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How long until the dollar collapse?
Nathaniel Morales
Ian Perry
It didn't happen 100 years ago, it won't happen now.
It's never not been fake.
Luis Morales
Aaron Roberts
After gold bubble pops
Carson Hughes
Not helping!
Liam Phillips
Nicholas Lee
i dont know but when it does- the entire world is going to feel the burn much more than us, as literally every currency in the world is backed by the US dollar so when people lose faith in our government and the dollar goes kaput, instantly every other government no longer has influence either.
Benefit is that the US has Fort Knox, so in the case of collapse we always have a huge supply of gold and silver we can cut up and start dishing out (even though it technically belongs to other countries) its still on our land.
But to make sure you dont instantly die when the dollar collapses the best thing is to buy right now is Gold, Guns, and Silver. As well as make sure you know how to Farm.
Jack Walker
The dollar doesn't exist.
The fake country it built will collapse, though.
Nicholas Ramirez
October 2026
Ryder Wood
Okay thank you. I mean do you think we have 6 months or 6 years? I don't have a job right now I cannot buy gold.
Cameron Perez
What makes you say this ?
Isaac Collins
>Fort Knox
user, I...
Should I tell him Jow Forums?
Elijah Gutierrez
100 years ago we didnt have Social Security or a welfare state or low white birth rates, this is a historical recipe for chaos. Basically to keep this system alive older generations must have 6 ppl working to pay for 2 person on SS.
Well since they have low birth rates, this means boomers and jews they sold out to want immigration to replace young whites to prop up the SS system. This will guranteed fail, as more and more whites wake up which is happening and as the left demands more.
Essentially shit is guaranteed to hit the fan it just takes a catalyst.
Sebastian Allen
Any time.
Lucas Turner
You mean the Euro?
Christian Phillips
if i could predict the collapse of the dollar i would have already converted all my dollars into Gold, Silver, and Guns.
Nobody is going to be able to predict the crash of the market. I read somewhere that 2008 was just foreshadowing on what is too come.
The dollar will collapse whenever the government starts printing money to pay back its IOUs. Right now we are 21 trillion dollars in debt. The government is NOT going to reduce military spending, we're NOT going to raise taxes to pay off the debt, and we're NOT going to let old people die because we cut medicare, medicaid, and social security. So possibly the first thing that will collapse will be the hospital industry.
Luis Lewis
I think he was mostly just trollin' anyway.
Although he's right about the thought that if the dollar ever collapses, it certainly won't just be our problem.
Jaxson Hall
>Fort Knox
Luis Flores
redpill me on fort knox
Wyatt Rogers
You guys don't know what you're talking about outside the realm of ridiculously opining bs, so let me redpill you xenophobes for a sec: the US had a very favorable balance of trade during WW2, which means that the inlays of allied nations, who used reserve currency, basically let the US monopolize gold; this was eventually shut down because countries started to manipulate this by swapping their currency (then pegged to USD,) for USD, then to gold, an ever appreciating commodity compared to the USD. Eventually the USA switched to a fiat system and the rest of the world followed suit, but the reverberations and deeply embedded relationships between all foreign central banks and the USA still exist today, most notably in swap lines, which are very quick interbank overnight loans that can work on the scale of quantitative easing in an impromptu manner to make sure reserve requirements are met and people can thus have faith in the system; in fact, some corrections are thought to occur so fast that cartels of institutionalized banks are thought to not be able to cover losses that fast, thus swap lines are excercized to stabilize foreign markets with riskier currencies (i.e euro). This means that if the US defaults, outlays are never payed, markets tumble, swap lines dry up instantly, bank runs are rampant, and before you know it we have a systems collapse on the magnitude of the Bronze Age collapase; so TLDR, any hedge against the dollar is a hedge against the continued survival of modern society.
Cooper Scott
woah, so redpill me this. Should I be buying Gold or is that hedging against the dollar?
Blake Myers
You seriously don't know what you're talking about. At all. You are so wrong that I can estimate how far you are behind the rest of modern econ: about 300 years. First off, the gov't is basically a big revolving credit mechanism, their debt is treated much differently from your debt, and it is due to so many factors I recommend reading Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, learning about Keynesian and supply side econ, learning about ppp and how net exports affect exchange rates, and basically all of the other fundamentals before you spout dumbass shit on the internet. See the length of this comment, ten of these would get me halfway through explaining how wrong you are, not even why you're wrong.
Jonathan Thomas
>Bitcoin inflation rate becomes less than the usd after the 2020 halving(happening at the same time of bitcoin cash)
>Lunatic socialists elected in 2020
>Bitcoin starts to misteriously increase non stop
>People realize it´s just the usd devaluation
Daily reminder you still have time to buy your ticket into the citadel
Wyatt Ross
ok you obviously know more. So can the dollar fail and if so when?
Austin Walker
shitcoin is for fucking retards, and dipshits. Its only going up and down for giant whales who are trying to exit. I give it a short amount of time.
Bentley Baker
Gold is a commodity, and Gold futures (the asset packaging for commodities on the market) are bought in mostly uhhhh, USD. You'd just be increasing the velocity and utility of money, even at a very marginal increment. I don't mean hedging against the USD in the conventional sense, I mean outright denouncing it due to some totally definitely predictable impending bubble, not like that goes against the definition for black swan. The usd is just so ubiquitous, even if you live in Europe, your banks second line of defense is USD reserves, so you can't really be exposed to the usd in a nontrivial degree in most cases.
Brandon Johnson
Anyone else buying runescape bonds?
Justin Brown
Redpill me on China and their economy.
Cooper Mitchell
You are 1000% smarter than me. Please tell me how to prepare. I myself have nothing and do not have a job right now so I can't buy gold or guns. I am already struggling and am on my own. Can you please advise?
Aaron Bell
Also please explain for retards
William Russell
>Memeflag removed
You will soon learn the truth my burguer friend , the cryptowave is unstopeable.
Bitcoin is so well tough that at this point is clear the halving every 4 years was designed specifically to prevent it from being banned.
You don´t know what´s coming.
1_Most sough knowledge in freelancing markets?Blockchain
2_Where is localbitcoins volume increasing?Places with currency controls that will increase incredibly fast in the coming years due to the debt crisis exploding.
3_Are freelancing jobs increasing?If so how do they retire their money(pro tip, every digital bank has insults in it´s reviews due to random account closures due to regulations).
The wave can´t be stopped burguer , you first worlders don´t see it but it´s okay , bitcoin was not designed for you , it was designed for us and once we escape our fiat / currency controls ponzi it will be unstopeable.
I hope they keep attacking it non stop so the liquidity of descentralized markets increase.
William Perez
> economy on fire
> interest rates rising
> dollar is going to crash
Stay off of zerohedge nigger.
Gabriel Williams
>rothschild dumps trillion dollars into it
>dumps it the next day
>everyone starves
nothin personell retard
Adam Jackson
>implying its not rigged and the american economy hasent been dead since the mid 2000s
Angel Smith
Not that user, but unless you have been preparing for 5+ years and have property away from major areas or cities, you are probably going to have a shitty time getting by.
That is, if and when this shit comes to a head.
To completely avoid a dramatic drop in quality of life you would basically need to be self-sufficient. Meaning the ability to grow food and farm animals, have a independent solar grid, radio comms etc etc
Dominic Green
When the """minorities""" in your country finally overrun every relevant state, automatically electing democrats every single election untill the country collapses
James Nguyen
Haha i was just playing RS today.
Fucking bonds are at like 18 mil on the GE.
Bentley Martin
I am literally shaking , you are saying they can buy millions of bitcoins one day and dump it the next.
How are we going to survive with the market cap returning to what it was days before.
This is terribly , we must ban this shit and give more power to central banks to control us so the bad guys can do anything like this.
Thank you for showing me the way burguer , i will be voting for a enlightened social democrat next year.
Gavin Peterson
Sure it can, but it would take an economic movement of epic proportions, and there are two general scenarios when I think the USD could fail. Short term: there has to be a calamity outside the possible damage from purely market inefficiencies, so many countries are so dependent on the USD for maintaining themselves it's hard to think of any situation financially bad enough in which a coalition wouldn't form to help the United states, which is basically a nucleation point for global liquidity. Nukes would have to be launched, or bureaucracy would fail, or some shit that basically ends up wiping out currency as a whole and not just the USD. Long term the US could reasonably fall out of favor, as powers do, and either have collapse suddenly with reverberations for generations to come I.E like Rome, which isn't as dangerous as short term, and is also really unlikely and would take centuries.
Eli Turner
Any day now. I just liquidated just over $90k in fiat paper money and positioned myself in bitcoin to get ready for the recession of '19. Couldn't feel better.
Camden Martinez
I do have property away and a self sufficient well, but I don't have any money and no job. What can I do quickly?
Logan Gray
Collapses take months, and most companies have massive offshore cash reserves waiting for it to come so they can snap up tangible assets for pennies on the dollar.
TS Elliot's Hollow Men best describes how this situation unfolds:
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Evan Rivera
Xavier Bennett
I had a gradual scenario like GB as a third option and realized that isnt a collapse and left either in there by mistake
Kevin Rivera
>2020 halving of btc and bch
>bitcoin inflation less than usd
>lunatic socialist offer free gibs
I see you at the citadel my nigga.
Cooper Cooper
petrodollar is very strong
Colton Sanchez
Juan Martinez
The world will not tolerate 5% inflation levels for a reserve currency if the socialist wing of the dems take power and start giving gibs.
Xavier Miller
Scary part is the market has been rising since 08 but the trade volume decreasing drastically along the way which indicates its fed bots propping it up and not organic growth.
Anthony Campbell
What do you think Trump is doing all these trade deals for? The working class that’s been fucked since NAFTA is going to start producing again. Hell, it might even get a few niggers off gibs.
Daniel Martin
fascinating.. so how do I hedge against inflation?
Gavin Perry
Let's say the dollar theoretically collapses, what happens to wages/mortgages? Does my job keep paying me the same wage that can pay my mortgage but can't buy me a loaf of bread? Do wages massively inflate? If wages massively inflate that means my house is easy to pay off. If the price of goods inflate, can I sell this bag of beans in my pantry for the price of my house?
Any way I see it at least all my debt is paid off.
Aiden Hernandez
Hey faggot you need to go back
Bentley Cook
What happened to iceland when they told the bankers to fuck off?
Noah Long
The petrodollar is very very strong...
Carson Green
100 years ago there was no fiat money
Aaron Cruz
No it isn’t faggot
Alexander Clark
>told the bankers to fuck off
My body is ready
Brody Butler
Indeed , but if socialist took power in the sahara desert then sand would become scarce.
Just look at venezuela from better gdp per capita than germoney to a shithole.
The us has already a massive deficit and an inflation of 1.5% more or less , if you add socialist lunatics to the equation the inflation rate would go to 3 or 4 easy as current conditions are.
The world would drop the dollar in 5 years if that inflation rate would remain.
Jaxson King
Not soon enough
Isaiah Thompson
Since I get quite annoyed by idiots like you who think Crypto will be the future, I am going to burst your bubble.
Crypto has several key weaknesses that will makes it extremely vulnerable and which is why governments don't issue it.
1) It runs off the government cable. Governments can strong arm ISPs into blocking related traffic. Also I2P is not your saving grace as it is run by a "volunteer network of 55000" and can easily compromised by those with the resources.
2) To further compound on 1 the US government has been able to see all traffic on its cables for up to 2 hours since 2009. This means it can be extremely effective at blocking traffic. But more importantly they have a fuck ton of super powerful FPGAs that most likely fuck any coin with a 51% attack with a simple kernal switch.
3) The hardware most wallets run on is compromised and most likely any private key run through an Intel chip has been logged.
4) 95%+ of coins will be cryptographically fucked by 2022-2025 by improved quantum computers.
Jacob Ramirez
That´s not a bad thing hue bro , if they can keep the socialist lunatics out they are fine even if they steal a little of my wealth through inflation.
At least burguers keep moving the world with innovations.
But if those retards get in power well , that is good for bitcoin i guess.
Noah Gomez
This. Fuckin' 1st world spoiled brats don't realize that crypto is our revolution. 2nd worlders will be liberated from fiat Ponzi. Especially Russia and Argentina, we know what's up.
Jordan Anderson
I love those 1 acre homestead things, but I got bad news... fuck you gonna feed the cow? They eat a lot. A LOT. Get a fucking goat (or 5, and hope you can find others to avoid the inbreeding thing a few years down the line) You can feed goats and pigs off the garden scraps and trash. Cows need like 10 acres each. That little hay patch will last you maybe two weeks into winter.
Parker Howard
there isn't a single ounce of gold in fort knox and everyone "nose" it
Landon Williams
every point irrefutably accurate blockchain btfo succinct summary of the situation desu
Anthony Cox
I've got over 1000 heads of prime red angus on over 1000acres i'll be fine
Jacob Smith
1) It runs off the government cable. Governments can strong arm ISPs into blocking related traffic. Also I2P is not your saving grace as it is run by a "volunteer network of 55000" and can easily compromised by those with the resources.
They do so in Venezuela , crypto is growing so much there than black markets for fiat usd now have a "Dollar Bitcoin" rate , besides the dollar rate.
>2) To further compound on 1 the US government has been able to see all traffic on its cables for up to 2 hours since 2009. This means it can be extremely effective at blocking traffic. But more importantly they have a fuck ton of super powerful FPGAs that most likely fuck any coin with a 51% attack with a simple kernal switch.
They can watch all they want , watching does not mean stopping.
Regarding 51% , they can´t at least not with bitcoin , the btc network is insanely powerful at this point any 51% attack is basically impossible unless a massive mining pool becomes retarded , but then again they would have to assume the owners of the asics work against their itnerests.
3) The hardware most wallets run on is compromised and most likely any private key run through an Intel chip has been logged.
Same for banks , which is why crypto hardware wallets have been growing non stop.
Also this is why banks have been putting double security meassures like sms lattely.
4) 95%+ of coins will be cryptographically fucked by 2022-2025 by improved quantum computers.
I give you this point , but the 2020-2025 is too optimistically by my prespective.
We will be barelly reaching moore laws limit at those years.
What makes you think they have some quantum computer ready?And if they have why would they release it?
Overall good points burguer , you know your thing.
Ryder Murphy
Sebastian Ramirez
Ever since the end of the cold war our leaders kept the currency controls , and devaluations as a method of control.
Not anymore , as soon as the pension ponzi goes insane crypto will liberate us from the keynesian tyrany.
Jaxon King
It is entirely possible for the decline to continue for a century. Rome took several centuries. An unexpected catalyst could start it off tomorrow though. No way to know.
Build your prepper-farm, buy guns, etc, but keep living life, too. Network, irl, with farmers and hunters and shit, but dont waste your whole life convinced the bombs are about to fall.
Parker Howard
>They can watch all they want , watching does not mean stopping.
USA agencies own a shitton of seized coins, they observe and can/will pull the plug on all the main ISP nodes if/when shtf
Cooper Garcia
i have $105k spread across foreign currencies, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies. bring on the panic
Oliver Anderson
What's "dollar colapse"?
Jace Ortiz
That does not mean stopping the btc network , only stopping new transactions.
To stop the btc network they should basically stop the internet on all countries including enemy countries.
That will also mean collapsing the global economy.
>USA agencies own a shitton of seized coins
Funny how game theory works in crypto , the silrkoad coins were actually stolen by the agents working there Kek.
In fact the whole crypto murder shit was all fake made by the agents to stole the bitcoins it seems.
Hunter Evans
going by buying power since wallstreets trading value doesnt actually positively affect the buying power im going to say 1996. theres still time quick shift your money to gold and hold it there for like a decade or so
Nathaniel Rodriguez
You see, when something threatens the dollar, Fed owners send their amerimongrels against it. However, JewSA recently got high on its own supply of globalist judaism, got pozzed and is in process of turning into one giant Brazil, and Brazil won't be very good at fighting enemies of the Fed. So you need only to wait 50 years or so.
Btw kikes noticed that something is going wrong, and instated their brand new shabbos goy who is supposed to stop migration, but it only slows the inevitable.
Jose Reed
Google has a 72 qubit computer. To break the ECC algorithms you need around 1024 or so qubits. Not impossible to achieve with material advances and a financial motive.
Also to relate to 1) it would be a Hugh blackout that would decrease the hash rate significantly. You just need to deny the miners connections and you can drop bitcoin in a level where the chain can get fucked.
Luis Nelson
The hue is right. Unless Trump goes Hitler lite America is headed towards a one party state that will implode relatively soon. Once Texas turns blue its all ogre
Julian Kelly
When do you think a good quantum computer will appear?
Because there are few financial motives atm , even if moore law limits are reached few things are using much proccessing power anyway.
Hell intel was basically competing with intel for years until amd catched them again.
>1) it would be a Hugh blackout that would decrease the hash rate significantly. You just need to deny the miners connections and you can drop bitcoin in a level where the chain can get fucked.
Funny you say this , at the moment the hash rate has collapsed due to hashwars in the bch fork.
This is only causing transactions delays until the difficulty adjustments happens in some hours since blocks are taking too long to mine with current resources.
But i still don´t get your point , assuming that 50% of the hash rate collapses it would still take an insane ammout of resources to do a 51% attack.
And the colateral damage due to shutting internet would destroy any organization doing that shit.
Isaiah Foster
>Google has a 72 qubit computer. To break the ECC algorithms you need around 1024 or so qubits
72*15 units arranged in a cluster = 1080units isn't that unfeasible desu
Adrian Barnes
You need the actual gates linked quantumly. You can't chain it.
Logan Edwards
>You can't chain it.
Yea I was thinking about how it would be constrained on the fiber-optic wire / speed of light issue. How long did it take them to go from 1qubit unit to 72qubit?
Thinking say a decade out with some sort of Moore's law-type equation it's not completely out of the realm of achievable
Lincoln Ramirez
Do you how many 10 ghz clocked FPGAs the US has to monitor all the network cables in its country? It wouldn't shut down the internet but simply drop cryptocurrency related packets. The attack will simply be the miners getting knocked offline the US throwing stupid hashing power on a fake transaction to fuck the chain. Once its fucked once people will panic and a crash will occur.
Quantum computers aren't related to CPUs and are completely independent like GPUs. Their development is currently at the intel 8080 level.
The problem is not the gates but their stability and you have a stupid amount of correction bits for every bit added. If we get better materials that allow for more stable gates then the progress will go much much faster.
Noah Johnson
This is what i want to know too leaf , also an attack on bitcoin with quantum computer can be prevented with a hard fork as far as i know , only problem is that everyone should move their coins to a new wallet protocol.
This means that satoshi coins or mtgox coins would be destroyed or if moved meaning that satoshi is alive causing a panic.
But it´s not unfixeable as far as i know.
Brody Lewis
Probably by 2022/3. The US government is currently standardizing Post quantum algorithms being in Jan 2018 so it much closer than we think.
Caleb Roberts
>are completely independent like GPUs. Their development is currently at the intel 8080 level.
Good info
The attack will simply be the miners getting knocked offline the US throwing stupid hashing power on a fake transaction to fuck the chain. Once its fucked once people will panic and a crash will occur.
But most miners are not in the us anyway , also most miners work in pools they simply exchange their hashing power in exchange of future btcs.
Xavier Edwards
Well fug , so they already suspect that others may use it against them.
So it´s probably closer ,that said how long it would take for a commercial quantum computer?
Nolan Butler
>heir stability and you have a stupid amount of correction bits for every bit added. If we get better materials that allow for more stable gates then the progress will go much much faster.
Will investigate into this matter further, I wonder how graphene is currently involved, signed up to mess around with this now:
Hashgraph > Blockchain desu
Parker Brooks
>that said how long it would take for a commercial quantum computer?
Sign up and use one for free, already now:
David Lewis
You know what i meant by commercial , this is like watson AI or shit like that were the owner retains the core and you send info to be processed.
I don´t mean in the "cloud" i mean commercially for everyone to buy one ,is that even possible?
Or due to temperature problems they will only be owned by big organizations?
Because if the answer is the second , crypto is going to be the less of our problem with quantum computers.
John Lee
Never. We'll nuke the whole fucking world into a smoldering pile of ashes before we let the dollar collapse.
Kayden Phillips
when asia no longer need dollar
Easton Green
Probably late 2020s, early 2030s for an actually usable chip. Like I said material advances will need to be made. It might just be a plug in to existing computers for enhanced processing capabilities and will be very expensive.
Fair enough, but I still see it getting extremely difficult to use and most countries will band together to try ridding of it once it become a soft threat to their power if the economy tanks.
Isaiah Martin
once the debt hits 22 trillion, master mason
number 22. happenings of the masonic
kind at 22.
Benjamin Martinez
Commercially available means for business, government, etc.
You mean consumers? Who cares, they'll milk the big business for billions for decades before the plebeian masses can afford it. My advice, become a billionaire, then you can own one today
Aaron Howard
The dollar will be gone, when (((federal reserve))) finished fill up their gold vaults.
William Nelson
It also seems the upgrade to make btc safe of quantum can be added via a soft fork.
This mean that crypto will be safe if correct , and i was right of the above it only means you need to move the coins to a new wallet protocol.
Bitcoin would be safe , only wallets in the old protocol would be fucked by quantum.
Hell , considering that satoshi never moved his coins this would probably be implemented via a hard fork to destroy satoshi coins and thus increasing the value of existing coins.
This is good for bitcoin.
Yea , i mean for consumers , and yea they would probably be used under special aplications.
Noah Scott
Lol Shors algorithm by the period I am talking about will be able to break it very quick. Also most people don't switch addresses. Bitcoin would be dead. Crypto as a whole will exist but its reputation permanently damaged.
Juan Bennett
>unironically posting a screenshot of anything Reddit
It's like you fags aren't even trying anymore