As a person with Icelandic ancestry this makes my blood boil

As a person with Icelandic ancestry this makes my blood boil.

Attached: Iceland-Jewd.jpg (1024x641, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Put a bomb then.

Funny how all post about Jews we get a code for our post

You'll be glad to know the right one is fake then.

Mine eKx0/zAz. See we get marked

Took a week for him to show his (((colors)))

Throw him over the Godafoss.

wtf is this shit. I thought that there were no jews in Iceland

after watching the icelandic conference on stopping the circumcision ban I'd say your government is just loving jew money and will sell all of you to them like you were american cattle

make it your crusade and kill him

Article on the right is fake tho, search for yourself

Attached: fake.png (698x462, 44K)

this will end badly. drive them out if you know what's good for you.

It's real, and you're a piece of shit too

Post link to the original article if it's real

Im pretty sure that the jews wont take over us like they have taken over the US. its only one jew and I think he's only here so we can say that we are diverse and progressive

släng han i vulkanen innan det är för sent mvh sverige

What is the average Icelander’s view on Muslims?

>As a person with Icelandic ancestry this makes my blood boil
and mudslimes doesn't?

Attached: 1506242391679.jpg (2048x1365, 302K)

I dont know but i think its mostly positive. I only know one muslim and he is from Bosnia

Let me tell you something RIGHT NOW. If you let one in then that's it. your country is lost. They will establish a local tribe and do everything to tear you down. Now that they have an inch they will take the everything. You've got to watch out there might be more articles about how they "found a new place of welcoming" and more and more will come until they have enough to undermind you

It's real and you can't deal with it, not my problem

Get over it. The world sucks now.

I'm referring to your government, not the population, just like every other government in the world there are jews pulling the strings.
The fact that your government backed down on protecting babies from infant genital mutilation should tell you who runs the land

>Documentary - Iceland Nation of Bastards (full movie 2017)

Then go kill him

It's real you lying JIDF scum.

it only took this jew 6 days to start kvetching

article on the right is fake
Jow Forums is so easy to trick

Icelanders almost never vote any foreigners into office so if we get to choose they wont get to power but you can never know what tricks (((they))) might pull

>still haven't provided a source
You can easily BTFO me and post the link. But you won't tho. Because it's fake

>Jow Forums is so easy to trick
euro/pol/ is 50% mudslime because of multiculturalism. They'll fake anything to escape criticism. they're fucking crypto gyspies

wtf is this? im going to watch it but can you give me a run down on whats its about

(((They))) have been wanting this for a while

>mmo-champion as a source
Well I guess you win.

it's real and you can look for it, I'm not helping you at all

I trust the people, not your government, does that makes sense?

Icelanders are almost all against jews, even if they are on the left

>Iceland's capitol wants to boycott Israel
>"Better ship some brown people there to teach them a lesson."
These kikes are blatant, and yet people still don't see.

Attached: jews want white people replaced.jpg (1012x809, 200K)

But I've already looked for it here As you can see, no results

Kill this man before it gets too late

Why didn't your government follow through with the infant genital mutilation ban?
They could have stopped jews and muzzies with just that one change to the laws


It's fake

Fake news like this is a plant by the left to discredit you, don't fall for it.

It's all real, both stories

Your country needs Jesus

wrong thread for this bullshit.
and btw, your messiah never exited:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus

>The Dead Sea Scrolls [complete eng translation] - John Marco Allegro

he actually came to fight the circumcision ban. right side image is meant to muddy the waters.

Attached: iceland rabbi circumcision ban.jpg (1014x1622, 327K)

Any Iceland user here want to defend their country?
Please go ahead, your sentences can't be that harsh and really it's justified.

For a country of about 300,000, one Jew is one too many. Rest assured more are coming.

I visited your beautiful country one time. I saw that there was such high social trust that women would leave their baby carriages parked outside while they went in and took care of business.

Kiss all of that goodbye.

Would you be okay with just one injection of Aids contaminated blood into your stream?

Seriously mate, get your head on straight.

You are the last outpost in Western Europe.

It's now Jews You Need To Worry About Its Capitalist/Globalists/Jews And If You Have A Stock Market You Should.
They Demand More Profits Thus Taking Away From The Average Person By Forms Of Overtime,Nonuses,Full Time jobs etc causing a massive divide among the people,mental health problems that stem from little employment/worring about the future, Take Over Of Media Pushing Their Agenda

Post the actual story then user, not a screenshot.

If you can't do that peddle your fake news elsewhere schlomo

you're 9 months late, schlomo

Wow is this the full power of autism?

I see Icelanders saying not to worry because he is only "one". Wait until the NGO's show up in your country from nowhere, they will bribe your politicans to open the gates to more refugees and jews too. Then you will find yourself in the same place as the rest of us in the west. Let them get established and in 10 years they will make you a pro Israel country too. Doesn't matter if you are against it now, they are incredibly organized around the world and this is what they do best. No other race I would say is as organized as they are when it comes to getting things their way. Be very careful friends, only way to resist is to begin to organize yourselves. Here is a sneak peek of what they do best:

>right side image is meant to muddy the waters.
Probably made by this retard:
You're a JIDF shill trying to muddy waters and discredit any criticism.

Attached: 1537403709574.jpg (2048x1365, 481K)

I only see one Icelander posting in here.
Do you have a gun?