Is Elizabeth Bruenig correct? Does this explain why Jow Forums is so obsessed with AOC?
Is Elizabeth Bruenig correct? Does this explain why Jow Forums is so obsessed with AOC?
What are you talking about? OP is a pedophile kike and so is that jewish woman.
>shills post horse face constantly
>some how that's our doing
You don't see all the AOC threads?
Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.
Horse face?
>You don't see all the AOC threads?
Those are made by Jews like you to paint this board in a certain light. Do you honestly think that people fall for this stupid bullshit? I'm convinced now, you shills don't even realize how transparent and pathetic you are. You're soulless subhumans and that's why the only job you could get is to shill on Jow Forums.
I think you are imagining things, my friend. There is no conspiracy here on this board. Get some rest, I think you need some sleep.
What does this thread have to do with Israel?
You need some sleep you israeli motherfucker cuz you're gonna be dead soon.