Oldfag Q&A

You faggots blew it on the last one. You all want to know how this works, what is going on? Ask away. You have questions? I have simple, concise answers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Alice In Chains or Soundgarden?

How would you handle the situation in related pic?

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Down on the Upside was my first album, I must recuse myself.

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Let the Platty get me ripped on her sweet sweet juice.

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Platypuses are for pets. FAG

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When Jow Forums was first starting we kept getting raids from Newgrounds, we called them newfags. Now people new to Jow Forums thinks it means new people and even newer people made up the term oldfag.

Confused about the nature of reality? Want to know why Trump is sucking wind and Q is nowhere in sight? Bounce that ball you ball fondlers.

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*Are for petting.

Sick burn. Thread is toast.

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What. did you forget to use your VPN?

Holy shit I outed myself I am 1 day old where's my triforce.

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Whats a YHWY?

Virtual Penis Network? I never forget that.

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Beatles or Stones?

Yahweh. Do you even Demiurge, bro?

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Fuck away from my wife cunt

Satanic Illuminati think tank faggots. I like them both.

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What do now?

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Who is Nassim Harry Man?

Art Harder.

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I agree, but I like the Stones more because I think they tried to push back a little with thier lyrics insongs like sympathy and shattered

Unsure of reference, I am thinking of youtube shooter?

How old is your fingerbox collection?

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Your wife is a cunt and you're a cunt and there's no question here so no I won't.

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I like you Aussies, Always taking the piss out. God speed you Abbo ass licking faggot. Sorry you gave up your guns after one false flag, it's almost impossible to believe considering your shit posting abilities. All I can think is that you have to start drinking later in the day if you want to stop the lawmakers.

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My mom told me those were penis warmers.

>bring this new
Not an oldfag, gb2 >>>/reddit/

I am catering to the crowd. Ask a serious question and get a serious answer. I am here to talk to people about something that they want to know about, if this is it then this is it.

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Personally, my oldest is a '77. I'm hoping my grand dad leaves me his in his will; he's got a couple really nice ones from around the turn of the last century.

Velvet Revolver, albeit not as old, is way better than both.

>claim oldfag
>gets exposed by oldest trick in the book
You’ll have more luck on /x/ and god knows they need the traffic, it’s a slow board but youre guaranteed replies.
On a serious note
What are you’re thoughts on mini black helicopters and their relation to cattle mutilation?

It's a beautiful set. I am unfamiliar with the game but I appreciate good craftsmenship of any type

I don't know much about Asian culture but I think a number of Asian schools of thought hit the nail on the head. Taoism, Daoism, Budhism to name a few.

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Yet still awful

That is a wrong statement sir. Good day.

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Have you seen the new ones, I know they have to advertise to a younger more modern base but really the craftsmanship took a hit once they started mass producing them, just look at this shit.

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>Doesn't care about your claims of old/new fag status.

>Has no interest in your retarded question but will answer hypocrisy is annoying.

Probably some kind of post exposure testing, or just more scare tactics by people who want us to believe that Cory Goode and the like are the real deal.

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Gays detected

Patrician taste, and kek agrees

Alright guys, here's a big boy question. What does IXXI mean.

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Does anyone want to know how predictive programming really works?

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Are you retarded faggots interested in knowing how powerful memetics *really* are?

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What do you think about the way guys aren't as chivalrous as their grandpa's and father's? I've noticed that most of my friends do not open the doors fir their girlfriends while it's only me and one other friend do the old style of taking care of your girl. I've asked my friends if they knew their grandparents and they said they were in a home or that their grandparents passed when they were young.
I asked my homey that does open the door, pull the chair out for, and walk with his hand on his girls lower back if he knew his grandparents. He said his grandparents lived with his family and they were still there. Which is exactly like my family. What I'm asking you is do you think masculine tendacies in a boy/man are learned through learning from their fathers or not? If not what do you think are the reasons?

Right on, brother.

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> says he doesn’t care about status yet tries so hard to fit in by stating he’s an oldfag
I’ve never followed Corey but you get a lot of valid information from the fringe. Like ufo sightings, previously complete foreign tech unrelateable to the people during early sightings but now we can attribute it to early drone testing by watching how they move and now we have a more solid basis to better comprehend what that tech actually was.

That's universally true. Everything manufactured is shit nowadays.

It’s 9/11 in Roman numerals

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Divide and conquer societal conditioning. Men and Women are being taught to resent one another and their mutually exclusive roles. Holding the door open is viewed as an antiquated habit, a relic from a time when people viewed women as things to be *cared for*, which they are. Women getting the vote was one of many terrible mistakes made by American men. But we were, are, and always have been brainwashed by people that know how to program us.

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I want to tongue punch that dirt star

No, narcissist, no one cares about your little ego display here

You are a fag

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Wow did you just point at my retard trap and fall into it? I bet you think Bill Cooper and Alex Jones are the real deal, too. Get woke, bro. You don't know shit.

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Meanwhile you haven’t posted anything of value, but let’s all grovel to our /newfriend/ so he can bestow wisdom upon us. Fuck off double nigger

The only question I have is why does this thread exist?

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Yes, and what is this?

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I feel honored.

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A jew cult, what do you want to know oh wise one

Yeah, I'm really getting a boost by pissing directly into the wind. Hurddly durrddly.

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Who's sigil was the star of David's before the flood? I know they stole it from a predeludge temple, but that's as far as I could figure out.

>That Gif

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I was always told that people like to learn instead of being told. That's a Jesuit ring, and is allegorical for many things.

Interesting, I asked my grandad when he noticed when guys weren't doing those things and he said he noticed in the 2000's. He said guys would still do that shit (his words) all the time. He also blamed the commie teachers in schools too. Yeah grandpa really hates commies.

Again your post is meaningless
>but uhhh I was just pretending to be retarded

It is a sigil that predates recorded history, it means unified consciousness, the merging of the left and the right hemispheres of the brain. Balance, and the facilitation of reason and growth of the Corpus Collosum.

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What is important?

I appreciate your bumps. My post is not retarded, I am answering you directly every time. Do you have a question, or do you just want to try to argue with me? If you want to argue, please choose something substantive to argue about.

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Your grandfather is a smart man.

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Your actions in this world. They feed directly into your life and the world at large. Free will is real, and choosing to do the right thing has a positive impact. Heaven and Hell are inside of you. The Kingdom of God is within you. It is all allegory for how you act and feel as a result of those actions.

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You haven’t directly addressed anything and the jew star represents the Platonic solids.
Also I haven’t been bumping check my name, newfriend

If you know the occult you know it represents many things. Male and Unit. Sacred Geometry. Consciousness, among many other things. Do you have any argument? Or are you just working a pedantic wedge?

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Thanks Dogg, I gotta be ready with a fresh one for you reverse toilet niggers

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That is one of the worst gifs I have ever seen

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Youre dense as hell m8, yes it can mean many things but again you haven’t stated anything of importance in this thread, if you want to deep dive in right there with you but you would rather state surface level shit as if it’s a concrete answer.
>hurrr durr it mean many thing
Drop knowledge or drop out

Who controls Israel?

Americas protection, it’s a symbiotic relationship we’re we both exist in our current form because of the other

What do you want to know? How many more ways do I have to say it? 42. There it is you mohogany dense moron.

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David Eddings fucking rules

Also your files are indicative of at least 2010-era chans, and you're doing the work of the *real lord*, not the demiurge, dropping some knowledge on the weak of will here. good luck and godspeed.

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Haha, that's a classic. Always makes me laugh.

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Are you a traveling man?

I already know everything, skippy.

This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The Black Venetian Nobility that has run the show since time before Rome. The Nation states we see today are part of a Political theater that is being slowly orchestrated to collapse literally, so as to collapse or Jungian Archetypical notions of it at the same time, so that we may accept a post nation, post border NWO.

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Thank you my friend. Feel Free to bump with any info you might have that's interesting.

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Has the anti-christ arrived?

Yes, but not with your sodomite band of brothers. I travel to the east, the west, and anywhere else the search of knowledge leads me. Enjoy your ass cream.

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Do you think I am John Podesta? Haha, I really hope you do. I will tell my friends.

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I told people on a board of politics to ask questions. This is what I got. Who is to blame here?

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