Every problem blacks have will be fixed within the next 30 years by cheap, widely available genetic engineering. Why waste your time worrying about ethnostates when medical science will make race pointless soon?
Genetic engineering will make race irrelevant
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Finally, a good post.
We need a meme campaign.
Why are illegals given free shit while blacks are denied the cure for excessive MAOA?
This is called racism.
We dont have cheap widely available healthcare, what makes you think genetic engineering will benefit anyone but kikes and their disgusting inbred faces
It was cheap (relatively) in the 1980s and it can be cheap again.
Time to open up the market.
Fucking bullshit OP
the irony is when genetic engineering becomes available, blacks won't afford it.
>We dont have cheap widely available healthcare
genetic engineering and technologies like CRISPR will make the cost of medicine plummet due to the preventative paradigm of the new science. When people can't actually develop diseases or illnesses, the bottom will fall out of the over-priced medical industry. Kikes might try to prevent that, but the market will force it into reality.
What if it becomes as mandatory a vaccination?
>he thinks things get cheaper
Still waiting for that 1.15 gas. Only been 18 years
>Still waiting for that 1.15 gas.
Doesn't mean that the inflation adjusted price of gas isn't historically lower. In 2016 nationwide the average was $1.87/gal.
Oh inflation adjusted. With all that clean energy and green energy and price of oil falling BELOW levels 18 years ago and availability of oil ...its inflation