Why are Republicans giving Mommy a hard time...

Why are Republicans giving Mommy a hard time? All she wants to pass the Green New Deal for people to have free education, healthcare and so on. Why do Republicans hate Mommy?

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She is so cute :3

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You jerk off to Don Lemon.

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I like her. Her policies are pretty shit, but at least she's not a corrupt fuck. Wonder how long that will last.

Onions boy faggot detected.

>she's not a corrupt fuck
give her a year..

>not corrupt
Pick one bud

This. I'll give her that, she has a pure heart.

One term. That's all it'll take.

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It's not just repubs. The dems are giving her the cold shoulder too, because the aims of a small constituency in NY dont translate well across the entire country

I still remain resolute that her intelligence level is below average. She claims pic related, not understanding that's their way of tongue in cheek hazing

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They are afraid of her, they know she is on her way to become POTUS.

>she pads around doing gf stuff
>clad only in white panties, sexy af wedgie
>she gets in bed, snuggles up
>lay there breathing
>smell my hair she says
>i lay there, blessed by Donald Trumps america

True, but just because I want her to straddle my face and slowly grind back and forth while I enjoy every second of her sweet musky pussy scent, doesn't mean I think she'll be a good policy maker.

It makes me physically ill, just coming off of a 12 hour shift, to know that my money is now going to this little cunt. And if she takes any more from my paycheck, I'm going to quit my job, and get myself on welfare so we can all live in 3rd world squalor together. Her and her ilk are literally cancer to prosperity in our country. Too bad you dumbfucks are going to learn all too late, when we're eating zoo animals and pets like they are in Venezuela...

because she is stoopid

What's this meme of calling the her Mommy? It doesn't make much sense for the youngest rep in the House. Would work better for Pelosi. Why not Big Sister or some such?

If you have to obsess about a Democrat, at least upgrade to elegant Huma, pls.

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It's from Game of Thrones. All the poor slaves call her "Mheesa" which means mother.

Mommy is the only hopeful thing in politics these days. She's a sign of good things to come.

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I saw this one coming.
Her job is going to be to carry around empty folders while looking busy.

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>spends $3000 on european clothing
>cant afford an apartment near DC
Her priorities are shit user and no doubt out of her desperation she will get those gibs

> thinking she paid for the clothes
No refunds kids

She has a low IQ while simultaneously being a grating uppity cunt. Most people would instinctively dislike her.