Why did Americans turn their back on Soldiers returning from Vietnam?

Why did Americans turn their back on Soldiers returning from Vietnam?

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they did not serve the will of the people

fuck em

Because they lost the war. This country likes WINNERS, not people who manage to lose wars to primitive jungle gooks.

because the left never changes and was just as retarded and "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" as they are today

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Because they had been killing commies, and the US was busy beinf infiltrated and overrun by commies, the universities had already fallen by then and of course the drugs and the propaganda madness from hollywood was truly being ramped the fuck up

The war was never seen as noble by the American public.
This could be due to the fact that footage from it could be seen on the nightly new on TV for the first time in history.

The (((media))) told us to. Funny how a military action against Communist Expansion gives leftists the green light to abuse those who fought there, but when the military is used to weaken Israel's neighbors then the media is all SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. They still can't resist painting them as damaged goods.

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Because of hippies.

We lost Iraq and I get free meals and thank you's everywhere I go.

honestly, why is the majority of the u.s. poblation afraid of comunism? it only affected rural areas its not like it was a major threat in the u.s.

what baffles me is that still today you see people afraid of it like it hadnt failed already

>Why did leftist turn their back on Soldiers returning from Vietnam?

Jewish communists took over the government starting in the 1950's once jewish quotas were removed.

They are afraid of it because it's a very real threat to their way of life, and it has taken root within their own country and is poisoning every facet of society, communism has failed, but in the west what we have is an aborted Soviet subversion Op that has been picked up and continued by groups within the west, the seeds planted by the now defunct USSR has been undermining the very fabric of our societies, and is being used to destroy them. It's not 'communism' so much as the effects of the subversion that the US and the rest of the west rightly fears. Watch the vid.

i mean come on, communist subversion does not affect the day to day of the regular u.s. citizen, not even on the long run, an unchecked market has done much more damage to the u.s. way of life than any other politic ever

Are (you) me?

You have kids? You want them being taught that their gender is something that exists only in their minds? You want them taught to hate their own race? You want them to be turned into angry embittered entitled victims who despise the very nation that allowed them the freedom to even have an education? You want them to think the world owes them a living? And anyone who works hard and achieves things is someone to be torn down?
I doubt you do, unless of course you yourself have already been indoctrinated, in which case you can never see the threat because it's you.

Probaby because of the huge amounts of rape and murder

Because (((they))) brainwashed boomer students into NPC mode (WAR BAD) and the (((media))) gave the military bad press. That and LBJ wasn’t fighting it right.

Beacause they raped viet women, killed civils and spending their time smoking weed, I. Saw this in movies like apocalypse now, full métal jacket...

Sly solved this problem

>We lost Iraq
Ask the oil companies if we lost

There was a draft you retard
If hippies weren't pot head retards they would have lynched politicians over Vietnam. Not spit on the poor white men that couldn't afford or were too patriotic to draft dodge

that kind of shit only happends in u.s. but not because some rouge comunists are trying to destroy u.s. way of life come on, its pure retardation, nothing more, now the economic bobbles that are created by politics tha unregulate the market do creates dangers that every family in the u.s. suffers

whats worse, that one retard spergs out gernder politics to your well educated son or that the unlimited greed of a banker makes you lose your home and your kids have to suffer hunger in the streets

we are much close to the us than any other country (excluding canada) and let me tell you that femenism and gay shit is so ludicrus we havent adopted it , we mexicans, one of the most retarded people, comunism is not a threat

Same reason they do today. They fight wars to stabilized global trade. They suffer for that conflict. Their treatment is too costly and time consuming. No one wants to pay foe the taxes to keep them helped. Fuck em.

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The bullshit going on in campuses in the 60s was because of Communist subversion. All this insane bullshit we were dealing with is because of them.

The Soviets fatally poisoned our culture before they collapsed. Our "victory" in the Cold War was a hollow one at best.

because they lost

You're missing my point, communism is a dead ideology, a failed set of ideas that lacks all credibility for anyone with a rudimentary undersstanding of modern history, unfortunately there are millions who do not have a rudimentary understanding of modern history and who do not know about the Gulags and Mao's mountain of corpses, they aren't being taught that stuff, they are being taught lies and they are believing those lies.
If you don't think entire generations of university educated fools who truly believe socialism can work and has worked and has never failed, running every institution of power and influence across the west is a threat then you are as mad as they are.

Because leftists.

Americans didn't. Leftists did.

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This. You have to kill communist because if those chucklefucks get into power they will start killing people en masse Stalin and Mao style. Some will die due to massive economical failure, food shortages, ineffective healthcare and some will be killed for nor hopping on board the communist revolution. In the long run you save lives by killing communists.


i can see how that would be bad, but i fail to really understand marxist graduates will never ocuppy said heads of institutes of any goberment, they are being repudated to this day by the same people that has moved out of their country important companies that would have give people a lot of jobs

im not excusing comunist by any means, i really think they are the retarted as hell, but other thing completly is to be afraid of their capabilities, because every real problem the U.S. has faced has been created by people who disspise comunism

I think the vietnam conflict was used by the commies in the US to demoralize the country. I don't think we fought that war to win. same with korea. was vietnam winnable? that is another question.
Kennedy wanted to get out of vietnam and signed NSAM 263 ordering the withdrawal of troops. Unfortunately the deep state faggots killed Kennedy a month later.

Because they lost.

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It's not to fear their capabilities, it's to fear their reaction when they finally realise everything they believe is wrong, but they are the ones in charge, the only option open to them is to get rid of everyone who came to the same conclusions and wants to take the power away. Communists are so frightening because they are so fucking dumb, and there is nothing more scary than a bunch of scared power mad idiots with an army under their command, as we have seen over and over again everywhere Socialism has been tried.


Kikes had infiltrated our society to such an extent that back in the 60s our culture had already started bashing out own troops. Think about that. Just over 20 years after WWII and the kikes had already destroyed the very fabric of our fucking society from the top down.

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its a shame really, 2 flags with satanic stars fighting for rubber.

I lol'd

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Why are you so bored you keep repeating this thread. Vietnam is over noone cares.

I think its because they raped children and all returned addicted to heroin

>that big red benis