Pizza Trafficking found in London (somewhere)

Pizza Trafficking found in London (somewhere)

If you look up "Pizza near me" on google a place called 'Pizza Sib 360' will come up. The have no official address and no phone number.

When you look at there menu on google it comes up as "good for kids," "baby food," and "baby food (boys)." Most of the advertising you find on this place is also pictures of kids or kid friendly drawings.

Attached: Pizza Traffic In London.png (1628x820, 1.34M)

Here are results

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Attached: 579000D6-6825-45E6-864C-3A1F510CB344.jpg (717x1473, 33K)

big bump


Menu looks suspicious
Show photo and reviews

dude wtf

Just googled their website. It’s a dirty sand nigger place. Nothing to see here folks. Average Englishman doing English things

>Nothing to see here folks.
Yep, nothing to see. Just go back to sleep. Man, I am tired after a long day. So sleepy.


>triangle pizza
>boy lover


Attached: FUvwJPm.jpg (1275x1650, 334K)

It’s a sand nigger place. You expect kids to not get raped?


Jesus Christ, my eyelids are getting heavy....
I...I think I'm gonna take a little nap. Just a quick rest.

Wait I remember that. This was like 2010 /b/.

Attached: d97b6f4e8186bc0b3d92443345911d4daa7047275e9285e85707a2b675d80427[1].jpg (407x405, 47K)

Attached: 77775176_o-L7LkZ1QY63DX-aKXOfnGUemsNzQLdjHKkiPODwp7w.jpg (960x1280, 239K)

the sauce has a similar pattern


Attached: 1539143719231.jpg (900x900, 197K)

>that pattern

Attached: 9AA8CF1D-18E0-468E-A997-E3E70F65A7D8.png (500x644, 185K)

[x files theme playing]

This shit is sick