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When are we gonna start the 4th reich?
Charles Jenkins
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Jace Gomez
Jan 7 2020
Aaron Miller
hopefully soon. But we got lots of work to do
Caleb Hall
it started yesterday @ 2:46 est
Connor Clark
Jason Martin
Elijah Stewart
i am not aware of what happened at 2:46
Ethan Rodriguez
When whites grow a pair of balls.
Voting isn't going to save you.
David Jackson
whats the plan
Elijah Martinez
that's why we are going to have an uprising
Anthony Moore
whats the first step
Adam King
When WW3 breaks out and the communists are marching through Europe.
Aaron Foster
Fuck off, we're full.
Gabriel Murphy
we are going to take over the federal reserve
Oliver Young
don't worry we will stop the invasion
Anthony Reed
Can we wait until Saturday? I have work tomorrow.
Aiden Watson
Soon and this time our Russian Brothers will be on our side we will destroy everything non white once and for all and start living like we're supposed too every single homosexual transexual leftist scum that doesn't convert is getting erased aswell WHITE POWER
Lincoln Long
i like the whole nationlist socialism thing but do we really have to LARP as the same generation that ruined everything? Surely we at the very least we have nifty new uniforms
Jace Sanchez
No more brother wars WHITE POWER
Jeremiah Anderson
Not on my watch.
Xavier Bennett
Will I be gassed by you guys or can I join?
Native American mom (Iroquois) and Welsh dad
Christopher Wood
Ryder King
as long as your not a leftist elite
Brandon Nguyen
When everything falls of course. The 3rd Reich was born out of the ashes of the Weimar Republic.
Mason Lee
Literally never dude
Ayden Perry
I'm here faggots what do you want
Kayden Roberts
when are we going to invade
Michael Turner
Jeremiah Roberts
the 'Game' never ends, 'comrade'/'brother'
It's always 'now'.
(sry im pretty drunk atm, i dont even atm...)
Samuel Barnes
By the time everything falls, it will be too late. Jews don't make their plans have any means of naturally failing without being pushed against by an external force.
Stop being a lazy, well-wishing faggot.
Owen Young
Liam Howard
It's pretty scary cause I feel that way myself man all though I wanted it not to be true it might be he licks to much jew ass and lets jews lick his daughters ass
Jason Walker
There are people who believed that trump would go against israel? Half of his family is jewish lol not even mutts can be this dumb
Aaron Campbell
4th reich begins with you brother. To begin 4th Reich on a larger scale you must begin it on a smaller scale which is you
Landon Brooks
It was before I found out about all that I feel like at this point (((they))) got their filthy jewish claws into each side in every country.
Gavin Cooper
Does not change the fact you are all still massive faggots.
Adrian Ross
John Allen
im 14 and i cringe at everything i dislike
Ryan Cooper
William Rodriguez
William Ortiz
You poltards won't do shit. Literally all you retards do is cry online about "Durr jooozz" or "Durr niggers keep cucking me waaa" srsy shut the fuck up. If it ever came to it you little skinny-fat nerds would be way to weak and timid to even pick up a gun are you serious?
>Inb4 durrr shill
You know I'm right, and no amount of braindead ms paint neo Nazi memes can change that SWEETY.
Leo Murphy
I'm sure you're very tough you fat little transexual mentally ill faggot
Zachary Brown
Fuck you left wing socialist faggots.
Ethan Bennett
If you're absolutely serious about it, and we are too, I can see it happening in maybe 200 or 300 years. It won't happen in our lifetimes, and we have to learn to think long term, but that requires that we are completely fanatical about.
Caleb Reed
soon i hope
Charles Diaz
hitler believed it would arise in south america
Jeremiah Ross
never you pathetic larper
Zachary Ramirez
>"Waaa my little pea brain cant come up with any meaningful response so I'm just gonna call you names"
Nolan Harris
>sweety posting in 2018
Luke Thompson
Castizo here, just a reminder: NO RACE MIXING, MUTT LIFE IS FUCKING HELL