>Neo-NatSoc harassment not protected by First Amendment, Judge rules

>Muh harassment

Another day..another whore of a Kikess retardedly victim whoring.

Attached: Its anudda holohax.png (756x803, 632K)

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Gersh is one of the most egregious examples of pic related.

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Hopefully it's appealed to the SC

Anglin still hasn't been served, IIRC.

>mfw targeted harassment in the favorite tactic of the left right now
They even have fucking apps for leftist to do targeting trolling

>mfw doesn't matter ... political speech can't just be called "harassment" to circumvent the 1st amendment

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>"I never thought I would have to teach my children that they might be hated just for being Jewish."

Fucking kike pilpul, she was targeted because she was extorting and threatening Richard Spencer's mom, telling her as a mother to betray her son, that she needs to sell her house and donate the money or there might be protesters or who knows, then when people decide to fight back it's literraly anuddah shoah.

Day of the fucking rope when?

Don't bother with nu-Jow Forums, the faggot cucks here won't ever do shit unless it's some "FUCKING EBIN LE BASED NIGGER" or something, 99% of this board is half-breeds

To her, extortion is "just part of being Jewish".

>telling her as a mother to betray her son, that she needs to sell her house and donate the money or there might be protesters or who knows

That’s the most Jewish thing I’ve ever heard.

isn't she the chick that tried to force Richard Spencer's mom to sell her home?

She even looks scheming and evil. Lets give her some more and shut her site down

Ya. That's her.

">Don't bother with nu-Jow Forums, the faggot cucks here won't ever do shit unless it's some "FUCKING EBIN LE BASED NIGGER" or something, 99% of this board is half-breeds"

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Much as I hate Spencer and shit Gersh is definitely an evil fucking person who was basically trying to extort his mother. Of course Spencer, the (at best) useful idiot had to go about it like a retard by going "HURR DURR ALL NAZIS MARCH ON WHITEFISH BECAUSE DA JOOZ" when all he had to do was keep the wignat autism out of it and just point out the basic facts.

He was served via newspaper:

Gersh tried to get Anglins house for free, he did mighty fine to fuck her up.

Tell us again how JewSA is any better than Europe with its "free speech?"

Oh it was Spencers, okay.

Let's send a few postcards to Gersh on Christmas.

Looks like CNN is now responsible for all of the leftist harassment of Republicans now.

At least here you don't retardedly get arrested for sieg heiling or saying the Holohoax never happened.

I wish one of these Neo-Nazi organizations would fucking read Pierce and commit terrorism against an actually useful agency instead of go out and protest where you're basically painting a fucking target on your head.

jews are not compatible with American values

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Did Spencer even do that? I thought it was Anglin's idea to troll the media by claiming there would be an armed march at Whitefish, that he was bussing in hundreds of skinheads, and that a representative of Hamas would be in attendance?

Just don't send this "fucking wicked kike whore" any lumps of coal; it will be treated as an incendiary device, and you will be charged with terrorism and attempted murder.

I don't quite hate Spencer (though he belongs in the same "Shut up and go away" bucket that David Duke belongs in), but I'd say your post is basically perfect and spot-on.