Why are socially awkward incel types so obsessed with jews? It's bizarre

Why are socially awkward incel types so obsessed with jews? It's bizarre

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I thought it was all a funny meme. But these guys really are retarded



They're the smarter ones in a world that specifically rewards being a dumb useless consumer. Literally more oppressed than any filthy vicious kike ever was. The jews have deserved evertyhign that has even happened to them, except the good things.

Why are retarded leftwing vermin who make excuses for niggers they don’t want anything to do with always projecting the fact that they’re beta male cucks onto everyone else

>the good ones


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>reminder... all women are whores
>literally any man with 20$ is not an incel by definition
Incel is nothing but a kike smear on white men

Even incels can spot their (((tricks)))

Jewish shaming lies dont work here.
Hating Jews isn’t rocket science.....wait....yes it’s literally rocket Science

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Since they are separated from society they have a more unbiased and objective take on it

Anti-semites are a threat to the conservative movement. They are really a cancer.

This. The masters don't like it when they're subjects of critics and our movement needs to kick out all those antisemitic incels out.

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>we can make more of these

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Say it with me!
Killa all Jewish and israeli children!!!

They're jealous
>socialists don't care about the poor, they hate the rich
You see, these alt-righters and neonazis idolize Japs and other Asians, they're hypocrites!

Isolated and disenfranchised young men have a lot of anger about society as it is today. Instead of taking time to understand the hundreds of factors that lead to this shitty situation it's easier to demonize a group of powerful and separate people as wholly responsible.

Of course you did faggot

Because they are looking for someone to blame. Its easier to focus all your resentment on a boogey man than to accept your own genetic and conditioned failings.

Some people are simply not fit to breed or be accepted by society. This is the hardest of all pills to swallow. Therefore, they blame Jews.


Or maybe, if you want to sum up the problem in one word
is actually pretty fucking accurate.
That's not to say we need to be locking up or murdering them in mass numbers.
We could also say
But it's really funny to just go
>Hitler was right
And see the shitshow unfold.
What better way to start a mass movement than the one that worked so well last time?

He looks like an antifa. He's probably just trying to spy on us for his cuckold buddies.

Nah they just paint us as our worst members. I make almost $100K per year, am 6' even, wear a suit and click clacky wingtips to the office everyday, could have pretty much any woman I'd like to pursue, and I can see that 99% of all the world's worst problems wouldn't be there if there were no Jews.
It's not that hard, really.
Anybody who takes the time to seriously answer the question "why is the world broken" will invariably come to the fed, feminism, immigration, propaganda, MSM, and then once they look to the origins of each, bingo bango a nazi is born.
They bring this on themselves, as they always have.

>Because they are looking for someone to blame. Its easier to focus all your resentment on a boogey man than to accept your own genetic and conditioned failings.
Like when jews see antisemites everywhere and blame all the wrong in the world on us ?
Do you see the irony in your post.

Protip : it's not the jew that makes the antisemite, it's the other way.

maybe if normies did research instead of hedonistic shit, they would become aware of the kikes too


go back to pleddit

Do you faggots actually suck the niggers dick when its time to 'prep the bull'?


Modern fascist/racist/NatSoc/alt-right movements gives emotionally frustrated, anti-social white men a sense of purpose (e.g. to live a pretentiously self-righteous life by adhering to fascist beliefs and mimicking fascist icons like the Nazis out of adoration) and using facism's inherent identity politics ("muh heritage!", "muh race!", "muh pride!") as a crutch for their individualistic inadequacies as a member of society. Proclaiming to be any of the above mentioned terms also give these white men a collective sense of identity in which they can relate to other self-proclaimed fascists, seeing how as individuals they're all effectively social outcasts who can't form sincere relationships with normal people.

Fascism/NatSoc as a movement in particular is irrationally blaming other people (niggers, jews etc) for your problems in life. Any fascist reaction to a perceived problem is literally 100% misdirected angst (i.e. indiscriminate genocide).

Ay yo
Da whi' peepo dey be knowin'
Shut tha do' mufugguh

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This is applicable to pretty much any ideology, you dumb fuck.

I've seen this argued a lot:
>We need to import poor people because they're willing to work on the fields!
That sounds a lot like slavery senpai.
Maybe governments/business should find better solutions than relying on immigration.
My own government imported a ton of people BECAUSE natives weren't reproducing and the economics of social security policy REQUIRED that we had more children than we were having.
The puppet masters profit throughout history.

I don't think immigration is the root cause - it is the result of a faulty society of horrible global inequality.
Africa is going under this century. We can't physically import the amount of people we would need to in order to solve that.
Even if we could, that'd just leave the worst of the worst behind as we import only the most educated ones right now.

>our culture has been bled
>and poetry is dead
>police beat it to the ground
>and then they shot it in the head

>our varieties of ignorance
>gotta share a deeper grave
>gotta reverse civilization
>while there's still something to save

>when are we gonna wake-up
>and demand our civil liberties
>escape our mental cages
>and view our lives with clarity

>when are gonna stand up
>and expect some kind of dignity
>when are we gonna get up
>and accept the harsh reality

>but when the lies are dead
>and we see just how misled
>we'll take all of the wicked ones
>and brick 'em in the head

>our aim will never miss
>oh what a joyful bliss

Your head looks like this

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Where are you living? Hating on jews is mainstream here

He's American.
They're fuckin' brainwashed over Israel and all that.
It's really bad in American media, you have no idea living your Francophone language.

>t. jew

fuck off I cant wait for the lynching to start happening or less a straight Saudi knife down your neck

One of the few men deserving of respect that might be associated with your memeflage movement is Malcolm X.
Listen to what he said about jews.
You Negroes need better role models than Shaun King and Trayvon Martin.


jews are ok people it is just when they start forming their groups which then turn into kikery violence. So yes they are ok in small terms

Also since they cant get the eye of Stacey they start screaming jews. This was Stacey fucks him good. Never fucked a Stacey. no experience.

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Kys nigger

well, instead of spending their time with vapid whore, the tend to read, and when they read, they learn the truth of the world.
Then they discover the evils of the jew.


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Why are JIDF memeflagging and pushing an agenda?
Why do you have yes man proxyfag shills to back you up?
Eat a dick.