Is France the US of Europe ?

Is France the US of Europe ?

Rich, powerful, dumb, influent, hated for it's superiority, most mutted, etc...

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dided she dieded?

of anal pleasure ? maybe

you aren't allowed to have guns or deny the holocaust

The look in her eyes are the same as pic related

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>hated for it's superiority
you wish
Marie looks like a southerner, thanks God


what the fuck is the context of this?


>Hillary is going to prison

Hillary is going to prison

>Hillary is going to prison

Hillary is going to prison

>Hillary is going to prison

>Hillary is going to prison

Hillary is going to prison

>Hillary is going to prison

Hillary is going to prison

>Hillary is going to prison

Hillary is going to prison

This hurts my soul

oh you know......................... ;)

We can do both of those things.

>hated for it's superiority
>you wish

ok ahmed

Please tell me they ran a train on her

Why is the negro looking like he is gonna mount pepe le pew?

context is SUCKING BLACK DICKS, Jebediah.

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I want to know what happened later

France would be steamrolled again
and again
and again

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and then that logic become smaller and smaller,looks like shes from X part of town. lmfao.
Stock Market wins with mass immigration
New debt,Government takes of them so more money for the economic,More people to compete for jobs etc etc

>TIL: Share Holders Interests Must Come Before Communty/Employees

traitors get the rope


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there are far more niggers per capita in france than in america, instead we have tons of hispanics, which are worse than niggers.

>being this delusionnal

these negros are clearly american
niggers from France don't wear du-rags

The "negros" as you offensively put it, are French.

France was mutt central long before America even existed. They were basically a blueprint to what my country would end up becoming.

anyone got more pics etc of what happened to marie?

nope, that's illegal

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%wise theres more blacks in france usa


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Yes its already the US but with french language and instead of spics we got muzzies