The decline of Trump

Does anyone else feel like we're at the twilight of Trump's high and we are now descending into some dark times?

Despite claims otherwise, the midterms went well for Democrats. They overturned 30+ former Republican seats in the house, an uncountable number of local government seats, and while we still maintain the Senate, as provisional ballots and recounts take place our lead there has decreased since election night. The Democrats are empowered and it seems they have the clout now to ramp up the Russia bullshit.

Not to mention any time Trump lashes out on Twitter, it gives the impression of being distressed.

Also just anecdotally I'm even seeing a change on this site. People getting banned on other boards for racism, and many boards seem to be becoming Reddit clones with their pol boogey man bullshit.

The vibe just doesn't feel the same.

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The shills are switching tactics following the midterms. SSDD

I don't know about all that. What I do know is that I'm gay.

what's with all these demoralization threads recently?

shills changing tactics?

He needs to pull something out of the hat fast.

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Not a shill but also not deluded. Just painting what I believe to be a realistic picture and want to discuss the current political environment.

Why can't you retards have a discussion without mindless sloganeering?

lmao that the kikes would unironically have symbolism like pic related on their synagogue.

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>Reddit fucking spacing

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>muh reddit spacing meme

nigger the midterms were flagrantly stolen. I agree that unless Trump does something we're fucked but the people still support him.

Why didn't you post your Pleebit Copy pasta here as well you kyke ?

>In all fields &Hidden


Two things Trump needs to do is get the wall built and indict Hillary. I'm not giving up on him yet, but we really need to see some action soon. Even Melania is kicking more ass right now.

Also, a big surprise like Seth Rich, or whatever the fuck is on Weiner's laptop could still surface.

He's fucked us. Florida decides to let felons vote (aka free Dem votes) and what does this retard do? Let all the niggers out of prison. Florida is gone and therefore the presidency is gone as well.

But remember, Jow Forums, we can't just rely on Trump. Where have all the diggers gone? All the people fiercely trying to find every speck of dirt on the globalist scumbags?

the only people who support him are morons who hang around image boards all day and losers who never amounted to anything in their lives

>Hah! We creamed Obama in the midterms, he will be a one term president!
Remember this? Stop being so goldfish.

Okay that is enough go kill self! NOW!!!

It's standard politics. Mid term elections have the opposition party do better, it's been like that for decades. Trump still controls the Senate and the Judicial branch. There will be a lot of deadlock when it comes to big bills, but that just means a change of strategy to push the judicial appointments for the next two years. Go into overdrive.

Also, people forget, the Republicans did gain seats in the Senate. Not lost, not stable, gained. The people in states as a whole support Trump still in key swing states, even if some districts flipped. The beauty of Federalist government is that we aren't ruled by big districts only. Every district will have a chance to shine, and a lot are still pro Trump.

I don't know guys, I'm starting to think this whole thing was a game and setup, and that Trump and Hillary are secretly best friends behind it all, perhaps they even socialize together and attend each other's weddings, perhaps both of their families are multi-millionaires and perhaps they all move in the same NYC social circles

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Your fucking retarded if your not disappointed with trump now. NPCs exist on both sides and unfortunately for you friendo, they just suck trumls cock no matter what happens. I like trump and I want to see him kick ass and MAGA but its fucks like you who will just cope and gaslight yourself into believing that letting Democrats steal multiple elections through blatant fraud is EPIC 4D CHESS. Hold trumps feet to the fire to get results, people like you just hold us back.

Democrats only won because RINO's let them.

They ran a bunch of white, blue eyed, blond Glow in the DARK CIA niggas in GOP leaning districts in blue states.

Koch's pitched in and gave Democrats money.

It's like the establishment GOP made a tactical retreat. Neocons and big business GOP want the Immigration situation to stay the same.

So they voted in some CIA niggas who won't fuck them on money shit and only fuck with Trump on immigration and shit like that... probably force him into a foreign intervention.

Backstabbing neocon Never Trumper.

Look at who won won in the OC. Fucking ultra white liberal fucks unseated GOP.

Where is that "Demographic Shift?" Whites still rule.

Show your flak, kike monkey.

Even if your not a shill, defeatism like this is something numerous shills have tried so...........

Hey I think some migrant is banging your wife, cucked euro. Better go get your gu- oh wait.

he's right though

You made this exact same comment in another thread. Spammer!

Yep, it's all over. Impeachment time.

January when the Dems take Congress we're going to see Trump become the new Nixon. He'll be gone by 2020. The government moves slowly (took almost 4 years to get Nixon for Watergate) but this is the beginning of the end.

If that was ever going to happen, it would have happened before the Midterms. It would have crushed the Dem's when they were at their weakest. Now it's too late. Demographics ensure that they will win almost every election after 2020.

>trumptards actually think anything will happen
Trump hasn't lifted a finger despite the obvious corruption, and he hasn't done anything to help the Right either.

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I'm almost at the point where I'd vote Democrat just to watch the whole thing burn.

>another meme flag

>Trump become the new Nixon. He'll be gone by 2020
On what grounds?

Reminder that the 3 previous presidents lost twice or more the amount of seats in congress than Trump did and still got re-elected

The shills have gotten to the point where they're saying there is a decline which is admitting that he was on top at some point.

The tactics are starting to smash into each other.

The absolute state of CTR.

its trumps fault. his dumb ass just wanted credit for stuff and didnt accept that his time could be shortened more than the bible says. god sometimes does a rewrite and hes to insufferable to put up with for 42 months

sadly for trump he is just one of the names of the heads of the dragon and not the one with the body of the dragon (the head that has 2 horns) so its not his will thats enforced with the arrival of the beast of the earth that acts on the beast of the seas behalf. so his faggy desires mean nothing

>thinking the democrats are competent enough not to keep screwing up and getting caught in scandals

no, the dems are dirty was fuck and everybody knows this. They WILL continue to sabotage themselves, even if repubs lose energy.

None of the previous 3 presidents had a special counsel investigation from the DOJ against them.

w o m p

just admit you got conned like everyone else

you had your chance already and now its gone
you got NOTHING

>Trump's high
when was that?

excuses excuses

meme flags meme flags

boy I cant wait until you learn what IDs are
first day here?

I got everything I wanted from him in 2016.

U mad bro?

You wanted nothing? boy now that is some high aspirations

ad hominem.
ad hominem.

Trump talks big but lets himself be hampered by bullshit. Makes you wonder what his goal is.

Trump won. Everything after that is gravy. Draining the swamp, well got a load of cock sucking Republicans to scurry off. I like to think the stress of his election drove McCain over the edge. On the way down, yea to be expected, but a fun ride. The rampant fraud of the midterms just shows how far the corruption has gone. Also how little the people care. The demographics they are a changing.

He's going to be hated more than Bush by the end of his term. Not only was he disliked by many from the start, he has shown his supporters that he doesn't give a singe solitary fuck about them. Call me a shill if you want, but there is no possible way to defend him at this point.

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No he doesn't. No matter what the left says, it's all bullshit meant to sway niggers. His problem is he needs to grow some balls and stop trying to work with people that hate him and the country.

the swamp is not drained, in fact it got worse with trump's idiotic cabinet picks

and now he cant because he lost the house BIGLY

Sure thing, commie satan.

Sure, bud. The losers aren't the brain dead lemmings marching to their doom on the left. But hey the right thing to do is always the popular thing, right? Isn't that what libtards believe? Too bad they didn't believe democracy when they gave nigs and whores voting rights.

why are Le_Donald redditors so fucking stupid?

He didn't lose, it was more that he's trying to maintain law and order while the enemy doesn't give a shit. It's not lost yet but it's pretty close.

Fuck you stuxnet traitor. Die bitch.

I'll get even more if he's impeached. Everything's fun when the circus is in town.

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>None of the previous 3 presidents had a special counsel investigation from the DOJ against them.

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>Does anyone else feel like we're at the twilight of Trump's high and we are now descending into some dark times?
Times do feel dark and bleak right now, I do feel, we can't say for sure what's going to happen. It's Trump's own fault though for being too weak, not using his position as de facto head of the GOP to whip the party in line during the past 2 years, letting himself get cut off from his base, not getting more involved in the primaries and ensuring a better slate of candidates were up, making sure Republican governors and state houses were purging voter rolls, passing voter ID laws and getting a handle on election shit.
It's a real fucking shame he wasted this chance. It was also our fault, too, to be honest: we found ourselves censored and circumscribed on the internet and didn't make the jump over into offline activism and infiltrating the GOP out of fear of unjust arrests (which are going to happen, we're fighting Jewish power) and just laziness. Memes are powerful, but just making memes and staying sequestered in our online ghettos is not going to change the world or save white western civilization.

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>The vibe just doesn't feel the same.


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At what point, God damn it, are the people who voted for him finally going to be held morally responsible for choosing him? When we ask them, "What the hell were you thinking?", when, at long last, will it finally be impossible for them to do or say anything in response except apologize?

Just admit it. You got tricked.

We won't make you look us in the eye.

We won't hysterically laugh at, what is without any shred of doubt, the embarrassment-induced redness in your face.

We just need you to say it: "I got tricked because I have a weak mind."

Admit it already, and just get it over with. Say it out loud: "I was weak minded and got tricked."

Just fucking admit it, already!

Where the fuck is our wall, where's that fucking caravan? And this goddamn voter fraud just right in your face, We have a media that kiked to hell and back, I never put much faith in the "lock her up." She's too big to fall.

>He didn't lose
he clearly fucking lost you googly eyed paint drinker

You’re a useful idiot. The writing is on the wall

Shill sage kike

Drumpf is done you guys. But seriously we can't let him get hold of the nuclear codes. Orange man bad.

>why can’t you retards
Fuck off shill

your memes are getting stale, bruh

You're out of your element here with your shit tier memes. You have to go back.


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No Trump has someone to beat up on now. A blue house. Trump is good at bearing people up. I know it is counterintuitive but this is good for him. If he had to convince the american people to elect him in a vacuum he couldn’t have done it. He needed Low energy Jeb, Lyin Ted, Widdle Marco and Crooked Hillary to beat up. He is most effective with opposition

Fucking zoomer. Your cultural memory doesn't even stretch back 20 years?

you're fucking retarded and dead weight. let me guess, you think democraps are the real racists and that trumpis going to defeat the globalists with his maga power.

The democrat are not imcompetent. They know exactly what they're doing with these elections and because of Q loving boomers like you, the republicans will just keep letting it happen and wait for the super secret plan to take effect any day now.

Fuck just fuck off and die and get out of the way.

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We're demoralized over elections being brazenly stolen and Recucklicans standing there with their mouths agape, dicks in their hands and doing nothing about it. It's enraging and depressing all at once.
Trump was only ever a means to an end for us, only a stepping stone on our path to white victory. Trump failing and/or being stymied was a contingency we all should have been prepared for and kept in the forefront of our minds, but we let ourselves get caught up in the memes and the post-election victory mood and all the leftist salt without following up on our victories and poising ourselves to score more.

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No. You're fucking retarded and a bad analyst. You aren't "seeing" shit, you're inventing a problem. Sniveling bitch.

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Daily reminder that the US economy is better than ever thanks to Trump reforms in regards to taxation, bureaucracy, employment, regulations, etc.

Watch this video:

I am an historically Democrat voter but oh boy did he do well in regards to the economy!

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nah if you listen to the media all the time and actually give them credence then you’ll start to feel that way, but honestly he has a shitload of support and it’s always growing every day. any president who is as vocal as Trump would be pissed off about this election stealing, and it’s good it happened before the 2020 election— the democrats showed their tendencies to Trump way too early and he’s going to make sure it gets fixed

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Keep projecting, flaggot.

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mkultra is a hell of a drug

Shit has changed since Trump got back from france after failing to be assassinated. We are entering the punished Trump arc now.

Trump is a staunch reminder that politics are useless

In all honesty, I lost a lot of respect for Trump when he actually tweeted out about declassifying FISA and he chickened out. This is some bullshit and I don't wanna hear from the Qtards to "trust the process". Give me FISA declass its been two years we have been patient enough and all we have gotten is a lousy tax bill.

I went to inauguration in DC and to the rallies when he came to my town. If Trump doesn't act aggressively soon I can pretty much guarantee he will lose even more of his 40% support that he currently max's out at

That was literally nothing. He got a blowjob. Trump is an actual traitor working against America and dismantling its most important trade and military agreements. A blowjob is nothing compared to being a thousand times worse than Benedict Arnold.

>Shit has changed since Trump got back from france
That should tell you something; considering who he snubbed while there.

>people still support him
Supporting him is well and good, but he also needs to be criticized from the right for his failures, he and the GOP as a whole need to feel pressure from us. The leftist activist base is always bullying their party into line, it's time we start doing the same with the GOP and with Trump.
I agree that pointless despair and blackpilling is unproductive and a shill tactic, but constructive criticism and new tactics for us moving forward are needed desperately.

>we are now descending into some dark times


Dumb piece of shit

and yet quite entertaining

not even in the slightest.

in fact, he's just getting started. you will never understand how men like him- us - think. spoiler alert, if you ever do manage to get his back against the wall, you and all the other heretics will being sucking dicks in hell faster than you can say, "kimosabe"

all of this shit is just the result of quantitative easing thats been going on for a fucking decade. Jobs are still being outsources, corporations got another tax cut at the expense of the people, wages are not increasing, benefits and union membership is declining, hours worked is increasing, and all the jobs created are either part time, seasonal work, or low paying dead end jobs.

Its the same fucking economy that Obama had, the only difference is now theres a different clown at the head of it and he just lies constantly about how great it is