ITT we say something bad about our country to discourage immigrants

ITT we say something bad about our country to discourage immigrants.

I'll start. Canada has expensive groceries.

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America is boring.

Nothing is bad about us

Too much money wasted on welfare

It's cold here.

>Nothing is bad about us
Have you seent what your women look like? Gross.

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and gay

In Argentina you can lose all your savings within a week if you dont pay close attention to the markets and if you don't save in USD or EURO

We're full of racist White people and the whole system is a White Supremacist system that oppresses minorities.

>Canada has expensive groceries
implying that matters when trudeau is riding around on his r-4000 throwing money at immigrants.

We're full. Canada isn't though

fuck you buddy it;s a frozen wasteland here

America has plenty of space

Sounds like a psyop to get us to move there when really it's shit because of Trudeau, migrants, and leftists.

we need that space for car washes, storage yards and demolition derbies

Are you angry ameritard?
this is what your women look like.

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That's London, UK you jackass

close enough faggot

That looks it could come from Europe too.

>He doesn't get the joke.

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>Cold winters - often dreary
>Expensive real estate
>Visible minorities in every large city.
>Gays get to throw tax funded parades to try to seduce your children
>Your children get confiscated if you don't support their gender reassignment
>Racism even against those who were here BEFORE Europeans came.
>No freedom of speech if it "provokes hate"
>Everything is far away
>Rampant consumerism to make up for deracinated culture and "architecture".
>Close to the US and their illegals.

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The US is a corrupt debt slave nation run by traitorous masons.

please nuke us

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>a larger representation of White people in the crowd
>double decker buses
>brick sidewalk
It in no way looks like it could come from America. It's obviously an English speaking European country. Perhaps England?
God you bugers are dumb

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We won’t be white for very much longer

You have to cross through here and most people will sell you or rob you for a few bucks and if you are really pretty sold to serve as sexual slave to pleasure goblinos and create ogros de las americas and so on.

That is from Europe, yes.

I don't even need to say anything :)

We have niggers

Did you hear about Alberta defunding private schools who resist the gay straight alliance?


T. Known Boss

Costa Rica is a fucking hellhole, it only seems good because we're close to even more repulsive hellholes like Honduras and Nicaragua. You can be the best looking turd, but you're still a turd.

Happy! Yippy! Yehey! (((Kakistocrat Kleptocrat Idiocrat country))) is full of various endemic/imported diseases/criminals/fugitives/gangs, land/water/air pollution; wants to idiotize you, steal your tax money, culturicide your own culture, linguicide your own language.

>culturicide your own culture
Now you know how I feel every time I go outside and see flips speaking their shitty gibberish language

No, you are Airstrip Fourteen and we need that base near Hammerfest to LABS B61s at Ruskies in Murmansk.

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America is a racist country that elected Donald Trump. Blacks and brown people are shot on sight by the police. Education and employment is so racist and you or your kids will never succeed unless your skin color is white. We are also the only developed country that doesn't have universal healthcare. You can verify all of this on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, etc.

>ITT we say something bad about our country to discourage immigrants.

There is a an "actual law" where white-born Canadians are allowed to squeeze out their hot steamy logs of shit down the throat of an immigrant child under 12, while the child's mother sucks them off and the fathers have to wipe their ass with their tongues.....

....but the reality is the most horrible thing anyone can think of about their country, pales in comparison to what those immigrants already put up with in their own home country. A parent would gladly give up their daughter, to be used as a human toilet, if it means setting foot in our country.

Extremely cold and there are some really horrid ghosts in all of our forest lands, only the white man is allowed all others are turned to beavers.

Everything here is poisonous and will fucking kill you before smoko + fuck off we're chockas!

Americans are assholes. Always have been, always will be. It works for us, though.

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Are you kidding me?


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In NZ 12% of our pop is maori, 12% is Samoan and a further 12% is Asian.
You still see plenty of whites but we are being outbreed.

Oh wow how original... the expensive groceries shit...

Hate to say it, but the one of the right wouldn't even be bad if she didn't have the "problematic" haircut or the personality that made her walk into public with that "outfit".

>the expensive groceries shit...

You've obviously never been outside a major city or far north, huh?

Yeah, what aboot thoose expensive groceries, eh?

Attached: food_price_sadist_make_it_stop.png (992x858, 753K)

I don't even live in a major city, and far north is a problem because of the sheer logistics and howmuch Canada relies on the States.

Au Québec c'est en français que ca se passe!

Don't mind them. We're great craic :))

>In NZ 12% of our pop is maori, 12% is Samoan and a further 12% is Asian.
>You still see plenty of whites but we are being outbreed.

all true

>ugly women
>only one city where actual "careers" are available (Auckland). House prices are over 1 million USD average there.
>isolated, eg it takes 12 hours to fly anywhere that isin't Australia or another south pacific island.
>insular community of smug retards that hate guns
>most of the country is far enough south that swimming is too cold year round.
>absurdly high cost of living and aforementioned lack of career and housing options.

All the other brown people already ruined this place.

>ugly women
/b/ lied to me.

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does /b/ circlejerk over our women?

muslim and africans? Hmm, canadian children have razors in their assholes that cut off dicks and canadians' pet dogs bite back when you abuse them. That should scare them off.


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Cost of living isn't more than a lot of areas in CA and that place is full of immigrants, m8. Canada is actually cheaper than tons of areas in California. Utilities are much cheaper.

How cold? Winter temp and latitude pls. Or nearest big city.

>Canucks sleep by 1AM