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Orrin Hatch also used social media.

Hasbara needs to cool it on these Cortez threads? Do you israelis really think this is effective?

Better than gay ass twitter

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>and that's a good thing

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>cortez lifts veil
>omar puts it right back on

Is it truly genius?

GENIUS that woman

>le epic social media XD
What a clown show.
A new low has been reached, yet still no bottom in sight.
If you have any doubt that America is already dead, look no further. There's nothing left to save.

So much for ever getting a committee position or high level clearance. She's already going to be pegged as a leaker with her big mouth. God she is a retard. The swamp is going to drown the little guppy.


She s going to find out that congress has not done shit since WWll

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Razed and blackpilled

>retard girl is exposing her own party and getting shunned for it


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> using it’s in that context on a title instead of its

Absolutely haram

fuck shes so incredibly smart, im in awe

So this cortez character will be the one to drain the swamp, pulling the plug on drumpf and his cronies

she looks like my mom, who is white hispanic from spain. Maybe she has no non white blood and is white too?

No nigger... Hispanics hate you. Just because you're a shit skin doesn't mean they're your "dawgs" you ignorant ape.

I just want to see those milkers

Last 2 digits determine her IQ

she uses that too. She will be considered a leaker and a traitor. She'll be the left's shapiro begging people to debate her.

It’s popular with the kids that’s also why she shills herself on Jow Forums

She is just so cute I love her :3


Regular headline: X does Y

Lefty headline: X does Y and here is what you should think about that

>ocasio-cortez is exposing the democrats for the hypocrites the are and this is why it's a good thing

where is the goblin's eyes? does she always have to look so fucking awful? i've always been skeptical of donkey shows but with those teeth she looks at least part donkey.

She will be President in 2024.
retards this that pos above me are the reason she will take america into darkness

too stupid to see the forest in the trees and recognize a legitimate threat when they see one

Sorry yo tell ya champ but your mom is a nigger and so are you!

>woman does woman thing

Based and zoomerpilled.

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Why the fuck is this bitch getting so much attention?
Reminds me of how obama came from nowhere to become president

They prob priming her to be the next NWO el presidente
whats the minimum age for someone to run for president in the usa

The hero we deserve

B-but zoomers are redpilled and based! Didn't you get the memo?

>white hispanic



This bitch is a god damned Trojan horse... prove me wrong.

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I must have left it in my left back pocket.

35. She is too young. Also she'll probably be suicided by Hillary and/or the DNC for exposing them

imagine saying that while supporting Trump

anyone else think that she looks like porn actress, meana wolf?

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apex kek

look she's
she gets a free pass ok?

35. Aka she'll probably run and win in 2024 if Trump somehow wins 2020



These dumb niggers from le td redit that came here are fucking NPC's that can't even see how stupid they sound saying shit like that

The board is being flooded with shills pushing her. (((They))) know the board is predominantly made up of teenagers and young 20 somethings. She is a communist, which is exactly what they want to promote. They... (((they))) also know that because the board is filled with teenaged boys and young 20 somethings they can use her to manipulate the culture.. throw a decent looking "young" person in the mix of politics who "get's us" and they won't care about her socialist leanings... See where I'm going here? All those posts are just "1 Post by This ID" and the incels and teenagers here are eating it up. And, where the mods? Probably jerking each other off.

Scroll the catalog and see how many Cortez threads there are, then tell me I'm wrong.

Imagine being the left which has mocked Trump's arguably brilliant usage of social media to manipulate narratives and change the news cycle because it's "unpresidential", who are now praising Cortez for ostensibly trying to do the same thing

god i wish that was me (a mtf tranny sitting on a white male who failed to check his privilege, now as a protected victim class i can lord my higher social status and dominion over him, this is my escape route to escape being a wh*te male like all the kikes say is a grave sin)


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we all know about her why the constant shilling against her on here..last day its gone 10fold. The Deep State worried shes going to rock the boat?

We're done with the 4-year single term presidency. All previous presidents in the last 20 years have been 2 consecutive term presidents.

Bill Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and now Trump.

It's... it's genius, sir

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and thats a good thing

>The Deep State worried shes going to rock the boat?
Yes Lucifer.

Except she doesn't tweet like a retard.

No- the deep state could give a fuck less about her. The swamp will put her in her place very quickly. She's being whored here by trolls to get a rise out of the idiot kids who can't keep their dick out of their hand for more than 30 seconds/

The Left lives by the phrase by any means necessary aka "it's fine when we do it"

She's gonna be a useful idiot for the republicans.
She'll uncover some really heinous shit that the dems are doing and expose them because of her "morals".

I can't believe straight white males elected her to do evil straight white male things and no one noticed.

She only says retarded shit that's not only been disproved, but is outright impossible. Remember that 1 trillion deficit "disaster" over 10 years that Pelosi blamed Trump for? She wants to add 40 trillion to it if she gets her way with "free everything"

Sad that a 71 year old man has a better understanding of social media than these millions of "enlightened" retards

I can’t wait for the first 19 year old black stripper elected to congress. Gonna rewatch idiocracy when that happens

i can see it. i see now that theyre pushing her for 2024.
Who the fuck they gonna drag out for 2020, though?

Stupid fat Americas.

Because he has had decades of swaying people. You don't build billions in capital without knowing how to sway the easily swayed. GW Bush said all sorts of stupid shit during his term but never had someone told him to stop talking. And yet Trump is being told to stop talking over and over. Funny how that works.

Canada is in America you stupid fuck. Or maybe they dropped geography in school for sucking mohammad's cock

Have fun in your failed state

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>Reminds me of how obama came from nowhere to become president

or trump. Basically he was a pressure release valve for neo cons and autstic retards like poltards, in 2024 he gets replaced with Cortes and its business as usual for destruction of the west.

*Americans, typo

if you are a fan of this wacko you are a brainwashed liberal nazi and of no value.

are you calling me a shitskin you fag?

>lift the veil
nigga i watch c-span for that

Your leader is very representative of your idiocy.

she can only ride this stupidity for another months tops then people will ignore her and the articles. hillary post election 2016 and warren both got the same treatment

im burned out on spic posting. only so many times you can see a ugly bitch before you start thinking its a man in drag

I hope more radical types gain footing in the Dem party. They'll tear it apart if they don't fall in line.

Canada is in America. The typo fix didn't change that, retard.

You aren't even a good leafposter like Obamaleaf. Sad

how long until she gets suicided for being too nosey?

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Currently, the US is actually in pretty good shape. Despite the Jew run media that has gone out of their way to paint Trump as this or that... our economy is actually booming, jobs are plentiful, success is a reality once again. I doubt he'll lose in 2016.

You need to understand that what you see on CNN or MSNBC is not how the average American thinks. It's the narrative they want to push and their attempts at manipulating the viewers to conform to their ideologies.

In the case of this buffoon…. I suspect she'll be a one hit wonder. Once she gets BTFO by the establishment and big business, and fails to deliver on the gibs she promised, she'll get voted out.

I don't disagree that they're pushing her right now, but we'll just have to see how it goes.

Libtards are totalitarians with controlled thinking

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I still have hope that once she realizes how actually corrupt our government is she'll get blackpilled and start spilling secrets.
She could be /ourgirl/, indirectly at least.
Either that or she brings about accelerationism

I meant 2020

literally what is wrong with transparency in this way, you'd have to be a partisan hack to find a problem with this

She's not /ourgirl/ you obvious shill, go fuck yourself... hey I have a fun game for you. It's called "put the barrel of a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger." It's really fun. You'll see some bright lights and stars! Try it!

Are you naturally retarded or just pretending?

She's definitely not our girl. She will definitely bring acceleration with her antics though.

Do you have any reading comprehension? I said she would be "indirectly". Obviously she would never be right wing or anything close to it. But her actions could cause a quicker collapse or splinter the left if she realizes how government is nothing like her fantasy imaginings

there are lots of kulaks that must be shot

M-meana wolf's a tranny?

and it's [(((()))))]

>I still have hope that once she realizes how actually corrupt our government is she'll get blackpilled and start spilling secrets.

Yes I think I may have a bit of comprehension but feel free to tell me where I went astray wont you.

>fight against easy income
The fucking nerve of some diversity propaganda hire kike puppet slut lecturing working Americans about "easy income" when her entire party is built on the votes of welfare parasites. Get fucked 2020.

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The left has been taken over by like minded ideologs. The difference is, she is young, and with youth comes stupidity. The Nancy Pelosi's, Maxine Waters', and the like all are cut from the same cloth. The difference is, they have the maturity of life's experience to hide their "power level" until the time is right - according to their agenda.. this moron; however, is going off at the mouth and she isn't even in office yet. If anything she's going to turn the establishment democrats against her and she'll get destroyed.

Nice hitler quote

>Normies pretend to care about politics when it comes bite sized and heavily edited in their favorite social media app where they put 0 effort in
Just kek.