Canada should invade Poland

Canada should invade Poland

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Poland just wants you to post in store prices

jungle gooks don't even look good when they're young. downhill from there.

Those are probably some of the vietnamese that have been in poland for decades.

But I thought polan was based...

BASED PiS integrating nonwhite subhumans like viets, gypsies, pajeets, niggers and south cockholes

The very moment a nonwhite rat tries to claim European ethnic belonging and/or exploits or otherwise uses ethnic European symbols, it should be at very LEAST pepper sprayed

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look at those white supremacists. terrible!

Those threads were made by an Amerimutt

kek what the fuck is that shit
poland i thought you were supposed to be the saviors of europe wtf are these chinks

Them being in Poland for decades is THE problem

Part jews/tatars from the commonwealth times are to be deported, let alone recent immigrants