Why do some people notice all the dishonesty and hypocrisy in politics, while others buy into the binary "our side flawless, their side evil" mindlessness? I mean, I understand picking a side for practical reasons, as a single-issue voter, or because it serves your core values for the time being -- but "true believers", the kind that think there are actual sides you can totally buy into, that have no flaws, while the other side is a comic book villain... why are so many people so gullible? Does that make democracy kind of ... immoral?
Is democracy actually kind of evil?
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Liberal Democracy and Zionism IS THE ANTICHRIST. We're living in the Antichrist system.
It's even worse. Many adults think they are reasonable and "independent," but fall prey to the most disgusting propaganda if it confirms their biases. The information system is inundated with propaganda on all sides. Truth-seekers are drowned out by the chorus of anti-intellectual mind tricks.
Democracy is a meme like communism.
In the next century our kids will look back and ask how could we be so stupid to believe in it?
It's no different than supporting norf fc and souf FC from that britbong meme.
>Truth-seekers are drowned out by the chorus of anti-intellectual mind tricks.
How did it get like this? Was it always like this, or did democracy make people this way? user in another thread told me about Bernays, and I've been reading about him. I'm starting to think the majority of people have always been incapable of thinking for themselves, and that's why the ancients abandoned democracy thousands of years ago.
Because evil larps as good in order to portray good as the real evil. Few see through the lies because they were raised in a bubble that didn't teach them to have a healthy bit of scepticism about everything and question what they hear repeated over and over.
>How did it get like this?
Because dumb people started outnumbering the smart people when natural law was violated.
so you think it wasn't this way, say 300 years ago? Is there any way to prove this degeneration effect?
Democracy has always been one of the deviant political systems.
Democracy is a wonderful ideal, but one does have to wonder if it's actually a good idea.
The very nature of the process is a paradoxical one. The people demand a right to sway the course of their nation, then vote entirely in self interest and damn the nation.
>then vote entirely in self interest
PERCEIVED elf interest, since the majority seem to routinely vote for their own self-destruction... though that's implicit in your observation: "voting against the nation". Atomization is self-destruction.
idk lads, i just think I'm watching the world die. Democracy was the fatal turn. How can I conclude otherwise?
If Jews tell you it's good then you know it's bad.
I believe....
the only form of government is oligarchy, across all of history. everything else is literally pageantry to soothe the unwashed masses like an opiate (or to soothe the nobility like an opiate)
>he only form of government is oligarchy, across all of history
How do you see it that way? No other forms of government, really? Not arguing that we currently have a kind of oligarchy, because we obviously do, just asking.
The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.
We haven't been vigilant. We haven't watered the tree of freedom with the blood of tyrants. We were given a good thing and let it rot.
Want the no bullshit answer?
Just asking that question alone already places you above 90% of people in the developed world intelligence-wise.
Thats the answer. The sooner Jow Forums realizes this the better.
Democracy has become impure and degraded. Like this Maine horseshit lol what even is this, you vote BUT if your favorite loses your votes can count for another person? ITS MAINE LOL NIGGA of course your party is a) R b) D and GREEN PARTY LOL just like in Arizona. Nobody fucking votes for libertarian anymore its not 1998. Only way this system would be fair is if the balance was enforced which it apparently isn't.
Also, vote by mail, vote if you live in a different state you just mail in your votes absentee who cares, vote overseas, if you are a FELON you can vote lmao that one mass murderer voted from prison in Florida its too easy!
Old voting was hardcore af man, first you had to own land, then only men could vote, no slave could vote, one vote per family.
All of these were peeled away like onions.
So, no, this isn't the True Democracy, this is a bastardized and embarrassing perversion.
>We were given a good thing and let it rot.
Do you ever wonder if the good thing we were given that was squandered was actually monarchy?
I dunno Jim, let's go to our on site correspondent Socrates.
Oh wait, they killed him.
lol well said
Democracy is a big fat lie, that allows the transfer of control of western nations from the actual people to a murky elite trading in currencies and other financial assets.
Do you think we can even fight against it at this point? It seems like all the efforts are nationalistic, but the enemy is international. Is it possible to have an international resistance to global finance powers?
what the fuck is this jarvert shit doing in my 2018 Jow Forums
the problem is simple yet pearless. Democracy stops being usefull in a society that is dominated by mass media for the common man. It touches the most surface level of an opinion one can have and spins it into an echo chamber. It's literally the reddit of politics. If people stay too long in power like Merkel they rigg everything in their favour and you can witness by now complete dysfunctional system slowly imploding because of one or two individuals
is there anything to be done, or do we just have to wait out this phase of history and hope we survive?
Now OP, As is the same with professional sports you will realise when you are older
Adults shearing like maniacs when their team wins and crying like babies when they lose
They have put money on the outcome
Has it always been like this??? I always wonder that and try not to think that we are special... as in our time in history is special.
Plato wrote Allegory of the Cave 2000ish years ago. Short vid going over it. Sure seems like it’s ALWAYS been like this......................
Can you even call Maddow intellectual? She sounds completely crazy to me. Just because she spins conspiratards every day on cable news doesn't make her intelligent.
There are a lot of intellectuals, most are idiots. Its kind of a pejorative term, or at list it once was and always should be.