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What do you think of ukranians?
Aiden Wilson
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Easton Wilson
Logan Martinez
I really don’t know who’s Jewish who. I love the fashy movement but I also like Putin. It also left a bad taste in my mouth that an American Jew was behind installing jews at the top of the government so I just wish they could be like Hungry and chill.
Nathan Gray
>butin is truly /ourguy/
>savior of the white race
Christian Hughes
The best boxer in the world is that white man in that picture Usyk is a boxing genius
Charles Mitchell
they belong with Russian and Belarus
Gavin Lee
I don't
Aaron Perez
theres a lot of super hott ukranian girls...although i got a thing for the eastern euro post commie chicks. im down with ukraine.
Oliver Stewart
They are the Slavs of Slavs
John Clark
low iq sub humans. even niggers are more intelligent.
Grayson Mitchell
ukraine is a client state of the anti white us led global system
Lucas Foster
They are a bit like Eastern Block people buy twenty or so years ago 2bh.
Liam Long
Wladimir Klitschko Killed The Heavy Weight Division
LOL AJ is going to spark him out hes average in a shit era
Samuel Hall
they're poor, low iq, not worth it,
James Roberts
Not really a good representation of wealth in Europe.
Holland & Germany are much richer and wealthier then Belgium or France who have shitty infrastructure, housing and social services.
Nicholas Howard
The people inhabiting the so-called Ukraine unfortunately haven’t been under Polish or Russian rule long enough to assimilate to any of those cultures so they picked up the worst traits of both of those nations but none of the positive ones.
A proper partitioining would be better for everyone instead of the typical butthurt chauvinistic LARPing of a non-country.
Austin Myers
As a russian who firmly never wants to go back until putin and all of unitedrashka get disbanded, I appreciate them.
No one wants to be under that sovetski sapohh anymore, I understand why they turned westward. Only hope the best for our bros, and hopefully they reciprocate the appreciation after we get there. Unification under a proper, stable regime is a must for our future.
Anthony Anderson
Never been there, want to visit. Our propaganda is trashing them every day, when I speak positively about them at work, everybody gets sour faced all of the sudden.
Benjamin Bell
Usyk would be the biggest bro ever.
He's far better than average but he isn't 6'3 Loma like everyone thinks.
If parker can take AJ 12 rounds so can Usyk.
He schooled Klit years before Fury and AJ, AJ struggled.
Samuel Ross
>Unification under a proper, stable regime is a must for our future
>No one wants to be under that sovetski sapohh anymore
Top-tier logic.
Easton Gutierrez
Beautiful women
Austin Young
i don't
Parker Ward
Communism was the fault of Ukrainians and their 50iq brains
I want everyone to know that
Genocide all Ukrainians if you want a future
Robert Hill
Luis Kelly
Ukraine is weak
Wyatt Hall
poorest country in europe. also khazar jews are from ukraine
Carson Robinson
>Karnaval'niy's fan
Why am i not surprised...
Luis Ramirez
You know that Navalny is literally associated with Antifa right?
Leo Lee
Ryder Jones
The only ones i have seen winning to a chechen in boxing so they are good to me
Fuck the ch*chens
Colton Nguyen
The woman are beautifull i supose
Christian Stewart
lots of gold diggers though.
but yeah, girls are universially hot here. even a poorfag 6,5/10 autistic faggot like me got a beauty with nice ass
Dylan Bell
they're pretty much all thots though
Gavin Reyes
Who are the chechens?
Nathan Turner
Yeah, but not fucking worth it. Ukrainian women are all batshit insane, psychotic, and prone to violence. Same goes for all Slavic chicks unfortunately. They are only acceptable as mates when properly enslaved and subject to complete domination.
Alexander Sullivan
>Ukrainian women are all batshit insane, psychotic, and prone to violence.
The fuck? How do you even categorize people in 2018? like damn bro
Nathan Jackson
Don't you see his flag? "Galichina SS" was a mistake.
Justin Hill
bruh let's be honest here, the whole ww2 was a mistake
Cooper Allen
bruh let's be honest here, the whole slavic race was a mistake
Eli Adams
Fuck off, you lost Civil War and have no say in modern era.
Yep, Churchill was an asshole.
Joseph Barnes
you are worse than niggers. yak!
Cooper Reed
All other Russian countries have a saying
> where a Ukrainian has been, there is nothing left for Jews to make.
Ukrainians are poison. Within ten minutes of meeting you they will ask how much money you make and what contacts you have to help them. They are worse than Jews
Ayden Walker
>"nazi flag"
Henry Davis
What the Nazis did to Ukraine
James Jackson
And you lost to niggers, Southerner.
Now go prep your black bull, your mother is waiting.
Landon Stewart
I want them to fuck off and leave Poland. We can keep some of the more beautiful and Polonize them with Polish last names after we breed them, but that’s about it. Kokhols out
Dominic Thompson
Shouldn't have supported Maidan Zlatek. Now you can enjoy what we had to bear with alone for more than 20 years.
Jaxon Lee
Obviously clueless about boxing if you think AJ is as good as he is sold to be. Fuck off
Thomas Powell
>What the Nazis did to Ukraine
Nigger, please...
Nathaniel Ward
we like to suck (((their))) dick.
all our oligarchs are kikes and we love it.
Christopher Flores
with mongol genes, because long time ago, mongols came here killed all the sissy males and fucked the women, and left. since then some of us had slavic-mongolic face charts.
the ancint ukraine: a single mother with dead husband and a mongol mutt son.
Austin Price
We should kill all ukrafags and steal their women and repopulate that land with romanian children produced in ukrainian womb.
Carson Morris
Gabriel Morales
Think youre confusing nazis with bolshevik jews m8
Bentley Powell
>Think youre confusing nazis with bolshevik jews m8
did you even watched the video you dumb english prick?
Connor Price
Hohol girls > Russian girls >shitty Belarus bitches
Juan Thomas
Polish and russian guys tell me Ukraine isn't a real country and they don't actually have any real history .
Is this true?
Eli Reyes
Country as a territory has a rich culture, country as a geo-political organization - not so much.
Chase Taylor
incredibly gorgeous women
Asher Wright
AJ isn't even that good but he is much bigger
Michael Nguyen
I like the fact thst they serve as buffer between me and russian army. And send their women here. Prostitues are cheaper around 20-30% than 3-4 years ago.
Jackson Brooks
Mountain gorillas who live in the causaus region, some people have mistaked them for normal human beings
Mason Martin
They are Russians
Juan Howard
better version of russians
Kevin Lee
Brody Flores
Carson Thompson
Since when did this become a Fap Thread
Angel Cruz
so funny fucking onion kys
Matthew Wood
And if you lie well my friend you can fuck for free.
Chase Williams
There is actually 0 dna traces of mongol invasion in slavs. They just destroyed every major city.
Elijah Cruz
How about no
Ayden Moore
>0 dna traces
where you got this info? ukrainian tv?
listen everybody knows that they raped our women too. we was blonde before they did this.
David Garcia
thats why ur woman are 10/10 in europe. if we had more slavic blood we would be near that too. mongol+slav mix = 10/10 women
Aiden Powell
>shitty Belarus bitches
rly? I saw some top-tier there
Evan Torres
It must be hard to be so butthurt all the time Peteras.
Joseph Cooper
Putin is doing gods work
Angel Brooks
did you try to say pederast fucking retard onion
Hudson Perry
debil nahui sosi hui loh
Brody Cox
>mongol+slav mix = 10/10 women
I thought of that, thats a very weird mixture, but the outcome is pretty hot, I agree.
However in the western Ukraine (near polin) I havent seen that beauty, the women there are american-tier
Michael Stewart
guys guys, dont make the kikes happy about you hating eachother.
Joseph Barnes
Based pikeys
Mason Mitchell
my people arent slavic and how am i supposed to feel when i have 300k of these fucking roaches here who dont respect my country and my people and expect us to learn their language and integrate with them. not happening, although ive heard russia russians are better but dont think its any different same genes
Mason Wright
I don't think of them
Ayden Garcia
What a baby...
Don't worry Mykola, it's just a frendly banter
Robert Hill
Another Nazi shithead, another ordinary day in herring-land.
Michael Jones
Got respect for them. Russia has treated them like shit for centuries, yet their still standing.
Brody Smith
relax, if itll make you feel better, I have tons of arabs in my city (kharkov).
just a few years ago it was extremely rare to see 1 of them, now when i walk in the center theyre everywhere walking in gangs.
I believe they are students but alot of them will stay here forever.
They are opening new mosques every year
so having a slavic workers is not as bad tbqh
Brody Jones
This, actually a based ukrainian.
I agree with the fact that the russians from former ussr countries that were not slavic have to return.
Joseph Carter
it was one country, brah
Grayson Davis
Literally yes, but not culturally.
Stemming back to when “Vladimir the great” their was a huge shift within the culture of russians and ukrainians. Or so I’ve read.
Josiah Peterson
Where the fuck did you read such a load of bolloks? G-d damn it leafs, do you have any proper education institutions left?
Robert Allen
My russian professor. I had to take a liberal art course and took Russian history and architecture.
Zachary Price
Arabs build those mosques with Middle Eastern oil money. They like to take over land by setting up their bases everywhere.
Lucas Hernandez
And what were the main differences that your "professor" stressed out?
Brody Green
Mostly the adoption of orthodox christianity and the rise of communism in the early 1900’s.
Gabriel Parker
>Vladimir the great
So you know that he ruled BOTH Kiev and Novgorod, right? Cause they were part of Kievan Rus', an entity united mostly by religion (constant quarrels between duchies were just a fun past time of that time's gentry). There were no fucking Russians or Ukranians at that time ffs!
>Communism in the early 1900
What the fuck does this kike project has to do with Ukranians/Russians? Did you even see who were at the head of communist movement?
David Thomas
Keep Calm
Be cute boi
Jose Martin
>relax, if itll make you feel better, I have tons of arabs in my city (kharkov).
What the fuck? How did these rats even come here? Foreign students were a mistake, God that piss me off to read this
Parker Wright
i don't think about them at all
Joshua Morris
Cлaвa Укpaинe! Cмepть Poccии и вceм eё цeннocтям.