Sleepless pol humour thread

Post them boys

Attached: 75C84EB8-FAD8-45C4-9B0B-1D4D8E8B9040.jpg (833x755, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 5EA99DBB27204CB3AAD5723519B2643D.jpg (508x763, 332K)

Attached: 1537511655434.jpg (728x671, 78K)

Attached: 1536794499730.png (845x639, 247K)

Imagine OPs pic was real

Attached: DAE674E2-F6D7-43CC-A6D6-56B16DDACE1F.png (615x1113, 615K)

Attached: 1523996793535.jpg (460x460, 21K)

That's kinda hot.


Attached: 1534972077249.png (454x661, 724K)

Attached: Bob.jpg (540x540, 34K)

>Bully not so tough after being molested

Attached: 1542346709105~01~01~01.jpg (1185x1124, 224K)

Attached: proof there is good in all of us.jpg (470x406, 61K)

Attached: 1541531080748.jpg (614x633, 44K)

Attached: 1505570124893.jpg (480x340, 29K)

Good, that's what they all deserve, kek

Sleep well little pig, it may be your last.

Attached: 1542173307308.jpg (720x516, 44K)

Attached: 1485154288864.png (630x330, 125K)

Holy shit is that fucking real

Attached: 1541705243648.gif (350x197, 422K)

Attached: 1506210107456.jpg (612x720, 67K)

Attached: 1488088321207.jpg (333x507, 53K)

Attached: Autobalance.jpg (1068x662, 131K)

Attached: 1497117207314.png (480x539, 329K)

Attached: 1513387965358.jpg (790x960, 220K)

Top kek

Attached: 56qwtmJZKHA.jpg (375x268, 19K)

Sleep well little pig may it be your last


Attached: WE.jpg (403x450, 53K)

Attached: 1536629573830.jpg (1242x1876, 469K)

Attached: XS_1rc1MWqA.jpg (1080x1091, 125K)

Attached: eJwNyEEOhCAMAMC_8AAo0FLxNwiIJioE2NNm_77Ocb7i0y-ximPONlal0jli7UmOWXsoWZZay5VDO4eM9VZhzhCPOz9zKMOEBKwt (249x420, 152K)

Attached: Fuck you.png (723x866, 310K)

Attached: 1541427404296.jpg (918x494, 77K)

Attached: 1541870336605.png (606x516, 299K)

Attached: 1488067685179.jpg (640x680, 122K)

How the times certainly change.

Sleep well little pig.
Digits confirm.

Funny because scissors beats rock.

The scissors symbol is also the peace sign... Which ironically, rock/black people seem pretty apt to beat this.

Attached: scissors of peace.jpg (800x1200, 497K)

Attached: 1481132723123.png (471x272, 259K)

Attached: top kek.jpg (544x540, 35K)

Attached: 1496888680058.jpg (1024x768, 98K)

No no no no no NO!


I wish that one was real. Fucking hilarious.

sleep well little pig it will be your last

Attached: AmySchumerDoesntLikeSalad.jpg (473x597, 29K)

Attached: untitled228.jpg (474x560, 71K)

kek alt righters here are indeed onions boys.
left and right yall are chads tyrones n abduls bitches

Attached: 1499088558920.jpg (960x768, 96K)

or the British V for victory symbol

Attached: download.jpg (580x350, 62K)

>the blond kid's face

Attached: 1476994335674.jpg (700x467, 103K)

Attached: 1499360376507.gif (200x293, 1.73M)

Attached: download.jpg (637x358, 47K)

Attached: 100layers of degeneracy.jpg (647x393, 75K)

This woman should be publicly shot

Dumb niggers are using "onions" now instead of "onions." Y'know, instead of just calling it fucking tofu.

We wuz republicanz

Gerbals was a meth addicted product of incest, but yeah Americans are mutts.

Attached: 1498533448807.gif (370x335, 1.53M)

Well, Pushkin WAS part nigger on his mother's side...

Ah, so they changed the bot to say onions.
...That's even dumber than "based." What the fuck, Jow Forums?

Attached: 35467433-6350-4021-882B-675B1BADE6E4.jpg (307x300, 43K)

Attached: 1498394444231.png (588x702, 294K)

this better not be real i swar on me mum

Attached: WeWuzAnimeNSheit.jpg (664x936, 158K)

Attached: 1537107143624m.jpg (1024x586, 78K)

I was more going for the "niggers ruin peace" angle, but "Niggers ruin victory" works too, sure.

Attached: 1527612817176.jpg (722x349, 58K)

Paper can beat scissors with enough paper

Attached: 1488071282413.png (629x1078, 1023K)

Platonic justice.

Attached: 1458195833309.jpg (301x267, 14K)

Attached: WeWuzBuildinAnSheit.png (846x615, 41K)


Sleep well little pig. May it be your last.

Sleep well little pig, may it be your last.

Attached: WeWuzEverythin.png (1674x859, 166K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180903-001244.png (720x1280, 262K)

I wonder if it's kosher.

What a cucked country

Attached: Shaggy brain size.jpg (874x1000, 137K)

Isn’t she worried about germs? She’s going to virtue signal her kids into the hospital

This has become quite the afrocentrism cringe thread.
Are you ok?

>britbongs defeated by niggers
>niggers defeated by nazis
>nazis defeated by britbongs

Sleep well little pig, it may be your last.

Attached: 8tXtI8k.png (643x624, 337K)

Sleep well little pig, it may be your last.

Welcome back from prison, a lot has changed while you've been inside.

big if true

>being a protestant and a nigger
Germany is beyond saving


for fucks sake

Attached: 1538779313221.gif (349x199, 487K)

I usually don't believe in karma, but this is too great.

>what the f
You misspelled "ALLAHU AKBAR"

>One rod alone may break, but many rods bound together are unstoppable.

These AI always discriminate against women and yet they're always saying each and every one is wrong and poorly programmed

I want to die but can't let this be the last thing I see
so much diversity and sexual deviancy, Svettlana is proud

I've always liked 13 Ghosts, it had the best Daphne.

Sleep well little pig, it may be your last

Attached: 0183172E-3D31-4CC9-BB76-DFA7DD542A66-376-0000000C03387149.jpg (350x500, 78K)

Russia please nuke all of Europe.
Thank you for the consideration.

Sleep well little pig, it may be your last.