Trumpkins are running like rats

Trumpkins are running like rats.
Is Jow Forums Libertarian again?

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Oh it's the Snake Pliskin avatarfag again. Suck-start a shotgun, homo.

The God Emperor will always prevail, sissy boy faggot, hit your vape libshit

Lolbertardians get the bullet too.



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call me that in person and I'll collapse your throat, faggot

I want liberty, not democracy.

if you can't beat em, join em

Divide and conquer thread

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>this fatty

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Lmao fuck you kike and your puppet

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Obviously putting our faith in a leader is wrong.

Hitler got everyone killed.
Trump turned out to be a criminal who does nothing for his country.

But Libertarianism is still a fucking joke.
There's no solution to our problem.


That explains so much.

kill yourself shill rat

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>Is Jow Forums Libertarian again?
Hell yeah, hilldog all the way.

Fuck drumpf, hate speech and racism

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>Trump turned out to be a criminal