>We're going to build the wall and Mexico is going to pay for it

What happened with that? Did he change his mind?

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did anyone unironically believe that was true? nobody is that dumb and gullible right?


Waiting on Obama to close Gitmo

Wishful thinking I guess..

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Americans are just dumb cunts - or at least 50.5 % of them

>no wall
>no end of daca
>no jobs coming back
>no mass deportation of illegals
One term.

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Trump is the new Merkel:

A politician lied for votes
>what a shocker


He will probably get a second term and continue (((their))) bidding. We have at least 6 more years of Jew tricks on the way.

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He remembered that people who weigh less than 300lbs can *climb* (crazy) and realised that the whole idea was retarded.

Lol. What he said and what he portrayed himself as was America’s (and lets face it, the west’s) last hope. We’re all doomed now.

Ever been so pissed at being a third world prisoner island you declare it's not ok to be white or ban a rapper from entering because of misogyny? What do you follow that up with? Next I'll here how you spider feeders lost a war to birds.

Hope and change for a different audience really. I wouldn’t feel stupid for getting caught up in the moment if I was a burger.

The wall was in our hearts all along.

Congress didn't want to do that.

>thinking obese mexicans (literally the majority) can climb anything taller than a partially-fallen fence

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You know the reality of the whole emu thing different to the shit you see on here right? We lost a few thousand lives max and only just lost the war. Also checked.

That's why the President has the power to veto. It's exactly what it's there for.

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Veto a bill congress never sends him?

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Since you're oblivious to what happened, let me explain. Trump called on congress to send him a bill that funds the wall and he would get it out of Mexico via trade deals. They sent him a bill that gave record gibs to Israel, funding for Israel's wall, and it banned all existing wall prototypes we developed within the first year of Trump's administration, including the one that Trump picked, literally wasting millions of taxpayer dollars. Trump could have vetoed that bill and told them that he will accept nothing less than wall funding. Instead he cucked to kikes, like usual... Assuming he is cucking and not just going out of his way to work against us.

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And they ended up sending him a budget with token wall funding in a few select areas. If you want to say Trump should have played more hardball thats fine, maybe he will now. Lets not pretend congress wasn't full of neocons that fought everything even remotely related to Trump or that Paul Ryan didn't do anything over the last two years that wasn't chamber of commerce approved.

2019 budget includes another 3 billion for the border wall and is already signed. Bringing the total to 6.2 billion. This is handled along with addition budget cuts with tarrifs including ones put on Mexican goods. It's not so much that Mexico will pay for it as much as it is money going to them will be more likely spent on American goods. Good for America, bad for Mexico. This isn't that hard of a concept but then again you're probably not paid enough to think through these issues.

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They gave him the usual fence funding that has been in every spending bill since bush. Congress would have had no choice BUT to give wall funding if it meant Israel's gibs were on the line, but they know for a fact that Trump would never cross that line. Israel always comes first and that is proven every time he signs a bullshit bill that benefits Israel at our expense. The entire purpose of the veto is to not sign bills that fuck the US tax payer, especially if it benefits a foreign interest.

But the_Donald told me it was 986d space checkers!

Again you say Trump should be more forceful. Ok. No reason he cant threaten government shutdown next time the budget rolls around. Point is congress didn't want to touch immigration.
>Muh Israel
Yes congress has loved Israel for decades. Thats nothing new.

Total fucking letdown

He could order it if he had balls like king faggot nigger but he's more cowardly than a gay mullato communist. Jew cocksucker all the way

Order what? Building a wall with the corps of engineers. Thats highly questionable as is all military involvement in domestic police affairs. Perhaps if congress wanted to tackle immigration he would have some cover. Alas it does not.

>Point is congress didn't want to touch immigration.
Because they knew there would be no consequences, as long as Israel gets their gibs.

If you have to force congress with threats to act that doesn't sound like a willing congress user. I get it. You're upset Trump isn't an all powerful dictator and hope some other strongman might save the day. Thats not gonna happen. Not in our system of government. If congress isn't gonna support Trump he wont get anything done. Same with Obama and any other potus that might come along.

People have been saying this ever since the day he was inaugurated. Face the music, smell the coffee; you're not getting your wall.

trump lost the popular vote in 2016, its closer to 48% back then, about 30% now

Really people have been telling you about the 2017 2 billion, 2018 1.2 billion and 2019 3 billion budget allocated for construction since inauguration? I'm always impressed on how Canadians and Europeans seem to know more about the minutiae of our government better than all of us. In october of 2018 at least six contracting companies have been granted bids on wall construction in Texas for various mileage and following specific design. There are quite a few others awaiting approval and Texas construction is set to begin in later sping 2019 assuming the surveying is given the green light before the close of 2018. Demoralize and shill elsewhere kike.