Why do Jews hate Israelis ??

Attached: JEWS.png (1398x920, 1.63M)

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Because Israelis are those who claim they are jews, but do lie.




alright I'll give you the low down from my Lebanese preist
>"you see orthodox jews hate the state of
>Israel, they see it as an plot from Satan to put
>all the jews in 1 area at once so they'll be
>easier to kill, and the Zionist love Israel think
>its God fulfilling his prophecy
Tldr; Zionist's are nationlist (((alt-right))) jews, and Orthodox jews are (((commies)))

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>Israel, they see it as an plot from Satan to put
Jews dont believe in Satan. That's a Vatican meme.

Attached: jesus satan shadow.png (1337x1160, 1.17M)

Many observant Jews don't approve of Israel because they believe Israel will be created once the prophet comes, so they think zionism is illegitimate.
Many non observant left wing Jews disapprove of Israel because they hate the concept of nationhood and they sympathize with the "poor brown people fighting western imperialism".

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>There are based Jews.

>There are many good Jews.

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orthodox jews are nothing like commies, atheist jews were commies.

Because having a homeland makes them no longer Jews.

>put all the jews in 1 area at once so they'll be easier to kill
It is a pretty good plan though

>le not all jews, goyim
fuck off, JIDF

>satan is literally a hebrew word meaning "accuser/tempter"
its the personification as an entity opposed to God that is wrong
Satan is sent by God to test us.


Who cares what some jews think? They are insane.

Because maybe some jews legitimately only want to bite on baby foreskin at peace, while the zionist Israelis give a bad name to all jews.

Attached: zion.jpg (600x400, 50K)

they aren't jews and they are not
israel, they relate to nut geb and set
nugese! they are roman identity thieves.

Attached: real jews armenia fake jews amalekite rome2.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Bruh Satan is a jewish word, they see Jesus as that, All Jews orthodox or not know there is a devil, the Anti-Christ is a Christian idea tho
you sure about that
>pic related
Even the bible says it'll happen this way

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>Even the bible says it'll happen this way

in the middle of revelation it says jeruasalme will be burning

>As for the modern State of Israel, its beginnings lie in the 19th century, when the Jewish nationalist movement Zionism took shape. Members of the movement usually referred to the hoped-for nation to be formed in Palestine as “the Jewish State,” as it was called by Theodor Herzl (in German) - “Der Judenstaat.”

>Then the small band turned to discussing what to name the state.

>According to the only source extant for the proceedings, an article by Palestine Post writer Moshe Brilliant, published a year later, at first the group wanted to go with the name Judah, the name of the ancient Jewish Kingdom. But this name was rejected, after some discussion, since most of historic Judah fell outside the borders of the nascent state according to the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine that was on the table at the time.

>The group turned to other possible names - among them “Zion” and “Tzabar” (sabra) - but then someone suggested “Israel” and a vote was held. The name "Israel" won by 7 to 3.

>As for who suggested the name, Brilliant says that it was Ben-Gurion himself. It is possible however that as he wrote a year after the event, he got this detail wrong. Moshe Sharett, Israel’s second prime minister, had been calling the future Jewish State “The State of Israel” in speeches at least since 1946, while Ben-Gurion was using “Medinat HaYehudim” (“The State of the Jews”), so it seems plausible that it was Sharett, not Ben-Gurion. (In an interview in 1965, Ben-Gurion was asked who suggested the name, and replied he didn’t remember).
