Man shouts 'Heil Hitler, Heil Trump,' does Nazi salute during Baltimore performance of 'Fiddler on the Roof'
Man shouts 'Heil Hitler, Heil Trump,' does Nazi salute during Baltimore performance of 'Fiddler on the Roof'
What cha doing rabbi?
This. The Jew hides behind the excuse of Art, comedy, and satire in order to pursue his jew agenda unopposed.
This "Heil" guy is likely a jewish false flag.
psst... hey... rabbi... WHATCHA DOIN???
>72A5A1D2-3250-4D44-AA94. . .
What's the point of all these bot threads?
>Fiddler on the Roof
ya I would be doing the same shit too on this jewish (((musical)))
Hitler was a tyrannical liberal and you are a typing psyop. Please kill yourself.
Is this a joke? Hitler relocated 80,000 jews to Palestine *before* the war broke out. The British Empire issued the Balfour declaration to Rothschild during WWI so American jewry would their bring host into the war against Germany and his enemies brought Israel into existence via the UN they created.
Weak bait, faggo
>Hitler was a tyrannical liberal and you are a typing psyop. Please kill yourself.
I bet you think the holocaust happened too, don't you?
This is not even thread worthy. Fuck you OP.
It is always them behind it when it gains large media coverage.
Fiddler on the roof was unironically kino.
Also Nazism is left-wing
bingo and sahgey
False flag
Exactly, Haavara agreement.
False flag. It lefties just stirring up more ant-semitisim fears.
what a fag
Guaranteed to be a Jew.
What cha doing rabbi?
calm down its just interactive theater they put a couple Nazis in the seats to put a modern twist on a classic
Jude + G = Judge.
Richard Spencer is at it again?
probably jew or lefty but i wish he wasnt
Jews are flooding Canada with refugees again..
>Man does something stupid and wacky which results in more people hating him and whatever ideas he represents or defends
Either a false flag or a complete idiot.
Easy to think it's made by someone who wants to taint Trump's image by associating it with "Nazism" or "white nationalists".
Go to a hobo, a drug addict or an indebted student and tell them you will pay them 200 dollars if they shout "Heil Hitler" and "Hail Trump" in a theater. This is done since forever.
>be a jew
>get trolled irl
>feel intellectually threatened
>write about it on the internet
>send it to
>Its not getting views
>post here
>gets views
>jew gets shekels
and we all still die here on planet earth with every other person.
The fact that he added 'Heil Trump' on there is a big red flag.
balls of steel
brain of swiss cheese
>Heil Trump
Definitely a false flag.
Sorry mate I haven't got a licence for that link
He was probably annoyed at the fact that all Maryland opera is a kike psyop. Just another thing they ruined.
This, didn't Laura Loomer do the same shit?
What a surprise.
Jewish self hate.
Don't blame all Jews for jewy goings on. Blame the new generation of liberal Jew much like our young generation. They feed off us to destroy our work.
Suffocate them and all will be well.
this. it's invariably the left that does anything shady, whether they're jewish, black, white, brown, yellow, gay or straight, what they all have in common is a dedication to the left-hand path of deception for personal gain.
>Jewish self hate.
I don't think that was a case of "self hate" at all, I think that's a very naive interpretation of the case, to me it looks more of a case of wanting to perpetuate the idea of victimization and persecution amongst its own community.
It's the iPhone filenaming scheme now you absolute brainlet they're just dumb apple phone posters not bots
It amounts to the same thing.
Self hate is a narcissistic trait. Much like self absorbed people are the best at business and so get a rush from success and praise for their endeavours the self hater, the homosexual, drug addict and fatty get the same rush of chemicals in the brain from sympathy and a pat on the back.
He will get the same kick from his actions and the attention he will no doubt get as any successful business man would from winning.
Do you know where i can get the flag of the German Christians?
Putin up the faggot kike Hitler bastard that invented the holohoax, gave safe passage to kikes to go to their made up bullshit state to which he agreed to, has a major role in the decimation of Europe and the murder of millions of christians across the world and especially in Europe and was a heathen pagan faggot.
Putting him next to Christ.
Putting pagan symbols on a cross.
Pictures with the heretic catholics.
>Gott mit uns
Welcher Gott, Scwullern?
Every holiday in your religion is actually a "pagan" holiday. As are the moral values (ie marrige, loyalty and not cutting off the tips of their kids dicks)
....which was torpedo’d by other Jews in America, namely rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise and the American Jewish Congress. Had they not condemned the Haavara agreement, more Jews might’ve gotten out of Germany before the war broke out.
I’m gonna say because hey didn’t catch the person who did it on camera, not even a description given, it was a false flag. Had it been real, we’d have face, name, and possibly full doxx by now.
Oh fucking hell Ed what did I tell you about optics
>not cutting off the tips of their kids dicks
That's an (((old testament))) thing, not a new testament one. It has literally nothing to do with Paganism.
Imagine, if you can be bothered, a society with a rule book, we'll call this rule book (((the old testament))). It's a book of rules you should abide by, that's why they call it a rule book. Then one day, a guy, from the factory that determines what the rules to follow are, arrives in your society, we'll call him Jesus. He sees that, rather than follow the rules, you've decided to apply (((semantics))) to them instead as a way to subjectively stay within those rules while actually breaking them.
This Jesus, he tells these (((people))) that they'r breaking the rules, and therefore a new rule book has to be laid down, we'll call this the new testament.
But now there's a problem. In the (((old rule book))) these (((people))) were God's chosen people. That doesn't apply to the new rule book, mainly due to these (((people))) flouting the rules and they lost their status as God's chosen people. Instead the new God's chosen people are those who follow the new rule book.
This doesn't sit well with (((them))) because it's taking away their advantage. So, being (((cowards))) they had this Jesus executed.
But that still wasn't the end of it, because too many people had started to take notice of the new set of rules, one of which is not (((circumcision))), and this meant (((they))) had to subvert the new rule book. They couldn't just disregard it, the same way they can't just invite a billion niggers in - the goys would notice. Instead (((they))) pretend that you actually need both sets of rules, which is a bit like Hitler saying "look, we need (((Communists))) here or National Socialism won't work", which is retarded because it's contradictory. Which is why the Bible contradicts itself...but only when you compare the new rules to the old.
The greatest blasphemy is protecting (((those))) who killed the saviour,
Good work, Baltimore user.
>Heil Hitler
>Heil Trump
How hard is it to realize Naziposting needs to be kept to yourself and not out in the public? Even most right wingers will alienate you and this reaffirms the Trump is Hitler mindset in the rest of your sheep population. Literally no benefit and only loss.
Feel free to drop some redpills in the twitter thread goys:
Whatcha doing rabbi?
Is the play about Jews?
>believing this obvious bullshit
Kikes are too much. China has an oven that goes to a million degrees. What a time to be alive when you get to see the answer to the JQ from Chinks.
i am basically a walking swastika but i unironically love this musical
Probably a false flag. Only retards would compare Trump to Hitler
And also the fact that Trump is owned by jews and Hitler fought the jews.
nobody gives a fuck about jews. these old tricks don't work anymore. remember when 11 jews got shot and nobody cared?
how much more cringe can you get? what a desperate cry for help, to go interrupt someone elses entertainment
That's what I'm worried about. By the end of my life, it will be 60 since people will forget.
>Hails both the guy that killed 60 gorillion jews and the guy with Israeli dick so far up his ass he's puking passover wine
Looks like the Third Reich has finally returned to Baltimore!
>remember when 11 jews got shot
no, not really
if I were him I would have some guy follow me and do the nazi salute and phrases, fake cry, then get 4x the profit, split it after 70/30 with the guy
>random white caught on camera not bowing to bbc in some isolated area
>doxxed in hours
>(((white))) caught on camera doing something blatantly anti semitic
>oy vey us chosen people aren't safe in trump's america. oh the guy that did a literal hate crime? he got a ticket that will be referenced in increasing anti-semitism stats but not actually charged heh. move along, goy.
Yes, it's a play about Jews in Russia being persecuted in late 19th, early 20th century.