Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Nordic Edition

>Fall Edelweiss
>no watermarks, no captions, no branding
>there's no Stage 2
WINTERSONNENWENDE (21-22 Dec) and after. Anywhere cultural enrichment happens and other opportunity targets to get plastered with Edelweiß. Where victims of cultural enrichment are commemorated place live Edelweiß flowers. IOTBW rules apply.

>raise awareness against Compact on Migration
>spread the "ransom sheets" in your town


>Meme Collections

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active

>AfD TV (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

Thread theme


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How come the Taliban put up more of a resistance than >pic related?

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Fake desu

Hey guys, what are they talking about? Is the Pole's German good?

Hahaha fuck off polaczek



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that's not nice. I just thought it was funny. Go fuck yourself, kraut

I don't understand shit...

Bewerbungsbump (do your part)


Mache Eier!

Huhu, Yuuuuriii.


Not much going on. Cozy night.

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But I really like the lore of you being a little wolfy, it's kind of hot desu

What you search for is a Wehrwolf.

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seeing the voting polls makes me almost watch Der Hauptmann again


Was war's letzte?

Watched it 2 Weeks ago on JewTube...never again.

German Wehrwolfy

Time for classics.

Russendiskotime again?

Chink Eyes...please stop


She's trying to be adorable. Let her. It's her birthday week.

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You are always a wehrwolf to me

>It's her birthday week.
Sooo...I have to be friendly?

And back to home.

The music may be cheesy, sadder is the fact that the Germany as portrayed here is crumbling.

Be a gentleanon. Up to you, of course.

Why are these Russian Videos are always so weird? Anyways,have some comfy Zonenmukke :

>Why are these Russian Videos are always so weird?
I think most aren't. I just have a taste for the weird ones.

you slob again

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For your consideration. Patri is tragically always ahead of his time. But put it on your radar and check from time to have whether something develops.

What will you do with Millions in Crypto if you can't cash it out into FIAT Money?It's nice for online Stuff but if States around the Globe declare it illegal,what then?

It's not about currency but governance.

I didn't even say anything dirty! Save the mean talk for bed, Mr Meany-Head Germany.

Do you look like her? It would rise your chances.

That's pretty??

Young, fertile, slim girls/women. Wonderful. For my 4-5 children. And yes, it's pretty.

She's cute

That's my kind of propaganda. :)

Btw. still waiting for some prove that you lost 14kg. A pic without face would do.

I'll post a pic once I've lost another 30.

30 kg ?? Are you serious?

lbs Mr. BKA
that's like 13 kg or something

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Ya, between 13-14kg. Won't take long, around January I suspect.

Make more sense

Don't do it to fast or Jojo will hit you hard.


imagine losing 30 kgs
also checked

Okay, I'll remember that.

fug m8
you sure got a weird fetish

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Will you be a cutie by then?

D-don't hurt my feelings. Stop bullying me.

Hab ick hier wat verpasst?

Of course.

New to me as well. But good initiative. Let's see whether it'll spread.

Good. I already kinda like you for your willpower.

>Starting download of new Chans

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Why does she have French flags under her arm?

One of us?

Most likely it's wip.

this indeed is very broblematic

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Likely. The quads confirm this.

never Baguettey

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twitter gets
don't make me devils advocate

Kraut/pol is dead

afd is not gaining any votes in polls anymore. get ready for a socialist pro-immigration government.

It will only get worse as the sandniggers grow up to be able to vote.

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Just wanted to say I love you, Deutschebros.
Stay strong.

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yeah even the "pro-afd" institute has the green party at 20% now. This is hopeless, glad to be moving away from the upcoming hellhole next month.

its 5 am on a friday

suits me
will only accelerate the collapse
we aren't the US, will never be
you can't run a nation on some meme currency
the dollar is backed by oil
the Euro is backed by thoughts and prayers

>I want to ??? Islam
what does it say

Pray for a cold winter, Nordic brother!

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meme currency made me wealthy enough to straight up buy citizenship, while you people will still be in these threads in 10 years thinking you can change the drones view.

Pics like that add among the reasons why I come to this place and enjoy it.

Your forgot the '/'.

It's over when it's over. Not earlier. Next relevant elections are in the East next year (not EU parliament, they're powerless) and I don't fear that AfD will fall down.

Thankings. what does it say
Please be impressed by my search skillz:


jokes on you
i got dual citizenship

its in my head
crawling under my skin

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>i got dual citizenship
Ahmed, you can thank SPD for that.

you deserve taking over, the native population is doing nothing.

>i got dual citizenship


i doubt you made any significant gains with the Euro
was inflationary from day 1
hell even crypto was against it

maybe you should have went to biz when we told you 2 years ago

oh i did and i am grateful is spend here more than two years to know the kids are talking jack shit
always have
always will

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I can burn my money without these Faggots


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I do things I'm not supposed to frequently.

Give examples, honey.

What kind of things?

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Started in Elementary school, I used to talk excessively about races and how traits are genetic, this put me on a shit list in my school, I mean, it all made sense to me that a Scotsman was different than a Lithuanian. European races and things. I talked about in school because I thought it was supposed to be "open minded learning environment" and I wanted truthful answers from teachers. This is before I even learned about Hitler and the NatSoc or Nazi beliefs, so of course when I learned those things in depths I became kind of obssessed, it just clicked. So I still kept talking about race and you can imagine how this went, even today. Mostly I just talk to my parents about it because I have to let them know they are in some shit and that life isn't vacation but struggle. But I was too young then for people to be wrongfully screaming in my face for wrong think, and became the victim of vicious stalking from a Mexican girl who wanted and tried to kill me.

What consequences did you draw from your race-based views? How much is it NatSoc style?
I remember that you talked about a 100% White society as a political goal, which even I found extreme (and unrealistic). How should we (not) get along with other ethnicities? What are your views and suggestions?

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Consequences were highly misunderstood, isolated. Which is fine, I grew to enjoy the quietness and found theraputic pleasure in books and studying for tests. I used to read an entire Science textbook in 2 days and when I went through everything I would read my much older siblings school books.

My suggestion is isolation. Autobahn theory where a so-called fast lane wide open road leads to brutal influences invading, and a twisty unpaved road keeps them at Bay.

Now after the Global Compact on Migration, they want to get another one through in 2018. One for refugees as well.

How much isolation? And how will that deal with the upcoming GMO'ing of humans?

Example, you know how many people want to visit places like Malibu? Does that mean Malibu has any value?

Highly a lot of isolation. Don't be a Target for the monkey brains. If you have shiny things, expect them to come for you.

Okay, effective border patrol and hard requirements to enter (and stay).
Do you consider your "100% White" a realistic goal? Do you think we get along with specific other ethnicities? And if yes, how should that be managed?

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I'm sure you've heard how they plan to dumb you and your children down. They do this through EVERYTHING. Through things like TV, where they can isolate you, and control you. Example, they try to make tabloids and gossiping a thing, through gossiping of celebrities...this creates a pathway in your brain, and they try to add pleasure to that, so when you gossip you feel pleasure. This is a time I call in the Bible, because it says that gossiping is bad for the brain, and how you should feel brain instead. This suggests that people who gossip are mental insane. Now tell me why would do that? My ideas, is so that you break as a person. More money. Don't be deluded to think that because you have a shiny pebble you are more advanced.

Pain* and also forgot to add a conspiracy about how they are trying to make you more submissive to your ruler through that pathway in the brain they implanted.
Yes. Different tribes develop differently, some develop more similar than others, but this is still little excuse for mixing with them. Example, being Lithuanian, they see things more humbled than Germans do.

Let's continue later. Today afternoon (your time) perhaps. I need to leave now and get stuff done outside.

Okay, I should be home from work by then.

Bump before Breakfast buying

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