Is it weird that America is even debating something that every industrialized country already has...

Is it weird that America is even debating something that every industrialized country already has, which is universal healthcare?

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How much welfare do you have?
Of course a 1 post by this id shill deserves a sage

No. Americans are brainwashed to enjoy serving big corporations. They believe it is "freedom" to pay a $200 copay to visit the doctor

based McCarthyism

Is it weird that America has thirty million people living here illegally, possibly more, because no one fucking knows, and there's thousands more coming illegally every month?

>went to dr this morning
>$17.16 bill
Why the fuck would I want to get taxed to death to save less than 18 bucks?

ya i love paying for tyrone's bullet wounds!

No. We think it is freedom to be able to see the doctor the same day we need him. We rather not die on a waiting list.

There is nothing to debate. Because no one has figured out how to pay for it yet. We can't even afford what we are currently paying.

>Literally falling for insurance company propaganda

People shit on the US healthcare system the most seem to be either A) Unemployed/Underemployed Americans with little knowledge or B) Non-Americans.

No, people won't die because they don't have health insurance. Hospitals have to care for you, its the law. Plus most of them will find financial resources to cover your bills if you ask. The bills will come afterwards anyways and can be put off and negotiated.

Yes, you have to pay for medical care sometimes and only up to a certain pointt. Its called a deductible. You hit it and then your insurance will pay anything higher for the rest of the year. So if you have at least some money saved up you're fine.

I know its more complicated than this but I can't stand the hyperbole that often contradicts those basic facts.

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Germany and Switzerland don't have it

We're paying for all of theirs'.

Is it weird that I don’t want to pay for healthcare for a bunch of lazy niggers and illegals who don’t pay taxes and leach off the system?

Communist Jews get the rope.

Illegals don't get medicare moron

*ahem* It’s actually cheaper if we DID have Medicare for all. By $2 TRILLION.

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100% this.
they can afford bullshit welfare programs because we subsidize their national defense.
we should leave and watch their whole house of cards collapse.

>i have never been inside an er waiting room.

Because how much of your paycheck is going to insurance each year? What's your deductible?

If you're the average person, you're pissing away $5,000 a year on premiums "just in case" you get sick. If you actually need medical care, you're probably spending closer to $10,000 a year.

Average Americans /with/ health insurance are paying the equivalent of 25% of their income in a "free market healthcare tax" directly to the medical industry.

The premise in the OP is that we should have universal health care in the US. Are you suggesting that if this was inacted, illegals would all get deported or refused any form of health care? I suspect they would receive full benefits.


How? You can't get medicare or medicaid if you're not a citizen moron.

America subsidizes the rest of the world's socialist system indirectly by taking care of their security with NATO.

Pay up bitches.

>Y’all don’t know about my boy Timmy F


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That's bullshit, military expenditures are only 8% of our budget.


user, how much do you think other countries spend on their militaries when compared to the US?

Yea you can't vote or get a SSN either you absolute fuck head
Single payer is trash

Why should I be forced to pay for a bug-chaser's HIV treatment? A drug addict's rehab? A tranny's reassignment surgery? A rock climber's hip replacement?

Because retarded leftists believe taxing the rich will be able to pay for universal healthcare. They fail to realize that most of the other countries that provide universal healthcare tax everybody and everything heavily.

don’t be obtuse you giant faggot

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You're already paying for it. Either because they have the same insurance plan as you, and so your insurance rates go up, or they don't have insurance in which case they get treatment anyway and the hospital raises prices, which make your insurance go up.

They're getting free healthcare, you're not.

All of that money spent on premiums is tax advantaged. So paying premiums also lowers my overall tax bill every year.

>Spend $10,000 to save $1000 on your taxes

Sounds like a great deal.

You faggots already steal 20% of my wages.
If you want universal healthcare dig your own pocket before mine, then kindly fuck off.

In countries with universal healthcare, people who are in critical condition are given priority.

This "waiting list" myth just keeps persisting even though it is factually incorrect.

So you'd rather pay 20% of your wages in tax, and another 25% in insurance costs, for a total of 45%, instead of just paying 25% flat?


>We can't even afford what we are currently paying.

America's shit healthcare system is even more expensive than universal healthcare.


>would you rather I shoot you in the head or just gutted your neck so you could bleed out?


(((insurance company)))

The health care industry sells cancer and death

The kohanim are the tribe that acts as healers for free. Try learning about the Jews sometime.

I only spend $3000 per year user for my family. I don't have a copay for most doctor visits also. Even if I do, it's just $20.

Just because your employers plan sucks doesn't mean it's the same as everyone else.

we pretty much already have it with medicaid.

Yeah but we couldn’t be the sole superpower if 90% of our taxes goes to healthcare for degenerates like you.

What's so wrong with you that you keep visiting the doctor you sicko?

>more gibberish

I'm using the numbers from the average American. $5000 in premiums without even getting any care at all, and another $5000 deductible.

At $3000 your deductible is probably close to $8,000. Better hope no one gets sick.

OK, go see the doctor again. Just don't ask me to pay for it.

You don't deserve my money just because you live. It matters not to me if you live or die. You've given me nothing, so I give you nothing.

Universal healthcare is not moral, that is why we debate it.

Also, assuming you make the average $40,000, that $3,000 is the same thing as a 7.5% income tax.

>Because how much of your paycheck is going to insurance each year?
My deductible is $2500 for serious shit but my insurance covers most basic shit with a very small co-pay, like $17.16.
But please, destroy my fantastic employment based insurance so I can get shittier care than at the VA.

If you were over 18 you would recognize that EVERY government run program is SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than private industry, often by a factor of 5 or 10.

If you say the word "free" I immediately know you are a total moron regardless of age, nothing is "free".

Why are you justifying the income tax? All Jews must be put to death as a matter of national security.

Oh yes, you don't pay a single dollar in premiums and have a tiny deductible.

Please tell me more about your 10/10 wife, and $3,000,000 a year job.

American healthcare system is anarchy, with everyone who benefits from the anarchy taking from the top.

The debate is actually over whether you think government can fix the problem, or whether you think liberal markets can. Each side also thinks the other side is the cause of the problem; e.i. the problem is too much govt (regulation), or the problem is not enough govt (more regulation).

If you don't believe it's corrupt, look who pays the governments bills (3-5)

Top Lobbying Spendings 1998-2018:

1.US Chamber of Commerce $1,480,450,680
2. National Assn of Realtors $524,417,865
3. American Medical Assn $388,319,500
3. American Hospital Assn $365,686,737
5. Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $358,206,550

And besides, Healthcare is a long-term form of security.

Americans are more focused on short-term security: self-defense rights, gun control laws, border control, etc.

No one thinks about long-term security if they are worried about being shot or mugged daily.

>Unemployed/Underemployed Americans with little knowledge

Lots of American billionaires support universal healthcare.

Of course, you idiots use the "limousine liberal" cared when we point that out.

Everyone who disagrees with you is either a "ghetto parasite" or a "limousine liberal". You fuckers can't decide which economic class is superior.

>or B) Non-Americans.

Well … OF COURSE people in countries that have universal healthcare know how good it is. Duh.

>Hospitals have to care for you, its the law.

... and then you will be in debt for the rest of your life.

>Plus most of them will find financial resources to cover your bills if you ask.

... and yet hundreds of Americans die from a lack of proper healthcare every year.

>vaguely recognizable as English
>almost there
What is a risk pool?

>Be forced to pay a percentage of your income to an insurance company or die
>This somehow isn't the exact same thing as income tax

I pay my own health insurance. I haven't changed anything since before the ACA and it has gone up insanely as a result so I'm still grandfathered into the pre-ACA coverage which pays for everything, no HMO, etc.

I now pay $550 a month roughly. That's roughly 12.7% of my income not including tax deductions.

If I had to go to the hospital or something it would pay for 90% of my care, regardless of where I went or what I did. All the money I spend is then tax deductible. (Ex. I got my appendix out, 3 days in the hospital, several follow up visits, etc, was little over $10k, I paid about $1k, deducted all that, so really I paid more like $750. Even with that, I'd only be at 13% of my yearly income.

Even conservative estimates have predicted that they would have to raise taxes more than that to cover the cost of health care for all.
If you're healthy, or even relatively so, you are simply being punished. Even if you're NOT EVEN that healthy but you're good at budgeting your money you're being punished.

Stop right there, leaf. The Jews just skim wealth off the top through the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank.

You cannot justify arguing about any other thing to do with costs until you put all Jews on a pike like Vlad the Impaler.

Eh it’s not impossible. Some union jobs are like that, currently my employer pays my deductible for everything so I really don’t have one.

>Universal healthcare and communism are the same thing.

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Since lefties have become such fiscal hawks under President Trump....those demanding GIBS should understand the financial burden it would have on our debt.

Insurance is only expensive because of regulation and how despite having very low unemployment and poverty a large portion of my state can get free insurance funded by other people's taxes.

You still have not taken the time to learn about the tribes of the Jews. You can go pool yourself with them and die. Neither have you taken the time to learn what the sick care system does to you, so you can pool yourself with them and die early and painfully while paying for it.

>Please tell me more about your 10/10 wife, and $3,000,000 a year job.
I don't make anything close to that and my wife is years past her prime.

>You're already paying for it.

But I don't pay for health insurance, so I don't have to pay for any retard's medical bills except my own, which is zero because I am healthy.

Where do you think communism comes from? It comes from the cohen and levi tribes.

>universal health Care
>government will protect you
remember when England killed that baby?

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>tfw work at a hosptial
>tfw I dont get docked any of those
I literally have not payed for health care or a Drs visit in over 4 years.

>Victor d'Hupay was white.

>... and yet hundreds of Americans die from a lack of proper healthcare every year.

But everyone is going to die anyways. Where are you supposed to draw a line

Nobody knows whom you're talking about. Go back to sucking circumcised kike dick.

If you want the quality of healthcare to greatly diminish, while depleting the nations cash on non-english speaking somalians with sickle-cell anaemia, then go right ahead. Vote for universal healthcare.
My mother has had liver cancer for 30 years and is still alive and healthy and more likely to die from old age thanks to the awesome health care she has been getting. I'll keep my private health care, thanks.

Actually, most estimates (Except for the studies funded by libertarian think tanks) say that your taxes would be roughly 6.2% more. So you save 6.5% each year, and get unlimited doctor visits and medicine in return.

>Ignoring the fact that America has the highest infant mortality rate of any developed country.

Imagine being this retarded.


Why not fix the system before paying everyone's medical bills?

>Implying that dying of old age at 90 is the same as dying of cancer at 10.

LOL no.

The difference is that one is being forced while the other isn't. Also the US government is pretty shitty when it comes to management.

The problems with the system are caused by the free market system.

Every other product, you can choose not to buy it if it gets too expensive, forcing the seller to lower their price.

If you think your pills are too expensive, you can choose to die.

>ignoring the fact that America is more diverse than any other developed country, and infant mortality rate isn't sorted by race

Imagine being this retarded

>Do it or die by disease
>Do it or I'll just take it out of your paycheck anyway

Yep, totally the same.

In the case you linked the child's condition was irreversible, his brain was essentially mush. What were we supposed to do, keep alive a vegetable with no chance of recovery just to not hurt the parent's feelings?

>oy vey goyim your problems are cause because you don't let us control your market

>i need my shekels

Exactly. When the state controls your healthcare bill, the state also determines if you live or die. Europeans have a stupid amount of faith in their governments. They even allow the state to control their fucking healthcare. What retard sheep. Pay for your own healthcare and YOU (or your family) determine if you live or die, NOT the state.

It's so simple.. Have an Australian style Medicare.. Hospital visits are free and lots of operations, emergency procedures etc.. But it's not free.. All tax payers pay a Medicare levy to cover it. I like it and it should be worldwide. Private cover if you really need/want it for faster ops.

>Nobody knows whom you're talking about.

Victor d'Hupay was the first communist you idiot. Go read a book for once in your fucking life.

>Go back to sucking circumcised kike dick.

You are the one who cares more about (((insurance companies))) than the average American.

Don't oy vey at me kike, free market capitalists are 100% jews. Every last one of them.

But you don't know what the tribes of levi and cohen are about? My my, this pilpul.

I hope somebody as smart as you can be my "free" doctor someday.

>converts back to gibberish
What. Is. A. Risk. Pool?

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At least you finally have the courage to show yourself, you filthy communist jew rat subversive. If only the FBI were to go back to keeping track of you anti-American scum.

>My mother has had liver cancer for 30 years and is still alive and healthy and more likely to die from old age thanks to the awesome health care she has been getting.

She's clearly a Jew.

You just die when you die. If you yourself have cancer RIGHT NOW, why is anyone obligated to extend the amount of life you have left? There's nothing special about you or anyone else. You use whatever resources you have at your disposal, just like any other arena of competition in life.