Why did the left become anti-science biology deniers?

Why did the left become anti-science biology deniers?

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They pretend to love science, but their first and only true love is degeneracy.

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equal and opposite reaction to eugenics
Im partially terrified they are going full retard so they can go for a second round of muscle bound goyim while dissidents are gassed

The fucking state of that hon.

I'd bet £100 he's been married to some poor unfortunate woman and has secretly fapped wearing women's underwear for years

They only claimed to love science because they watched Big Bang Theory and thought it actually counted for something. They’re mostly all wired to be emotional not analytical so it really never made sense for them to say that

Bahahahahah yasss! Islam and trannies for the UK!

2 words : lysenkoism

>the left
You mean liberals
It's always liberals.

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Don't you guys find it kind of funny how your now in the isolation ward instead of the fags? Faggots used to have to hide their anal leakage like you guys hide your power level.

man, this fucking planet is gone total bananas. the fall of rome is happening to the west and we cant stop it. just watching the niggas rape us while white men run around in dresses denying reality.

My left leaning friend was boasting about how horrible religion is and how much it has harmed society. I told him some of the amazing things Religion and Religious people have done for the world and even for the realm of science and education.

He said science is still the only way forward and religion should just die, I asked him to name 10 scientists of any field, and he completely shut down.


sounds like a retard

The moral of the story is they all probably are. Call them out on their shit. The people who speak the loudest about a subject are the ones who know the least about it.

Why are conservatives anti-science climate change deniers

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The left's priorities
Feelings > Science > Economics

The right's priorities
Economics > Science > Feelings

im a fookin woman me lyk

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They're emotionally charged automatons that react on external stimuli; they literally have no cognitive function.

They are a literal step below a NPC, no different than a beast.

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You have to be literally retarded to not believe in global warming and even if you dont why is not destroying the planet a bad thing? The denial is started by huge corporations so they can dump their shit cheaply

For conservatives it's climate change and Darwinism they deny. For liberals it's vaccinations and biological sex.

When it became convenient for them to do so.

why are they all looking at her


It's simple. Who pays scientists?
Exactly, just like your nine-to-five office clerk they just need the job and money, don't talk back to your boss too often and you'll live comfortable.

I did the same, could've done an article on something risky, I didn't and now I I'm just living the good life.


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The left has never been pro-science. They've been pro-"science". They love to use very simplistic interpretations of pop-science to fuel their delusional altruism, but when reality doesn't align with their moral posturing, they disregard reality.
They've been doing this openly since at least the 90's with the controversy over The Bell Curve and probably well before that. We can point to the hippie/alternative lifestyle movement's pressure to shut down mental health facilities in the 60s as an example of early modern left anti-scientism.

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Progressives have been trying to force science to support their political positions since the late 19th century. Amusingly, one of the first examples was scientific racism as part of their support for eugenics. Today, this is mostly seen in social "sciences" which are largely unscientific.


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It depends on the topic and how it fits the narrative.

A core concept of every major Leftist socio-political organization (from the Soviet Union to whatever shit there is floating around now), is the idea of Social Constructionism. The Left (and I fell into this trap to a lesser extent too in my youth) is the belief that people are socially constructed. If everyone is only different because of the circumstances of their social existence, then the competition that people on the Left have failed at every single step in their inferior lives wasn't their fault, it was others that had social advantages or were cheating.

The left is dominated by three psychological elements: Ego into Resentment into Spite:

Ego in that they think their are superior or equal and yet fail or come up short on every thing they do when competing against others.

Resentment for those that beat or are more successful than they are.

Spite when they can't handle the pressure and have the release valve that those they were competing against had hidden advantages or were cheating.

This part is important: The Left when achieving power, attempts to equalize everything. This never works because no two people are ever the same in any one task. Ever. The wealth gets redistributed, but the successful continue to be successful because they're better at what they are doing. The left, then stuck in their ego trap can't figure out why. Ah it must be because they are immoral and of poor character. That's what created the Gulags.

The answer to your question OP: Always. They were always this way. They have always used the word "science" (Such as Scientific Socialism) as a backstop purely because it stands in opposition to religions such as Christianity, which up until recently were the core of the Western, competitive, "Patriarchal" society.

They're just religious nuts and always will be. It's why Marxism is simply in permanent conflict with Religion wherever it goes.

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>inb4 reddit spacing

I just realized the mess that I wrote.

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Answer: when the right also became anti-science climate change deniers.

Progressives have been using pseudoscience to push their agenda since the end of the 19th century. "The Right" picked it up post-WWII to defend corporate actions and thus corporate profits, as seen with opposing environmentalism (pre-climate change debate) and defending cigarette companies.

If you're going to claim one came before the other and thus justifies the other, you should at least have the order of things for that atrocious argument.

They do it because it suits their needs. Just like how the Christian right has been denying science for ages. It's the same coin. Just different sides.

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fuck lol funny meme

Remind me why do we even give these mentally ill people the time of day?

Entertainment value?

>Republicans deny importance of the environment and refuses to acknowledge that fossil fuels are shit.
>Democrats ignore biology and shifts on nuclear energy because it's scary to them.
>Both parties deny racial differences.
A party actually caring about science would do wonders for this country, but retards would never actually vote for the unpleasant truths of the world.

Absolute hon

That is obviously a beautiful woman you bigot!

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Uh sweety, trans issues are well understood in contemporary gender science. How about you pick up a textbook, ok?

Can't tell if it's a tranny or just your average jewess

It's Chuck Schumer's wife. Nominally biologically female.

Since it was convenient to keeping their slaves voting for them.

Gonna need to see some solid proof of that shit before I believe a word of it.


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>conservacucks deny climate change
>conservacucks deny evolution
>conservacucks deny the existence of gay and trans people

oh please tell me more about how it's the left who are anti-science

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The left is anarchy. The right is order.

This is the only reason for the distinction between the two.

Rightists who want freedom like libertarians are completely ineffective politically, because the right should not ever use the tactics of the left, (even though most conservatives and some liberals agree that libertarians have many sound economic ideas.)

While leftists want more and more state control, they don't actually want order. Only the dwindling left authoritarians (e.g. stalinists) want order, but no one really listens to them anyway.

For the most part leftists want MORE of what we already have: democratic & bureaucratic anarchy: millions of little bureaucratic councils with their own competing agendas, known as the Permanent State, with some democracy thrown into the mix (decisions made by uniformed or biased citizens) just to make things that much more chaotic. This system is known as fair, and any deviation from this formula is labelled "tyranny" or oppression.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat."

When they saw the studies that show encouraging mental illness and trannies that want to transition results in 40 percent suicide rate.
It's also why they encourage abortion because studies show that minorities utilize abortion multiple times more than whites.
Republicans tell the trannies that transitioning isn't the answer to mental illness because it is not normal, and never good to encourage mental illness. Just like how we tell niggers to stop being promiscuous, and encourage them with the nuclear family model, because it is proven to be the main problem with niggers not being taught by a father figure (that and their violent ignorant nature).
Democrats know these statistics and facts, but don't really want to help their voting base, as long as they don't have fathers/husbands, it forces them to be a slave to the welfare system. As long as they encourage abortion, Democrats have a working racial euthenasia program. As long as they encourage trannies to transition, they get their votes and eventually kill themselves, it's better to have a crazy voter for a few years than no voter at all if we decide they are not of sound mind and can't make decisions for themselves, they cant vote.

It isn't an either or situation. It's both.

Ideologies cannot let science disprove them. Instead they must curate "responsible science" that doesn't lead to any conclusions that challenge it.

An ideology cannot be SUBJECT or LIMITED TO the 'rules of nature', or it wouldn't be an ideology.

Because they are what they accuse others of being.