/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL || Comfy Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump @Conf for Veterans&Military Families 11/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Visit Marine Barracks 11/15/18
>FLotUS Melania @Be Best Online Safety Event 11/15/18
>VP Pence on NBC News 11/15/18
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 11/15/18
>ActingAG Whitaker @DoJ Vets Appreciation Day 11/15/18
>StateDep Spox Heather @SoS Award for Outstanding Volunteerism 11/15/18
>VAUndSec Lawrence @House on GI Bill Payments 11/15/18
>DHS/DC Circuit Court Confirmations @Senate 11/15/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/15/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Ben @HUDSec Awards Ceremony 11/14/18
>Pres Trump Speech on HR5682 First Step Act 11/14/18
>VP Pence meets w/Myanmar SC Suu Kyi 11/14/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Balangiga Bells Ceremony 11/14/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis Press Conf @Southern Border 11/14/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/DHSSec Nielsen visit troops @Border 11/14/18
>StratcomCmdr AFGen Hyten @Harvard on Strategic Deterrence 11/14/18
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 11/14/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: 1542081270424.jpg (3515x2648, 938K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: sfdewq1213111.png (1866x822, 25K)

>worshiping this fat orange retard

Attached: [sees trump approval polls].jpg (474x266, 15K)

>yfw da bears in da superb owl

Attached: 1459575845173.jpg (480x640, 119K)

Please save over that with this image

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.10_[2018.11.16_00.02.50].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Attached: jebseats.png (1142x1827, 1.69M)

Attached: 20140525-294370-best-deep-dish-pizza-giordanos-1.jpg (610x458, 90K)

or this one, depending which you like more

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.11_[2018.11.16_00.03.18].jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Attached: BBQ-Chicken-Cheddar-Pizza3-620x413.jpg (620x413, 153K)

Seriously, it is atrocious what goes on over there now. I literally just visit to bait post and act like a general retard.
Look for yourself archive.is/NUpR0

>but Lavey made some salient points.
>Oh god.
I'm not talking about his occultism. But he said that people that fuck with other people's propert should be either beaten in public or put to death. Also that the voices in your head can make better company than other human beings. I agree with both of those things.

Attached: KAC sun dress.jpg (300x346, 16K)

>Kitty on time
The absolute state of /ptg/

Attached: 1520692611872.gif (512x512, 1.62M)

thanks for baking

Attached: Melania-Trump-06-GQ-7-Nov16_Antoine-Verglas_b.jpg (1440x960, 163K)

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Who is this?


Attached: cpulled-pork-burger.jpg (849x566, 92K)

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>Joe 316
I don't remember that part of the bible.

Is America getting whiter yet?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at 4.01.48 pm.png (1130x994, 673K)

Attached: honey-barbecue-boneless-chicken-wings.jpg (665x827, 518K)

Theeeeeeey're heeeeeeeeere.

Attached: 1590235893205.png (833x783, 345K)

>Worshiping a stupid nigger

Attached: images (2).jpg (228x221, 8K)

i always maintain that anywhere between head to head-and-a-half is god tier size, but i can respect people who prefer something smaller

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Attached: 1537575470602.jpg (450x555, 143K)

Nobody has ever been able to tell. His face appears in no records of any kind

Actually I think this is the exact frame to replace your stream screenshot capture.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.10_[2018.11.16_00.07.30].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Why do they always false flag like this.

Attached: 1542342921056.png (741x610, 155K)

God damn it, now I want pizza

It's got to be a lot more common than that. If a foreign country wanted to get a spy into the US the border is the best place to do it.
The exception is China. I hear they have a spy in Canada who plans to infiltrate the US.

here you go

Attached: 1-2.jpg (480x360, 29K)


if youre scared of nazis and not muslims youre a fuckin idiot


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what if I don't wanna

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Lets be honest, dabbing in the face of death isn’t even in the top 100 worst ways to cash out.

Attached: 33690CB0-EF0F-4C0F-8CAC-D6021646E39B.jpg (334x334, 102K)

Attached: pizza.jpg (658x720, 136K)

best to use this one instead

Attached: when you are a complete failure.gif (429x298, 659K)

l o w e n e r g y

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We need to get Avenatti the presumption of innocence. its only right

Attached: pepe35.jpg (720x720, 69K)

How could he even think of prosecuting Assange? Tell me, how? How many fucking times did he cite wikileaks to fuck up Hillary? Jesus Christ almighty talk about stabbing people in the back.

wow and of course i get gookmooted

Attached: 1512191413112.jpg (385x375, 19K)

>during intermission
They're losing their edge

I like "big enough to be sexy but not too big that makes them not able to be active"

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Attached: whatwillidowithmyenow.jpg (166x308, 15K)

We need the BASED criminal reform bill to give lighter sentences to criminals and let them out of prison early! Maybe Republicans will get 3 more black people to vote for them!

whatcha doing rabbi

>Joe 316
>For Joe so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten intern, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life

Trump doesn't need your vote anymore. He has the based black vote now.

>free of this hell
Another nightmare would take it's place

It's fading in effectiveness, it's why they had to bring back Nazis instead of muzzies for the bad guys in vidya, they slacked on the brainwashing.

Attached: i-i don't know what to say no one ever gave me a rose asking to be my valentine before, anon yo (1080x1080, 57K)

Giordano's > Lou Malnati's

Attached: 1530513021138.png (683x1024, 848K)

>I'm not talking about his occultism
Or lack thereof. His theft and bastardization of the Enochian calls offends me.

>But he said that people that fuck with other people's propert should be either beaten in public or put to death. Also that the voices in your head can make better company than other human beings. I agree with both of those things.
Both of those are common sense.

whoops wrong reaction image

Attached: 6ed.gif (500x274, 811K)

Good grief. It's like a worse version of /sg/.

Attached: IMG_1633.jpg (1024x768, 96K)

But notice, never the kot. Its a fucking conspiracy.

lmfao at this being evidence for the claim that they're "pouring in"

good god, get real man


Attached: detroitstylepizza.jpg (745x559, 171K)

>read the filename

Attached: crossed arms.png (472x565, 18K)

Caravan has arrived.

Thousands are pouring in, only hundreds are being caught.

Attached: 15283572352.png (604x622, 182K)

Someone mail this to me please.

How'd he get away without being arrested
>inb4 muh free speech


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Attached: peetzercake.jpg (800x450, 91K)

have you lost your mind?

What the fuck happened to 8gag.

>fiddler on the roof
>tfw more fucking jew propaganda stories
is it even possible to be this tired of everything

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I got gooked like two days ago
>tfw 04

Attached: A121A50A-7BAD-4F0D-A94B-D1DC0EADC57F.jpg (720x833, 37K)

Because they're losing control and they think they can still roll with muh nazis.

Attached: 92dd5bfb-f52c-4d0d-812e-a50dd1b02be5.gif (500x376, 595K)

Some of us are dieting here.

>How'd he get away without being arrested
Because he was a leftist false-flagging as Trump supporter. He even admitted it later when someone called the police on him.
>I was just being ironic!

How about this, nigger? foxnews.com/us/more-than-650-illegal-immigrants-crossing-southern-border-detained-in-arizona-over-two-days

Assange to GITMO.

Attached: t1larg.gitmo.gi.jpg (640x360, 53K)



What is that thumbnail?!

Chicago deep dish > New York plastic


>common sense
You should know by now there's no such thing. Also I didn't know you were such a fan of Dee and Kelley.
>I don't discuss my occultism ITT
I'll have you yet.

Attached: these teeth.jpg (344x296, 29K)

that's it, put those two in the barn immediately

Attached: pizzacheese.gif (500x277, 495K)

Hard kek there my friend

>Broward County missed the deadline by 2 minutes
So are the votes all just declared trash or does that trigger yet another kind of recount?


you didn't honestly expect them to be shot on sight did you? you poor thing

No joke. I'm convinced it's mostly used by arabs in Europe at this point.
It's every fucking thread.

According to the report, Derlunas said that the final scene of the play before intermission had reminded him of his hatred for the president, which is why he shouted. He was confused when people around him became angry. The officer deduced “that his intention was to express his dislike for President Donald Trump.”

Baltimore Police were called and security escorted Derlunas out a few minutes later, a police spokeswoman said, and the show continued.

According to the police report, Derlunas was “calm and compliant” during the interaction and returned to a hotel where he was staying with his girlfriend in the area. Witnesses told The Baltimore Sun that the audience applauded as the man was removed.

Police issued a stop ticket to the man, but he was not arrested, police said. A stop ticket is the least severe measure police can take when responding to a complaint, followed by citations and arrests. Stop tickets do not carry any fines or other penalties and do not require follow-up from the recipient.

And?!?!?! What are you? A fucking calorie Nazi?

you're a spearchucker that likes sauce soup in a bread bowl

How do you think the majority of trump supporters, like the ones that go to his rallies think of the prison reform thing? considering how I think not a lot of white trump supporters have family in prison, why should they give a shit about it? why should they agree with it?

Attached: 0bhk0pljfk901.gif (800x1066, 1.16M)

it means no more machine counting allowed. what's in is now in

After two years of this bullshit I'm fucking annoyed with the President's tweeting about mueller. If trump was ever going to do anything he would've fired mueller already (and sessions a long time ago honestly). Republican voters will never protest or anything on a mass scale or get in the streets like the moron Dems do. Crooked Hillary should be in prison right now, as should podesta molesta and huma and a good number of congressmen and federal employees as well. Instead, trump just tweets, each side will use it as fuel, and nothing will ever change.

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*doesn't see any of his open receivers open*

Damn. Half that thread is ESL lol.

no, im not on a diet

Bread bowls are the GOAT edible bowls, user. Delete this post.

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