The Kalashnikov rifle is easily the best thing that ever came from communism right?

The Kalashnikov rifle is easily the best thing that ever came from communism right?

Attached: Kalashnikov_6.jpg (1600x1062, 273K)

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Russians are just really smart.

Looks like an STG44

Their rockets seem to go alright

It came from a brilliant man, not from communism.

The MIR space station was pretty cool

That's not a 47 but a 74.
It was updated recently. Also this the new thing using the same caliber.

here's a contender

Attached: su-35.jpg (1600x1200, 430K)

OP is a faggot shill

The rifle design didn't come from the Commies
They copied the Nazi's
Typical (((commie))) tricks to take credit.

Its not an AK

Attached: sturmgewehr.jpg (349x172, 23K)

The whole AK line is versatile and durabile but I'm not sure Americans use it as it was intended. Here you can buy some of these models as a defence weapon against bears.

Attached: RussianOptics.net_NV_ALL.jpg (1280x850, 531K)

lel, the ak has NOTHING to do with the stg-44 and believing so is just fuddlore

>it be lookin like so it must be da same

that a chicom sks-ak hybrid

It is a STG44 they modified the design.

you people are retarded

>the stg 44 is more similar to a g3 than a ak

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The internals are completely different.

>Proves that socialist reforms in Education work, no matter the society's values

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MIR was a piece of shit, and was only possible because of Soyuz, the actual best thing Communism ever created.
You can redpill on every other Communist thing including AK, but the Soyuz is impervious to demolition.
Soviet space program was a joke including Gagarin, but Soyuz kept them in the game the whole time.
Outlasted the Space Shuttle and Apollo.

Attached: soyuz.jpg (1200x900, 337K)

The rifle is totally different, the only thing in common is the apparent shape of the magazine.

Mikhail Kalashnikov was a mechanical genius of simplicity and usability. Communism had nothing to do it. It was just a single smart man that was lucky enough to not be completely fucked by communism.

A fuck load of scientific material. Space flight, the whole space race honestly. Then inside USSR there was a very low amount of crime and generally pretty solid social cohesion.

What commies did to food though is also an example of human achievement. I mean they erased, almost entirely, the Russian cuisine and replaced with some of the most horrendous and bland prison food. That's impressive!


>the stg 44 is more similar to a g3 than a ak
No fucking shit user. The G3 is the direct descendant of the STG 44

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Where is this museum? I have been to the cosmonaut museum in Moscow but that’s clearly an other place.

of course but nogunz don't know this

The Kalashnikov design is literally just a stolen and worked-over copy of the original Sturmgewehr from 1944. Nothing good and original ever came out of the Soviet Union - Even their fabled Papasha is just a knock-off of the Suomi.

Attached: Suomi_M31_Torpin_Tykit_2.jpg (4443x1203, 1.47M)

this whole thread is laughing at you mongolian


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he did kinda get fucked tho, he lived a middle class life despite being one of the most successful firearms inventors ever, so successful that 1 out of 4 firearms on earth are ak variants, so successful that jews, and western European ripped off aspects of the ak

>Sweden = ak-5
>Belgian = FNC
>swiss = sg550
>jews= galil
>finns = valmet

The Soyuz maybe.

>hurr it looks the same so it must be the same
fucking nogun brainlets

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no, it's a piece of shit compared to whats out there. is the best thing to come out of communism

>I'm not sure Americans use it as it was intended. Here you can buy some of these models as a defence weapon against bears.
>It's never to be used for self-defense purposes.

East Germans were involved with the development, but not based on the FG.

>stg 44
>Ak 47
Major differences?

That looks like those 1930s submachine guns from the Chicago maffia movies.

This is a Jow Forums level thread. and IMO for it's day the T-34 was the best thing too come from communist Russia. It wasn't the most heavily armed or armored tank but it had the right mix of everything and ability too mass produce enough too combat the German heavy tanks.

They aren't accurate it's for short range too. You just put a wall of lead in the opponent and you gtfo.

They wrote some pretty neat songs as well

>who is Vilho Pentikäinen

I have a PSA AK, it's a great rifle. you can beat the shit out it and it just keeps firing. for $500 you really can't beat that.

Look above poutiner, soviet space shit was just soyuz, and only soyuz. Every other thing they did was cartoonland.

Attached: saturnv.jpg (1884x1500, 1.56M)

Looks like a glock to me
t. CNN

I.O here. a decent one. got it in a trade for a threaded glock barrel. don't think it's ever been cleaned. It just keeps going

Attached: 0821c76678023e84825f64a072566e94bf92ed883278e79e3171f5d9eb234967.jpg (1930x4340, 1.51M)

The stg was a German improvement on the design of the Russian ak.

You did forget about the high capacity assault clipazine.
Farewell of slavianka is originally a tsarist song, But yes you are right they had and still have very talented artists and composers.

I'm not even offended, that's amazing.

Do you really do that? Just go onto the internet and call people names without providing anything of value to a discussion?

Because it is from the 30's, Iancu. the Suomi KP-31 entered mass production in 1931. It was the weapon that triggered the eventual creation of the iconic Papasha due to its great effectiveness during the Winter War.

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Imagine a timeline where Russia didn't go full retard after 1917. Maybe we wouldn't be living in a world where America isn't the undisputed king and not breathing down our backs all the time.
I'd take a Mini 14 over a US made AK any day of the week.

It was developed by a Russian genius based on stiff competition and using the German StG44 as a precedent rifle.

It did not develop as a “committee gun”.

their big ass helicopters were pretty cool

My great grandfather carried one of those KP-31 suomis and he told my dad how they could find dead Soviets with Captured KP-31s during the winter war, When the second war started the Papasha was already in full production.
Can't blame them it was basically state of the art back then.

also slide thread, 1 post by this ID
sage and report

Attached: SLIDE THREAD.png (1500x1500, 926K)

The fuck are you talking about? Until 1917 Russia was undeveloped shithole. Technological push was possible only under socialism, where at least obligatory middle schools were implemented.

The only similarities are external appearance and ergonomics.

The communist propaganda is eating at your brain. Tsarist Russia was industrializing rapidly., the civil war and purges actually slowed it down. German strategists predicted that if WW1 started in the 1920s then Russia would have marched into Berlin.

>take a Mini 14 over a US made AK any day of the week
A mini-14 with an accu-strut

>Until 1917 Russia was undeveloped shithole.
So was Finland and hey the white army won there, If it werent for that fact then Finland would have been some atleast 50 years behind the rest of Europe in terms of livingstandards.
Thank god White guard won.

bumped and reported your announcing
>inb4 you report me
I can be back in 5 seconds newfag

I'm not quite sure, but if I recall correctly the bolsheviks had absolutely no submachine guns in mass production whatsoever until the 1940s. In reaction to their lack of automatic small arms, they rushed out the PPD-40. A simplification of that design is the PPSh-41, so yeah. I'm not surprised the soviets during the Winter War would be using looted Suomi KP-31 guns.

Nigga they stole it from the germans.

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That thing looks good for home defense. What's the caliber and rate of fire?

I'd still a gas dispersal thing to the barrel.

Literally the same caliber as AK-47
And ruski pistols.

They looted anything they could get their hands on, on some places average temperature was around -50 with it being -48 when it was the warmest and -52 when it was the coldest.
Anything that kept you warm or fed would instantly be looted.
Not the same caliber.

they are mechanically completely different

Nah man their shitty T34's that leaked oil and burned thousands of men alive were top notch sheez.


That's what a submachine gun is, dude. It's just a gun that shoots pistol-calibre bullets faster than a pistol and more than a pistol. It's the ideal weapon for CQC, where the range and knocking power of a full rifle go to waste.

>Literally the same caliber as AK-47

Modified by powder and rim size of cartridge so it doesn't have that much of a speed in the pistol. Also those Tokarevs need silencers to operate balanced.
Pic related modified Hungaristani with different barrel.

Attached: Tokagypt_58.jpg (1024x683, 197K)

Why did they win and the Nazis lost?

mp5 and forget the rest

Russia would have dominated all of Europe had those subhumans not taken over your country. You whine about muh Tsarist oppression when the Bolsheviks enslaved your entire population and famined tens of millions to buy the machinery with stolen grain.

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They had 4 years to rearm during the Great Depression and fight the entire world you subhuman. The French Army alone had more tanks, men and guns than the Wehrmacht during the Battle of France. You act as if Hitler didn't encircle 4,000,000 Red Army troops within the first six months.

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>The fact the guy that made the al literally designed it off the STG 44

Everyone hears about how Nazis ran the American space program but you never hear how they ran the Soviet one as well.

Oil and logistics, my mutt friend. Germany may have produced the most aesthetically pleasing and hype firearms, but in the grave reality of war quantity matters over quality. For every mighty panzerkampfwagen built lovingly back in the Fatherland, hundreds of factories filled with indentured slav peasants living in sub-poverty conditions managed to build five T-34s.

This fight against Jewish-Asiatic Bolshevism had been raging long before National Socialism came into power. The only reason why it had not already overrun Europe during the years 1919-20 was that it was then itself too weak and too poorly armed. Its attempt to eliminate Poland was not abandoned because of its compassion for the Poland of that time but only because of the lost battle before Warsaw. Its intention to annihilate Hungary was not discarded because they changed their minds, but because Bolshevist power could not be maintained militarily. Nor was the attempt to smash Germany given up because this achievement was not desired but because it proved impossible to overcome the natural resistance stamina of our people.

Thereupon Jewry began systematically to undermine our nation from within, and it found its best ally in those narrow-minded bourgeoisie who would not recognize that the era of a bourgeois world is ended and will never again return, that the epoch of unbridled economic liberalism has outlived itself and can only lead to its self-destruction and, above all, that the great tasks of our time can be mastered only under an authoritarian coordination of natural strength, based on the law of same rights for all and, thence, of same duties.

>excerpt from his final speech

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The team that built the STG44 was taken to russia and built the AK47 you brainlett.

>communism starts
>millions of communists end up dying of starvation and shit
Dead commies seems to be the best thing that comes from communism

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And that's wrong as well. How can you ignore the fact that the Cetme/G3 has a delayed blowback system that is completely different from the MP 44? The G3 is derived from the StG 45 not 44.

He's a retard that confuses technological progress with actual development of the country. Industrialization would have happened in Tsarist Russia, but with property rights and strong working middle class. The same morons say that we live better now than 10 years ago because we have smartphones these days

its the quintessential communist artifact
>designer kidnapped into forced labor with
>design stolen and palmed off as somebodies elses
>conspiracy to destroy all documentation pertaining to actual designer


You question major differences between two rifles that kinda look alike but you can't tell the difference between an M31 and a Tommy gun ? Why doesn't that surprise me at all?

You are embarrassing yourself, neighbor.

it's actually closer to garand iirc and kalashnikov looked at examples of m1s postwar for the gas operated rotating bolt

Kalash, or rather its proliferation into the most common rifle in the world, is a result of the cold war and the Warsaw pact.

Because they did not. Soviet rockets are very different from amerinazi ones. USSR copied a V2 rocket it found and that's it. Because murrikans got all big nazi scientists.

It is an European, they modified the design.

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wtf are 40 and 41?

Of course its similar to g3 as its direct descenant of it.


They gulaged the nazi that designed the stg44, then kalishnakike took credit for the design

>Literally the same caliber as AK-47

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imagine though

It was merely an improvement