>There are people on Jow Forums right now that don't own a gun of some sort.
>In times like these.
Explain yourselves.
There are people on Jow Forums right now that don't own a gun of some sort
Other urls found in this thread:
>away at college
campus doesn't allow weapons
I'm living within a totalitarian state
Ahahahaha faggot
A right that's not expressed ceases being a right
>live in canada
that your "SBR" mp5 or did you rent it at the range?
am poorfag
That's mine. A 9mm """carbine""" is perfect for cramped apartments
I managed to import a sharpened butterknife from the UK before they shut down manufacture of those
Posting in a CIA nigger honeypot data mining thread, r8 my AR
I do though.
>using an NFA item in a self defense scenario
I dont believe in violence
>HK Shill
You buy ugly guns.
I bet you are a bad shot and have shitty range manners as well
Jesus wouldn't own one
Guns are dangerous and I think we should repeal the 2nd amendment user
That's a very nice M4-gery
I have 3 and feel severely under armed. How can anyone not even own one??
Nice acog.
Correct, Jesus would own several firearms, not just one.
You're right, he would own plenty.
Why would you need a firearm they can hurt people!
Arm braces aren’t stocks
I own like 15ish guns I'm just not legally allowed to possess them.
Here's my latest btw
aah i see it's a brace. nice.
Yeah I'm pretty well innawoods so I haven't really got a need for a pcc. I am always drawn to the shockwaves when I'm at my LGS... but idunno. I could spend a tad more and just get an AR. I probably will black friday.
I think primitive weapons are cooler. Plus the cool guns are expensive.
Are those dem suisse army rifles?
They look sicc
because literally nothing will ever happen
there will never be a race war
there will never be another major war or even a revolution
the future is docile whites handing over their political and economic power to jews, niggers and spics while watching netflix until they go demographically extinct
>inb4 nuh-uh
literally nothing ever happens or will happen again, screencap that shit because its true nigger
>away working
Country doesn’t allow weapons.
knida meh. as long as the parts are good. I don't like those barrels though, and acogs seem like kind of a waste, if not an outright meme. you could have gotten 2 more half decent ARs for that kinda money, or fucking thousands of rounds of ammo and spare parts instead, which really would have been the wiser choice I think.
but hey, whatever tickles your pickle.
Im in a blue state. They'll take my oiece anytime shit goes down by subjugating all weapon owners a enemies or possible enemies.
I'm not risking my freedom for politics, I'll just fuck off to Canada.
I am poor
they'll take my piece
Thanks for posting this OP. Seen lots of anti gun threads today. I think shills are a on schedule. Yesterday’s shill topic was muh minimum wage, today is guns, tomorrow will probably be illegal aliens
We've taken to sharpening spoons.
I never could really stand a scope on a levergun.
The classification does not effect your ability to defend yourself you fucking plebeian
I have the same one, yet to take it to the range.
OP's rented guns in a range
No guns should remain quiet
>not owning a five-seven
ooh that sucks.
It does affect your ability to not go to jail for doing it.
they have been hitting heavy with the stupid 'stay in your lane' crap.
>wanting to spend 3x more on ammo in a $1500 piece of plastic
>using a memeflag
Do so soon. I didn't know how much fun a 9mm """carbine""" was until I had one.
Come at me
Lol true, it's unnecessary but it came with it and I'm gonna try the irons before deciding if I want the scope or not. As it stands this gun is totally virginal
Very nice. I prefer open sights on levers but I'd still shoot it.
Between the red ryder I had as a kid and my Great Grandfathers Winchester I inherited I've grown a soft spot for lever guns.
>tfw almost own as many guns as years on this earth
I'm homeless and lost my ID so I'm fucked
Those are really nice decorative paperweights user, everyone should have one or two of those on hand to keep their papers from blowing away.
No, it does not. Using a firearm is using a firearm. There's no "it's legal to own, but illegal to use"
Five-sevens are terrible guns. Not to mention 5.7x28mm that you can get as a civilian is intentionally underpowered to prevent it defeating body armor.
He has a brace on it.
Im poorfag too, but save up $200 and buy a cheap shotgun or atleast a hipoint. Its not that hard to learn to budget.
>his tactical knife doesn't have a scope
shit sux get a hi-point or a walmart shotgun. each will run you ~$150+ tax.
if you have even the worst job, you have no reason to cut some entertainment bills for a few months to save $150.
What model is this?
Every time they cry about the NRA bogeyman, I’m always reminded that they’re too stupid to setup/find an interest group that can compete with it. They always repeat the “99% are in favor of gun control” meme, but still they can’t get anything done. Money on their side, masses, false flags, celebrities, elites- still they can’t do shit. Imagine being that big of failure. Now they’re relying on Jewish doctors lmao.
in a life or death situation i think the accuracy, muzzle velocity, and ballistic trajectory is worth the money, not even with considering the recoil, weight, and capacity
though it's a pretty large handgun which is the only real drawback
>those fucking sheets
should have spent the money on a new linen set
I’m trying to get my first rifle but I live and work in the high desert of SoCal. What should I get boys
That’s a lazy excuse
ooh do you have your social security card?
I prefer a nice saw with a 12" rough cut blade. Nobody messes with me.
Take a day trip to Nevada or Arizona with $5k in your pocket.
that must be why the secret service uses it
No shit? I was gonna get one for my CC but this is good to know. I'm still assuming if you reload you could make it powerful enough to beat body armor but is there an inherent downside to the round?
The bottom one sits next to my desk at all times inc ase of break in, you're a fool.
sounds like a fudd faggot.
Remember anons, you do not need to be like some big fat boomer with 50 guns you never have time to shoot. One carbine or handgun that you can train with once a month and get good with is all any user needs.
Is that the push button magazine release that you've pinned so it's paddle release only?
Yeah they’re nice CA compliant paper weights. Weighs down paper perfectly.
Ehhh, even if you load your own rounds it would have an over-penetration problem. You're responsible for every bullet you shoot, so you might as well shoot something that's going to stop on the first person it hits.
Guns are expensive mate.
Marlin 336w, good action so far but still a little stiff
>In times like these.
if you legitimately think a civil war or some shit will happen you are just as stupid as the people who thought a civil war would happen 50 years ago.
stop acting like the crazy fringe groups are the majority.
>NFA item
Heckler and Koch was started by ex-NSDAP arms makers and currently boycotts Israel. They're literally our guys
>in times like these
>opening day for gun season in michigan
based and redpilled.
guns are good to own.
but heres the thing
how many people here have 3 to 6 months supply of food minimum with a transceiver radio
well, ballistic trajectory isn't really an issue with handgun distances, and it's not particularly more accurate than any other decent quality handgun. using a handgun is almost all skill. if you want any real increase in accuracy, that's when you up the game to a rifle (or braced pistol)
"a bad shot from a rifle is better then a good shot from a pistol" - some dude
still, the five-seven's only real advantage is magazine capacity.
True, I guess that's what the killtecs with dragons breath rounds are for lmao
Why would a range rent a semi auto MP5 with a pistol brace when they could just as easily buy a full auto from HK for range use and charge 5 times more?
I have an MPX I really like, prob will get the evo down the road once I get a few guns I’ve been putting off
dragons breath is a meme. use birdshot.
i think you've watched one too many cartel snuff films
to be fair, if you used a legal full auto weapon in a self defense situation it would definitely be a hassle in court.
You can only post in this thread from now on if your firearm has been proven the world over.
They also try as hard as they can to boycott civilian sales. Fuck them.
>that guy who worries about potential hearing loss in a self-defense situation that has a very little chance of occurring.
>if your firearm has been proven the world over.