What say you Pol?

Have at it.

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Full of shit

What kind of dumb shit is this? Do people really just alpha posture and fucking run into eachother on the street like idiots? If I’m walking And about to collide with someone and they wanna play fuck fuck games and not move I just walk around like a normal person who even cares about dumb shit like this?

Niggers do. If you confront them they go full gorilla mode.

i do the same thing to women and asians..idc if im ignorant
Canadian Niggers stay out of ppls way out side of Detroit... Oof sorry i mean Toronto.

Ha faggot. They won.

sorry mate but that is a bitch move

>Nigs are uneducated

Color me surprised

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Niggers are worse than actual monkeys. At least a monkey can be trained. All niggers do is fuck, steal, and complain.

75.1K likes for bragging about being a rude, racist cunt.

Asians never fucking move out of the way. I need to start bowling right through when they don't.

Best I could do on such short notice

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I hate it when negros get in front of me and drive really slow.

I know they do it on purpose.

So I lived in san francisco a couple years and this actually happened to me few times, from angry feminist types. Like, it's not that hard to coordinate walking and staying a bit towards the right side of the sidewalk, but every once in awhile I had some dyke stare me down like I was satan incarnate and stride forward like she was in fucking normandy.

don't forget "stink"

You have people who worry about others moving out of their way on the side walk, and you have people worried about creating a western civilization of nice sidewalks.

ruthless. post reactions before the ban

i've noticed this theme with black people in nyc

they're just so dumb i assume they won't move. they never move over in the subway either and take up all the room. esp when its a fat ugly black girl

There was a pack of niggers chilling in the road by parked cars blocking an entire lane of traffick. Just noggin around in the street. People driving had to swerve in the other lane to pass.

i would just walk through this stinky nigger. what the fuck is she thinking what is going to happen? are city faggots as pussy as i always thought they were?
i cant wait till we drop the bridges, and the entire city eats itself

>hurrr you would've been hung 70 years ago.

Fuckin cuck

Do you think black people can smell whites like we do? Do we smell like white people or nice to them? Genuinely curious.

I notice that "oppressed people" play this game with me as I walk through town. Also walk really slow that you want to push past them. It's a setup to gain oppression points when you naturally don't conform to their intentional bullshit. They play both sides, the naiive and the knowing.

Sorry I hurt your feelings Tyrone

Thats probably the most beta reply ever

Tell us when the cops are beating down your door.

we smell like wet dog to them, or so ive been told. i told the coons they smell like burnt shit, because they do.
the only way to win with niggers is to be more aggressive than they are

We don’t secrete grease but niggers literally do and that is what you are smelling.

I don't want their filth to make contact with me

Do you beat your chest like a gorilla every time you charge at someone and they move out the way, you silly nigger?

that's hanged, Jamal.

koko the gorilla had an IQ in the mid to upper 80's. literally smarter than most niggers.

>Sidewalk chicken
No, it's called not being an indignant nigger. Whites are born with courtesy, apparently that's exclusive.

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What now, nigger?

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They do it on purpose. I am an ER doctor and I deal with them on a daily basis. They live for moments where they can inconvenience white people (or Asians - often they can't tell the difference between Whites and Asians and even Hispanics).

Often I have to tell them (the black people) to move out of the doorway as they are blocking people. They pretend not to hear me and look at each other and smirk. They know damn well what they are doing. So I just nod at security and they get them to move because they are still afraid of anyone with a badge (for good reason).

I could tell you so many stories about blacks stealing things in the ER and going into other peoples things but that is for another thread. Just realize that this is the one thing in life they live for is to make your day a living hell. So just ignore them - that will make them the angriest. Just keep an eye out so you don't end up with me having to take care of you in the ER. Remember - around blacks NEVER relax.

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Fuckin sheboons!

I’ve had nigras try this with me. My solution: Always walk in the right side of the sidewalk and ask them what side of the road they drive on if they bump you. I’ve yet to have someone seriously contest this question.

I actually love doing this to women

>The underground woman

>5th avenue bankers
Bluegummed and bluepilled.

>My dear dad will beat you up

Dead* fuck me

For what, you beta faggot?

Living in manhattan,the biggest problem is slow as fuck people. Dont impede foot traffic and you will never have a problem. This woman is probably slow as fuck and when she gets called on it, of course it is racial issue. The Somali vendors would curse her slow ass out as much anyone else.

Not even with a stolen dick...cunt

The boondocks already did an episode with this in it.

Had to verify this to be sure. Niggers are on the higher end of their iq average still dumber than koko the gorilla. On some tests the gorilla scored around 100.

At least you know its effective. Look at this fuckin nigger


at least he knew his you worthless nigger.

Close line

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> could tell you so many stories about blacks stealing things in the ER and going into other peoples things but that is for another thread
You have my curiosity

>i bump into 5th avenue bankers while walking in the street, this makes up for the fact that i'm a poor nigger and they're rich

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They do the same with cars , niggers are dumb . youtube.com/watch?v=DpMGuMSKRxY

huh, wasnt that show mainstream?


Ahahahahahah! You're a maniac. I love this so much


>fuck fuck games

Soldier detected.

So true, in DC all old, negro, fat woman feel it’s their right to take up two seats. I shit you not I sat next to one this morning as a fuck you and made her move over but it took every ounce of her will to do that.

yea i know they do it on purpose. i don't really care though i just think of them as leaches on society that lives a pathetic barbaric life

makes me wish i had a gun though, because speaking up to a retard with nothing to lose is not worth my time unless they're completely blocking my way.

I hope the nogs eat the bankers limbs while they're still alive.

Thats an awful thing to do, you are just making us all look bad.

Rah lcpl

>Do people really just alpha posture and fucking run into eachother on the street like idiots?
it makes niggers feel dominant. kek, you think these apes would let something like common courtesy cuck them? fat chance white boy.

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>Continues using her phone to record


That is exactly what I do. I'm sick and tired of inconsiderate niggers and me having to step aside like the cucky white boy. I'm 6'6 and 200 pounds, I've started just walking through them. Stop being a bitch and stepping aside for these people.

speak for yourself, niggerlover

That is easily solved...

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These brightened up my day. Thanks, anons.

Seconded. Black wife says we smell like wet dog. I told her that her people smell like niggers. It was a fun night.

I'm 6'7", 220 and I just come to a dead stop. Then they can either run into me or go around, their choice.

It's kind of hard for them to be mouthy if they run into a fucking tree.

imagine a street full of these 300 lb goblinos walking in perfectly straight lines and bouncing off each other like bumper cars.

It's simple. You have a job and time is important to you. She lives on welfare and time is a prison. She's mistake momentary pleasures for happiness. As a result she's miserable and looks to ruin the day of huwites who aren't as miserable as her.

why arent they driving like real americans?

Most annoying thing in the world is when you accidentally bump shoulders with a woman and notice she tensed, meaning she deliberately collided with you. Makes me wish I can turn time back 5 seconds and full body barge her

Reminder that if you don’t move you are literally a NPC

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Edgy enough.

I would just call her a nigger and keep walking.

This is the kind of shit I've had enough of. Although there's nothing I can do about this particular negress, I have started treating blacks differently. I own a small business and I've started charging niggers more for my services. I also dont hire them anymore (not that I did a lot in the past, but now they aren't even considered).

I've cut every black person I knew out of my life, but that was years ago when BLM started. They were always difficult to be around, then they just became insufferable. Now I avoid all black people as best I can.

>I also dont hire them anymore (not that I did a lot in the past, but now they aren't even considered).
I work for a large company and I do this all the time. Of course I have to be PC, so I always pick one mohammed and a jamal/shaniqua to interview. It gives me the opportunity to zone out and enjoy a coffee in between the real interviews.

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Economics is the best way to keep these people under your boot. If every white man who owned a business knew this, we'd have much better control over these animals. Hire less, charge more, it keeps them in their own neighborhoods around their own kind. Which is the way they want anyways.

>living everyday life thinking every little thing is a battle
I would feel bad for them if it wasnt so funny.

You have to go back

>they won
>they have to use public transport with all the other NPCs.
mfw driving 7 series.

>thinking there are any bankers on 5th avenue
5th avenue is all shops and tourists. But i wouldn't expect a nigger to be able to find the Financial District on a map

i got tired of all the needless bullshit they cause and having to handle them with kid gloves so there's no chimp outs in the work place. finally i just decided not to deal with them anymore.

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Fuck your optics, we're going in.

Kek. Was sitting here and started to chuckle at the thought of some sheboon waking up, spending the morning getting ready for the big job interview, taking the bus downtown, all so you can kick your feet up on the desk for a mid morning break while she goes over all of her "qualifications". Better luck next time nigger.

You can waste your money on ammo. I like to save money.

I would just walk around them. You don't have to touch them, and they get to feel a bit better about their pathetic life. Win win

They have nothing to live for... making you move is their win for the day.

You know whats fun? Tossing a full big gulp out your window right into a nog thats standing too close to the edge of the sidewalk. You can see the animalistic anger & confusion form in their facial muscles as they hoot & holler as you drive away.

Lmao. Youve obviously never lived around minorities. My wife once got her shoe stepped on 5 times in a 5 minute walk.

They will stop in the middle of isle ways, shoulder check you, walk in lock step, be inconsiderate and rude, have full conversations blocking everything, go out of their way to make your life worse. They will spit in your fucking food or put mop water in it.

These kinds of passive violence are prevelant whenever minorities dominate an area.

Its about intimidation and power.

Just wait till you have a black man walk lockstep with you.

Das rite

This is exactly what niggers do. Obviously you are not acquainted with the nigger problem.