Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals: Comey, Obama, McCabe, Clinton in the Crosshairs

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I doubt it

happening never

well what do you know, i was on the right side of history after all.

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Pls do it

in your fucking dreams shill


The plan is to just keep floating this "story" until Trump loses in 2020.

S o u r c e
I dont believe it for a second, more importantly, if it was real even HINTING at it happening would be the dumbest move imaginable. If your gonna do this, you keep your lips shut til your knocking down doors in the middle of the night.

>source: abovetopsecret.com

>pence calling his boss "donny"

Christ Atleast try to make the story believable

Going to have to agree with the leaf. I don't even see Pence calling his wife Karen. On the hopeful side Pence and Bolton did in fact go to the East Asia Summit.


Sadly fake.

I've been calling for Presidential lead military junta sinse day day 1 of Trump's presidency.

About fucking time.

fake and gay, everyone knows putin calls him "Mr. Trump."

Breaking News: OP was a faggot again today

Its happening and you can't stop it

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New American Empire with Emperor Donald I


>Uh oh the toys are realizing trump is A plant
>Here comes justice goy just hang on a little longer. Don't give up on The republicans
Fuck that until trump does something substantial us politics can suck my dick

It will happen goys

>tfw trump paid for the creation of the caravan to create an excuse to build fema camps in the desert to hold the incoming treasonous democrats

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Based and redpilled Israeli poster

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Are all of you fucking retarded

>I'm going to do this thing folks believe me!
>Oops, I didn't do that thing, vote for me in 2020!

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>military takeover to protect the Constitution
I'm so horny right now!


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

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See, when a jew says it all i think is "oh shit, this isn't a good thing then."

but I believe it

They would literally send me back from my special forces group in Cambodia to lynch the dark empress of moloch? Praise God.

Literally have not heard word one about this btw

>military tribunals
That's really nigga shit

What an odd typo for Q

We are best allies. When a diaspora jew would say this, you might actually be in big trouble.

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push z to overturn the republic

He’s not a king you know.

See, the problem is ive only ever met one based jew, my tig welding teacher. And he got that way because his dad was an ass who did things like trick him into jumping off a roof when he was 8 and breaking his ankle, by saying he would catch him and then stepping to the side. He then told my teach "let that be a lesson, dont trust anyone." And then left him there.

My teacher blatantly said alot of isreali fathers were like that, and how the only way his dad knew how to 'show emotion' was through money and buying things.

It does not paint a good picture.

This. I'll believe it when I see it.

Daily Reminder

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But muh Q told me it’s gonna happen so it’s gotta... we talk all the time about the militant left and yet you’re supporting a military coup by the right to take over our democracy. just sounds like you’re a Russian shill spreading disinfo. Q is a disinformation campaign.

Take yer swing

>supporting a military coup
>he thinks bringing corrupt politicians to justice is a military coup
Lol get yer head out your ass

No, he’s an Emperor. A Caesar, the first of his name.

I'm supposed to believe the guy who couldn't even executive order a stop to shitskin immigration is going to military dictatorship the unitied suicidal states?

Where are my palpatine memes and how do I make them look incredulous?

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Nothing will happen, nothing will EVER happen.

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We all wish Trump was that cool.

>He then told my teach "let that be a lesson, dont trust anyone." And then left him there.
in northern ireland the prents eat your chocolates when you aren't looking to teach you what it's like around jews and your parents.

>Communist thinks he's not the shill
Well now I've seen it all.

>American Empire
The Kingdom of God my fren.
God will rule on Earth for all of eternity.

Would have been a better story if they added in the FEMA/Walmarts and the 3000 guillotines . meehhhh, story is not only fake & gay but very anti-erectile .

This is clearly fake.
But what if the military is stationed in the South to keep the people in?

Imperium Americana would be /cosy/

>literally just Q: episode 1 million
Call me when it actually happens. You'll be waiting on the "big arrests" for 6 more years. He's not doing shit sadly.

Trump can't even appear on 99 percent of US television networks to his credit, that's how deep the deep state is though, he would have to arrest literally millions at this point.

Jesus fucking christ, the q boomers are insistent

>he would have to arrest literally millions at this point.
it would be glorious

Moderate dog mattis the tranny lover isnt going to do shit


Oh no. There’s still qtards that’s really think Hillary’s gonna get arrested any day now.

It says Pence called him that, which is believable.

>Mfw the troops on the border are to keep fugitives in

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This country is fucking dead if Trump doesn't start hanging people

This country will go through a world of shit once Trump does start hanging people

My body is ready

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>just throw some bones to his supporters
>he could do everything in his first month


Get the fuck in here



Have we-a started da fire?

Q predicted this

Could you imagine being so stupid as to believe this might happen, or even more idiotic to think it would be a good thing?

Trump is an absolute mindless imbecile. The only people dumber than Trump are those who voted for him.

You're an idiot.

60k+ sealed indictments

Get your seatbelts on Jow Forums, this will be a wild ride

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I believe it

No, the only people dumber are the fucking retards who believe the Dems and their fake news, with their insane and low IQ policy of importing the entire third world, and jacking our taxes through the roof to support them. Even a 95 IQ tradie can see that the Dems are total fucking idiots. Only brainwashed vermin believe the Dems and their fake news.

{{{ planning }}} = never habbening

Sarcasm doesn't exist online. Fuck Q.

what tabloid website did you find this on


It will happen, and although a handful of libs will be activated by Soros types in many cities, Trump will have 60 million patriots who knew this was necessary, and will help keep the peace along with the military. The era of evil is over, you lost, and you will face consequences if you've been taking money to shill for evil.

Nowhere to go now Hillary

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I've heard it's 600k+ sealed indictments. All top secret of course, that's why everyone knows about them.

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None of what you believe about Dems, and probably anything, is reality.

we need mass (10s of millions) deportations, post hoc revocation of birthright citizenship status on those whose parents werent citizens and federal oversight over elections with a white nationalist GOP gov in charge.

only way to save this right now outside of war

See, in my days we just played D&D. You should give other roleplaying games a try. They'll be less of a disappointment than finding out your ideology is a fantasy.


Sealed doesnt mean top secret. Anyone can see indictments listed on US courts. If they are sealed it means they aren't showing any details about it. But you can still see the filed indictments.

Ah, well good on you then.

>hides the source
cringe. fucking OP is a jew

You should seriously consider killing yourself. That will happen long before your master race fantasies.

Jesus you people are brainwashed.

Winner winner chicken dinner. This whole board has been a breeding ground for foreign agents to spread misinformation and try to radicalize domestic terrorists in the US to further the divided population. Sadly some of us are dumb enough to allow it to happen.

drop housing prices they are crazy high right now

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Q predicted McCain would return to the news, and noted the time. McCain dies 30 days to the EXACT MINUTE. 1 in 43,200 chance

Q said about McCain "every dog has its day", McCain dies on dog day. 1 in 365 chance

Counting from McCain's death date to 9/11 is 17, Q is 17th letter of alphabet. 1 in 26 chance

All together, that's a 1 in 409,000,000 chance. No larp is going to get that lucky in your lifetime, and not multiple times in only a few thousand posts. Sorry user, but it's almost certain McCain was executed as a traitor. I hope for your sake, you're not being paid to shill.

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Happenings never happen

Lol. You could literally take just about any thing that could ever or has ever happened, and find "coincidences" like that if you look hard enough for them. What is the rate of Q's predictions being correct to incorrect? Learn how to think critically, darling.

And the times don't even actually match up you idiot. Lol.

its not housing prices, its salaries and wages. Boomers have betrayed their descendents and their country.

all he's gotta do is send me 50k a month and a few names and we'll handle it.


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nothing but the usual cock tease. move along.

its both you can buy something less than 50 metres squared for 6 million shits retarded
and every land lord is chinese and every tennant is a muslim with 50 kids on welfare for each

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