This is the Princess of Belgium

say something nice about her.

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She will be very powerful one day.

She will hate you roaches with all her heart for what you orks will inflict on her fatherland in the next 10 years.

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she has the soldiers saluting for her even now

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she looks stupid

She's going to be pretty when she grows up.

she's a child you dumbass
she looks annoyed

not even a real country

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she is white :)

Look at that hideous face...

What plans do the Jews have for her?

she looks sexy

She’s. Very pretty girl. I am sure she makes her mother very proud. I hope she grows into a great leader.

fuck lads, given that she's royalty the dirty kikes from the rothschilds and co must be having their way with her
this is what your ancestors fought for, for the right of jews to have their way with your royal family's children

she is cute

That look. She knows she's getting blacked. Ruined

hopefully she reaches maturity before the sandnigger take over and rape every belgian to death

>le 100% face

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please don't bomb me


Only (you) think getting blacked is bad.

white women get wet just thinking about it.

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imagine the smell burning in the nostrils and lungs of those poor white girls. i'm actually quite sure they became racists on this day. i remember the first time I smelled a black person, it was in 3rd grade and I wanted nothing to do with them since.

they kiss him.

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Yes, however they must age and learn to lead well. True power isn't who is saluting you, its why they are saluting you.

Cute kid. I knew Belgium had a monarch. But it still throws me for a loop to think about it.

I'm looking forward to seeing her get BLACKED

I would.

I didn't know belium had a royal family I thought they all worshipped the EU.

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Is the Congo also her personal property?

i know this angers you

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id fuck her hard, deep and for hours, stretching her tight fuckhole and filling her multiple times with cum, finger her asshole and jizz down her throat if you get my drift

more and more new white people everyday, how angry does that make you?

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shes the perfect age to take mutiple heavy thick loads of my cum into every beautiful little fuckhole of hers if you get my meaning ddeessuuss

she looks like a grubby little moody shit

The fuck is wrong with you

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She looks cute yet strong

She hasn't fucked up anything yet, so I guess she's alright.

Based cunny poster

i fuck humans, not dogs like u syrup niggerr

just make girls only please. needs new talents ;)

this enrages the non-white

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porn destroyed your brain



She seems concerned. I hope she has a pleasant day.

>implying he hasnt already deflowered their fresh 12 yo cunny

She will be rich arrogant elite just because she climbed out of a right pussy. Is it nice enough?

KeK Much edge el goblino

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Mashallah. The future Islamic Caliphate of Belgiastani will have a princess with a hijab, who is brown, and worships the one true God with a face, Allah. Inshallah.

just a mutt. german and dutch. srsly tho if that twat was in her teens id lick suck and findle her until she cried for my cock to stretch her out. fuck ya

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Next person to post a remark not fitting of a child will feel my wrath.

European royalty are more inbred than that kid in deliverance

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Fuck off ancap

She'd look good naked in the bath. Probably has nice, light pink nipples.

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>one dick a year every year till 44 is chaste

She will kick all T*rk Roaches out when she takes power.


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belgium makes good beer and she looks convincingly human

I'd like to see what can fit in that child, if you know what I mean.

Tits or gtfo

Why the long face, little bear?

awww did reality just spoil your porno fantasy?

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cute kid, hope there will still be a belgium worth inheriting when she is old enough to do so.

next you are going to tell me 2 dicks a year is considered chaste too.

That is one loli I would become a degenerate for just sayin.

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She's not a paedophile...yet...presumably...


Oh look everyone! Another future puppet master for Israel! Fuck off

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She looks like a nice person.

> what is reading comprehension
> what are long term relationships
> implying 1 dick means it's always a different dick
and it's a white dick, that's what really enrages you :) go back to your porno fantasy, next thing you'll tell me you think WWE is real.

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you people are fucking horrible, i hope you die in horrifc ways.

Leave her be.

She looks like a child version of Angela from the American version of The Office.

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I wonder if her panties are lacy and cute or plain and conservative.

What is this weird neurosis that obsessively focuses on white women hooking up with black dudes? What in your mind makes you look at a very young child and instantaneously imagine her having sex with a black guy? Fucking weird man.

I’m not for race mixing. But you can’t rely on those few sources to define real word relations. There are plenty of white girls that want to fuck black men. Plenty of white men that want black women. Deal with it faggot

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"All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in our Gauls, the third.... Of all these, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war"

t. Caesar

Royal cunny
They're sat4n1c p3dos

She cute.

user, people of other race want to be with their own. This is spoken in the most general sense and is common knowledge to even normies.

lol samfåk

ill let her eat my crayon

its just a nigger, ignore it

says the nigger
you hate us because you aint us
deal with your own inferiority

I'll ask my neighbor Masashi-kun to make a sfw vanilla yuri manga of her and the Spanish princess and sell it at Comiket.

As well it should. The simple but perfect beauty of a white mother and child. The lesser races hate it because they can never attain anything of such value. They'll cry out at this as if they were burnt.

Why would a savage like you have crayons? You know you can't write.

Too white, Belgium's royalty needs diversity.

I’ve done dna testing faggot, I’m whiter then you will ever be. No African or Jewish in me, neither Native American.100% European. Half British and German bitch

nice masculine forehead

> a sfw vanilla yuri manga
You have grown weak, nip. Ask him to make NSFW lolicon guro hentai, fag.

Ayy lmao how scared she is.

she looks like a little bitch desu

Blonde white people are so beautiful. I regret being born as a black haired, brown eyed shitskin.

Is anyone her from Belgium and is your monarchy a true monarchy or is is a joke like britbongs queen. Props on yours looking less inbred then those island fuckers

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