Has he ever gotten his shit pushed in by someone he has interviewed?

Has he ever gotten his shit pushed in by someone he has interviewed?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-15 Hate Speech Isn't Real (2nd Edition) Change My Mind - YouTube.png (930x523, 1.07M)

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I was there, I was trying to get him to talk about the banks but he wanted to stay on topic
His topics are gay

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This kid owned him.


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pic realated srerious question

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he got punched and never able to find and sue the the perp

>Has he ever gotten his shit pushed in by someone he has interviewed?
Yeah a 18yr old Nationalist kid destroyed him and he went full SJW mode

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They just need to point out that Crowder interrupts people constantly to change the direction of the argument. He has complete control too since he is holding the mic.

Some lefty kid called him out for being a shill n he start sperging.

Dem milkers tho

haha this

I remember this. Crowder was pissing blood after this.

Keep in mind that he edits videos at his discretion. So we only get to see the cartoonish creatures on college campuses that make his nutty grade. That's the mendacity of his whole "change my mind" nonsense.

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this was great until this fucking idiot started talking over the video.

>mfw she just blurts out to the cop that she was raped a while ago
how must the cop have feeled

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My favorite part is it never clicked for Crowder the kid was a national socialist.

He cherry picks his battles. When he is shown some weaknesses in his narrative he either chimps out or switches topic. Like most talking heads regardless of their political views.

I know a chick that looks like her IRL. Shes a total bitch and got mad at me for saying “retarded” while talking to a friend about engine timing, She told me it was as bad as “calling an african-american the N word”.

Another time she got mad because i made fun of modern country, shes still mad about that one lol. She tries way too hard to be edgy too because shes got pet tarantulas that she says are therapeutic to play way.

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Based natsoc


Here he is talking to nick fuentes


This kid definitely browses Jow Forums. Bet you hes the one that always brings it up and links the vid.

This guy really couldntve muted himself on the fucking Skype call?

Got his shit pushed in by Joe Rogan.

>shit pushed in
Rogan sperging out about weed and Crowder whining and denying is hardly a real debate

Yeah, they are both just dick measuring faggots. Don't really care about logic and facts, just about winning the argument.

he probably has but don't expect him to film it or upload it.

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Crowder is physically imposing

Once by some young dude until the guy said autistic and Steven disregarded his whole argument and went off about offensive language, riling up a mob to heckle the kid