to be proud of?
It's what we were built for.


>we are in debt to no-one
except the hospital

>there were 82 million Indians
Sure pal

Those are rookie numbers. What the hell kind of right wing fascist government is this?

kek i was in reception with a kid that got half of his chest tattooed with the ACU pattern and the "US Army" nametape, and the other half had a big SF tattoo with a skull biting a knife & crossed rifles behind it.

If i remember correctly he was a plumber or electrician or some shit too. That's the best part.

Buddy of mine was an Air Force vet who had to go through Army basic, and he had a small AF tattoo on his leg. He got SOOO much shit for that, most of it from other trainees. No one ever called out the kid who hadn't done shit getting inked before basic though. That's the worst part.

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Let's try to double those numbers.

Native "Americans" are only in the west idiot.

Fuck you I was going to post that image nigger.

tiny penis syndrome

Don't forget the 6 million jews.

I love the 82 million number, I lol every time I see that. Thank you for the laugh OP.

Why the fuck would anybody want to save Jews?

this guy must be an asian

These numbers are fake but I wish they weren't.

Why are you Jews always so obsessed with sex and penises? Everything always comes down to dick size with you kikes. Fucking perverted faggots.

Kid in the Navy with me had a Navy tattoo before joining, killed himself before finishing basic

Only white devil's would kill more people than existed. Fuck all snow niggers!

Came here to post this. But as usual FPBP.

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>US has taken the lead

gotta pump those up those are rookie numbers

LOL all of these numbers are fake, one by one

The 82 million one is the absolute fakest of them all.

Proceeds to blame all indian deaths in the north and south American continent on americans forgets the guys that needed the blanket were Spanish.
>MFW when Indians killed are horses in the continent for food and not as a tool.
MFW Indian with bird poop on his forehead and feather up his ass living in a goat skin tent is proud of his people, culture and tradition.
Go make some smoke signals crazy horse

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Probably realized how gay he was and decided to end it all.

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Can't be proud if you don't finish the job.

What's the number of friendly fires the US has done and compare that with literally any other country.

Why not mention the number of weapons we sell and the number of people we have in prison. The US is #1 in these regards too.

Grammar sucked cause I'm nutting thinking about all the Indians we killed in Brazil.

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I won't argue that, I'm not one of those people who thinks I did anything good by joining, I did it for personal reasons and it worked out well for me, I won't pretend I wasn't a zogbot for a while though

My favorite of these dumb memes is saying that 100 million people died in the '65 Indonesia DIY commie killings. (Pic related.)

Apparently, after killing every other person in Indonesia, everyone in the country committed suicide.

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These numbers can only make sense if you apply the population density of the urbanized meso american civilization to the entirety of both continents. Unsuprisingly if you look up where the most "pure" native americans live, it is in southern mexico and peru, which is where the aztec and inca civilizations were. Every where else there was very little urbanization and thus you have a much lower population

it is more believable than the six million kikes.

Third post best post

>Criminal executions and illegal immigrants are both below 20k, all the others are 500k or more, some even into the millions.

Yeah, how do you sleep at night knowing you let murderers and illegals off this easy?

Yeah fuck the non muslim Iraqis and Syrians, its all about muh muslims!

Oh same thing here man. I'm under no illusion that i'm some kind of special hero who's done good things or something. Also realize i'm just a pawn for ZOG, playing a life or death game against the Jews. I'm a mercenary, nothing more nothing less.

Yup, you heard that right. I'm still in. Those retirement NEETbux are too tempting. I've already invested so much into my career, don't wanna stop now. The adrenaline rush of playing a game of chance with my life against ZOG is strangely addicting.

Plus the re-enlistment bonuses are nice, and my unit is my extended family so....yeah.

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[x] watered
[ ] unwatered

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successful countries aren't built on luck

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What branch? I'm torn between Marines and Navy

asian living in plano is my guess

I didn't kill any of those people. I don't really care either.

Fuck off what about the mongols? Oh yeah they don't have a rich country to try to guilt into giving out free money. Those fucking muslims shouldn't have spent a thousand years trashing Europe. I'm certain they were told what would eventually happen to them for doing it. Now they are, karma's a bitch.

Holocaust-tier fake numbers.
For 82,000,000 natives, that's like the population of Germany today.

So basically OP is lying. If you don't like it here in the US, it's time for you to find a place more to your liking.

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Damn it user, you're right.
I for one am sorely disappointed in my countries performance. We have really dropped the ball here, and need to make it right.
Let's get those illegal alien numbers AT LEAST as high as the nigger numbers.

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What job did you want, I wanted to be a medic so I joined the Navy but spent my time as a medic for the Marines, depends on what you wanna do now and when you get out

Talk shit, get hit.

Christ almighty

There's a helluva lot more muslims need killing

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Army brih. If you wanna feel like a badass, go combat arms in the Marines. They have pog desk jobs too though.

If you want to get paid for training that can convert into a six figure job after you get out, go Navy. I knew a guy who worked on the engines for nuclear powered subs in the Navy for one contract (4 years) and he got a job at a nuclear power plant making six figures after he got out. Nowhere else in the civilian world is that possible to go in with no experience or degree, and get PAID not go into debt, and come out highly desired for a job like that.

Plus even if another stupid proxy war kicks off, you won't get blown up by some rag head's IED in the middle of some country nobody cares about on the other side of the world for nothing.

But if all you care about is "hurrr getting bitches, shooting gunz" then go combat arms in the Army or try to go SEALs in the Navy.

Compromise might be to do a technical pog-ey job in the Marines. Get to say you were a Marine (whatever that's worth), and get some training that's worth more than 2 dog turds after you get out.