Politically related because MM is the most partisan Jewtube show for the right wing. It comes entirely from the politics of this board, and it unashamedly tackles political issues in a very taboo way.
Summoning Murdoch Murdoch
Other urls found in this thread:
>terrible writing
>terrible voice acting
>not even smart/creative enough to come up with original characters
Don't give me the whole "b-but Wojak is Jow Forums related" its a cop out and you know it
Murdoch Murdoch is a disgrace and if you are over 16 and watch this you should hang your head in shame
If you can't grasp the righting that's your fault, perhaps you should masturbate to shitskin fighters less
I like it. is it widespread? need to get the kids talking about it.
It's better off not being widespread since it's so bizarre to normie sensibilities. But kids who already walk the path will find it and spread it in a way only they can understand
>Terrible critiques
Pic related. It's you.
Best episodes are:
Cruel Fate of Kekistan
Huwhite Knights
Race Jam
Stop trying to shill your retarded youtube channel. Fuck off.
> MM88
> Kekistan
> nice guy natsoc
Kekistan is my favorite humor episode. Anything that advances the Lauren Southern/Dr Murdoch arc is brilliant because I'm wholly convinced they inspired Lauren Southern to cover South Africa from the microchimerism youtube.com
I wish I was them, they seem like pretty good folks
>you r retard and jew if you dislike my shitty cartoon hurr durrr
Honestly have to agree with user, show is low quality cringe garbage.
why the fuck won't the i understand and wish to proceed button work for me?
Came here to post this actually.
The plots are cringe and the voice acting is some of the worst I've ever heard
>when my brothers finally wake up
>last son of the west
throw "Hold back the night" in there too
Day of the rake for you nigger
Nice Guy Natsoc is really good too yeah.
"OMG. You shot a black guy, fucking BASED!"
Man, this show hits me right in the feels.
hey MM start another NGNS shirt campaign again
It's been fucky lately, you have to press it from the right angle. Try coming up from the bottom with a rightward swoop into the bottom right corner
cheers. fucking jewtube want it this way.
If dubz, Murdoch Murdoch never makes a new episode again and Jow Forums shuts down forever.
Same here on furryfox. Didn't have this on other browsers, so it is probably that.
It took a lot of trial and error, it's no cohencidence the button isn't working right
far left corner works for me.
That has all their videos
Ah furryfox. Makes sense. Firefox is getting worse imo. Bloated and less responsive, exactly the reason why people swapped from other browsers.
if not for murdoch murdoch I would still probably be a skepticuck.
they a great tool for redpilling normies.
tfw flag every muttdoch video on youtube just to piss off nu pol and to yell JOOO AND LEFTYPOOOL
I honestly download the entire archive. Reason being its not half bad and it is a very useful tool for red pilling my mates
>Best Episode is by far Last Son of the West
There is also a 24/hr MM stream on Stream. me
Also new home of Killstream (another useful tool for red pilling normies)
Ghosts of America and Vampire Hunter M are the best
>MLK is the new god of society
One of the best moments I've seen them make
Name something good, then. Shills critique things but never offer substitutes. If MM sucks, what do you watch?
They fully expect to be shoahed, you can't stop mirrors
Don't you know? You're a shill if you ask that question. It's even on the shill infograph
They're actually good characters in angry goy 2.
>avoids the question
I started this thread numbskull. Do you think I dislike MM?
I don't know what I was expecting
Whoops, I meant to respond to the other user that says MM is low quality cringe.
I like MM. I’m on your side, dr. dipshit.
>Murdoch Murdoch
Thanks for reminding me. youtube.com
Jewtube is ran by degenerative Indians too, ya know
Murdoch Murdoch is something I can see kids or some other adults liking, but not everyone.
I fucking love this show, I don't care what anyone says. They signal unity in the movement and kicking out obvious alt-lite types without purity spiraling.
Their videos usually end on whitepills, which for so long has been considered passe in media and entertainment
Their material has kept me going through some tough times.
Do you or have you ever made corparatentraining videos as a source of income???
For companies based out of, let’s say Knoxville?
Definitely the best moment in the series.
I mean they have a archive dump of the full episodes and people have uploaded them to places like Stream.me and Bitchute.
cheekyvideos.net has all their videos.
It'd be pretty nice to move to Knoxville, Eastern Tennessee looks comfy af. Got no connections there though, if you're trying to dox them though I have a doxology for you youtube.com
Nigger, It's not supposed to be Stanley Kubrick tier. They are literal nobodies that just created a youtube show. It's funny... and humor can go a long way in the culture war we are currently in. Faggot leaf.
>that pic
I've never seen such an abhorrent display of faggotry.
theres a link to their merch site on cheekyvids. i thought i had missed out on their ngns shirt for good
One upboat for the Murdochs. They make based quality videos.
From a leaf
It's bad and cringy on purpose you like nigger.
Hello Shlomo.
It understands the power of emotion in a movement that's sorely lacking in it.
Race jam is objectively the worst.
For me the best are:
1. Cruel Fate of Kekistan
2. Murdoch vs PJW
3. the one where Murdoch trains with Rockwell
not sure about 2 and 3
Actually sky daddy is the worst by far. Absolute shit
Meta Metamorphosis will be best once shit truly hits the fan in South Africa, only then will normies pick up on the sentiment.
It truly is a great show and I credit it as the reason I woke up.
People might not like it but you have to agree it's a powerful recruitment tool for our movement
>Man, this show hits me right in the feels.
Would you die for it?
fuck you man, i dont need it to escalate just to teach some normies : (
Heya MM! Sunday? What's it gonna be on? Spill!
we can't stop it dude. we know it's going to get horrible before it gets better. China and Nogs are moving in on you
3 that's: Last Stand of Implicit Whiteness, I'm pretty sure.
My votes: besides, of course, Last Son of the West and Metamorphosis, Galaxy MM 88 and Wanderer's Choice.
They've got a new, 'Last Son of the West' t-shirt out, btw.
Yep. Couldn't not tear up the first several times I saw it.
I still do. Same with this one
Not the person you originally asked, but I also don’t like the show for the reasons the first poster listed.
I don’t watch shows. Why do you have to watch a show to criticize another, bad one? History is much more interesting. You ever read The Gallic Wars?
That's nothing.
The end of Last Son of the West literally changed me.
how autstic are you
How? Nearly everything in the show falls into one of two categories:
(1) hamfisted redpills
(2) Jow Forums injokes
Citing it as a recruiting tool is the worst argument I can think of. Full disclosure, I’ve already said I dislike the show, but I at least see why Jow Forumsacks would like it. You’re quite out of touch with normies if you think this is a good introduction for them though.
tacitus? It's good, is it? There's so much ancient literature - you'd think we'd be exposed to more of it.
It's worked. It helped redpill 'Frame Games', a Jew. (he was already prepared, though.) It gives emotional punch, on top of all the arguments.
I think he's talking about Caesar
Yeah, I realized after I wrote that. I'd be afraid it was too biased and self-aggrandizing, personally.
The episode where they encounter Jordan Peterson and scare him by talking about the MAOA gene is pretty funny.
Some of the episodes are meh, but I respect the attempt to create Jow Forums art, essentially.
As someone who never even considered any of these stances before and only watched metokur videos, Murdoch Murdoch opened my eyes to absolutely everything, without ever having been on Jow Forums
Once I just looked up all the references everything made total sense.
M.M. is really important.
> MM
> references
What on earth are you talking about? If you're kidding yourself, you're not kidding us.
redpilled me on civic nationalism
redpilled me on race and IQ
redpilled me on pierce/rockwell
Once I was exposed to this stuff all I did was actually look things up and see what was going on. From there my mind was totally open and I remember after race realism a weight being lifted from my shoulders as everything in the world made total sense.
Literally cured my depression, and now I'm here.
Oh and redpilled on jews, obviously.
I know Doctor Murdoch's name.
Murdoch Murdoch is awful and bad for optics.
If you think watching a badly written cartoon is gonna redpill anyone, you're a fucking moron.
That's why they get taken down all the time on YouTube, it's low quality garbage that only incels seem to enjoy
You're wrong.
3 of my friends and I got totally redpilled from it and we share them in chats.
I don't care about redpilling normies, people who get exposed to MM are already far along on their redpill journey. I wouldn't want them to pander to normies because so much of the humor is inside jokes
Then if you and your friends got "redpilled" by a shitty cartoon, you must have an IQ of tepid water.
>Niggers XD
>Based xD
>Hey Jow Forums do you guys remember *this* meme?!
Low hanging fruit, just like redpanels
I think its most potent 'red-pilling' capacity is not in actually conveying information, but in its ability to serve as a vehicle for community bonding and the building of concensus/common knowledge.
It helps people internalize the fact that there are other people out there who hold similar views.
I think art has a great ability to strengthen subcultures.
The "that's why I'm a Democrat" video is top tier, it triggered everyone I shared it with before it got shoa'd. They need to do more shit like that.
Response shoah’d
Not my intent but counldnt say not interested for pro bono consaulting
Murdoch Murdoch are deliverers of their people.
If you’re in this thread Murdoch’s
You are senpai.
Super America Two
>dedicated leafposting
Fucking this.
Good on ya, user. Glad it cheers you up.
Lauren Southern is actually into important journalism’s.......I don’t think the romance arc is dead yet
I-is that you senpai?
It won't die for awhile, she and Dr Murdoch are meant for each other