What's the best way for society to solve sex gap?

Enforced monogamy? Government assigned girlfriends? Mandatory and free weekly sex workers visit? Significantly decreased punishment for sexualt assault and rape so men would be less afraid to pursue women?
Decriminalising marriage rape but giving a lot of money to traditional families where women doesn't work? Recognition that 'ugly and poor guys' is oppressed group of people and giving them free access to gyms, subsidies for plastic surgeries and extra tax credit?

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Firstly get rid of all the shitty marriage and divorce laws which favor women. Then get rid of child support, and other ways of extracting wealth from men either married or not, and giving it to women.

Watch women serious up and police themselves when they can't get a free meal ticket anymore just for fucking existing. If she doesn't absolutely make sure she picks a good guy, like used to be the case, then she'll be completely fucked with no child support, no alimony, no divorce favor, wellfare, nothing.

wtf is up with the groucho marx eyebrows?

Just install Sharia.

Get rid of the degenecy being pumped out by the Jews in Hollywood, bring back the stigma of being a slut. After that, monogamy will be normal, and then the sex gap will close and the people who can’t get a wife won’t reproduce, and that’s a good thing because it weeds out the worst genetics from the breeding pool

Mandatory sex service for 6 months.

What sex gap?

From some stats posted here from Finland, 18 to 24 year old girls are fucking 25-34 year old guys mostly.

That's why guys double their sex partners when they hit 25-34.

just don't act like cunts and it's really easy to get a girl.
you faggots cause the problem for yourselves then spend hours theorizing some conspiracy against you while fat fucks are out there getting chicks because they're actually in the game.

Shill. Take women's rights away. Problem solved.

Government enforced attractiveness rating system assigned to individuals on a 1-10 scale. You are only allowed sexual relations with individuals in your own category of attractiveness.

The sex gap exists because all the 8/9/10 males get all the 5/6/7/8/9/10 girls and girls can add attractiveness points hiding behind makeup. Chad will no longer be allowed to go hog hunting. Stacey will be forced to wear her actual score no matter how much makeup she cakes on.

fuck off ireland, stop sending all your loose women down here.

if you're such a faggot that your only hopes of breeding are a government assigned girlfriend then you need to drop the fuck out of the gene pool

idk but first things first, we need to make it ok to punch women

Some ideas from the other thread:

Step 1: Admitting that regular sex is basic human need
Step 2: Legalizing of prostituion
Step 3: Government social program: everyone could assign to be visited by sex worker every week
Step 4: Either making sex worker a prestigeous and well-paid profession or treating sex work as community service and assign hot female prisoners to do that as a way to lessen their sentences. Or do both

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Exclusively male issues are social taboos to even mention. Sex is always the number 1 political issues women care about. Bringing up sex gap/hypergamy in public discourse if you're not a 10/10 god drowning in pussy is social suicide. Politicians would have an easier time making people accept pedophilia, which they are working on, because it's a kike interest.

no bro is u want plastic surgery save for it, stick to free market principles

>Step 1: Admitting that regular sex is basic human need
it's not.
It's just what you want.
>Step 2: Legalizing of prostituion
doesn't change shit in places where it's legal
>Step 3: Government social program: everyone could assign to be visited by sex worker every week
thousands of dollars for every lonely loser in the country?
sounds economical.
I'm pretty sure most governments would rather just pay the toll of having a spree shooting every few months.
>Step 4: Either making sex worker a prestigeous and well-paid profession or treating sex work as community service and assign hot female prisoners to do that as a way to lessen their sentences. Or do both
you can't just make something prestigious, especially when it's inherently about degrading yourself and has no qualifications.
Prostitutes are already well paid considering what they do which is why it's even a thing.
How many "hot female prisoners" do you honestly think there are?

I'm okay with being an incel. I just wish people would stop looking on me with pity

Sex selective abortion, or other public policy and cultural practices to increase the relative number of girls. If there were 110 girls born for 100 boys, there would not be a major issue. Now we have 107:100 boy-girl ratio

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You deserve the rope, you're too much of a shitty human being to deserve anything better

The issue would be self solving if betas weren't subhumans with no diginity. Betas will sell their own kind for sloppy second, instead of refusing the social contract once women stop keeping up their end of the bargain. Monogamy for safety and productivity. Women dropped monogamy, men should start by dropping productivity, if that fails, safety. You think "Chad" is a meme? Bands of betas taking out the male who has the most sex can be observed in almost all mammals. It's the reason "Chad" even agreed to the social contract to begin with.

>My Alma Mater

Jesus Fucking Christ

Not even remotely enough. Hypergamy needs a minimum of 20% to 80% male to female ratio to start failing. Anything above that still favors female mating preference and will result in a surplus of men. Surplus of men will always be one of the biggest issues of peaceful times. We need 2:1 female to male ratio minimum to pressure modern female mating strategy thanks to the ease of travel and telecommunications. We need a global Chinese 1 child policy with forced 2 to 1 female to male to solve everything.

Get out more, holy shit

Gf battery farming
It’s the only way

Rape is going to become pretty common within the next 10 years so hopefully that will cut women back down to size.

Just drop all the kikeish pillpushers and social sciences bullshit from public sector and you have the funding.

Good idea, but if there would be too many females don't you think our society will operate even more in favor of women's sexual preferences (afbb, chads and polygamy) and be more matriarchial and cruel to men as result?

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The Smell...

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Make Rape legal.

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well apparently it is, already forgot about that US supreme court judge that got confirmed by trump?

The current situation where low value men eat shit and die is ideal. The human race didn't get this far by breeding losers.

Another idea:
Advance and promote plastic surgery to South Korea levels. Make it cheap as fuck. Send all fat fags to concentration camps. Enjoy plastic society of perfect clones.

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I don't think it's really solvable with the modern welfare state, for now at least.
When we get proper sex robots shit is gonna kick off tho.


>sex gap
The what now?
>Government assigned
Quintessentially Russian.

>sex is basic human need
Need =/= right

Contraception is SIN

>Enjoy plastic society of perfect clones
Move to Brazil, they already have this.

Remove female voting and signature rights.
Age of consent with marriage at 14.
Abortion based on necessity not by based on female whims.
Rape can only be reported for 1 year from the event.

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Get rid of the government period
then watch it fix itself

As far I'm concerned plastic is not that popular among Brazilian men, no?
How the dating scene in Brazil btw? Better than in USA?
Yes, needs are more important than rights.
How much time left until sex robots would be able to replace real women? I don't think itll happen in nearest 50 years.

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Tbh if we try and take away their voting rights now they got them, we will never see a female smile again.

Legal prostitution.
Sluts and whore are going to be at least PRODUCTIVE TO SOCIETY.

Last summer went to Brazil then Uruguay, surprised that prostitution was legal.
They line up all the girls by age.
Then you can talk to them and ask questions.
I found this 22 yo petite feminist, she was like I don't like doing this but money is good..
So I even tip her extra for rough sex..
So good, she was soo teary..beautiful.

How much did it cost?

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>18-24 = 0 sex partners
>25-28=0 sex partners so far
user..I don't think ur rite

Look at Germany, they have legalizied prostitution and young men still aren't going there in droves and there's still an incel problem in germany.

you pull the trigger on porn producer.
and produce a country where male have to tap goats?

>that tattoo

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Realize that nobody owes you sex and that you need to get a real job and mature you vodka smelling lanklet.

We need to ban all Russians from Jow Forums.

2chan banned Americans, so let's ban these kike bastards.

Any thoughts why? Social stigma on guys who uses prostitutes? Then maybe making it mandatory once a year will make it more normalised?

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Russians are the most incel men in this world

good idea
we could finally get rid of Russian bots

Look i know authoritarianism is in your shitty vodka infused Russian blood but forcing people to see hookers is retarded. Consider suicide.

genetically engineered perfect 10/10 lolis for everyone

Guys, guys guys.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. None of this stupid bullshit matters because NONE of it will work YOU will not exist NOTHING will change until the people in power passing laws for their OWN rich ass selves are GONE.
MAKE THEM GONE.That is the ONLY useful thing you can even think about, let alone talk about and certainly, yes, DO. Kikes + Self serving billionaires who impose their will on silicon valley and the law in general need to be publicly executed.

Then we can convene a fucking council about this shit. That's the thing I feel the worst about - the thing I feel the saddest about - the greatest sympathy I have for all of you here, is that the time for action was over a decade ago and you still won't ACT. The time for unimaginable human suffering? It was BEFORE 2010! This is just a JOKE now....sorry. No, human beings aren't magical creatures that can solve all their problems peacefully. Like most creatures we do eventually have to kill our rivals for land, territory, mates. Or, in our case, a way of life natural to us being violently supressed by an alien out-group (kikes).

I'm sorry. Okay? I'm fucking sorry that the only thing you can do with your life, of worth, is buy a gun, train, assemble, and deploy in an organized fashion against our government. I'm fucking sorry but it's the fucking truth.

Eat shit, Jow Forums. It's time to shut up and DO.

Genetically engineered catgirls.

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Men know that. But if you leave men alone to deal with it themself (like it is now) it'll keep worsening gender relationships and will create more problems in the future (you of all people should know that), because significant amount of men just can't keep up in modern dating marketplace to have healthy sex life and regular sex

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Oh oh, right. In b4 /glowworm/.

Hey faggots, did you know the glowworm/cianigger/etc meme for people suggesting you get off your fat lazy ass and do something is ITSELF a kiked, government meme?

They made it so you will feel like the voice of reason actually leads to you standing in your little stall - your little cubicle of existence, and just "talk" about it while you feed the system - all talking - everyone waiting...and here's the HILLARIOUS part - WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO DO SHIT LMAO

Okay? Sorry not sorry. Eat shit. Eat this shit sandwich, CHEW IT, and swallow it you fucking fucks.

YES people will die. YES leaders will be assassinated. Why the fuck not? is this not a war? You FAGGOTS. You're gonna die anyway! May as well die to protect the planet from the sociopathic alien parasite that is the Jew, yes, the very same kike that fucked up sexual relations in the west and will KEEP THEM FUCKED (I promise!) Until he's DEAD.

Get it? Does anyone here fucking get it.

Jesus the amount of incels

Here's a way to fix it.

Every unproductive beta of society goes into forced labour till death.


>Sex worker
Why no sex nurse? (mfw health benefits)

Slutshaming and hijabs

You can't. Western society cannot accept that it made a huge mistake in pushing away hordes of young men from society. These men are then attacked online as they watch from their rooms, basements and so forth as people blame them for society crumbling.
The west must suffer for it's sins, there is no other way. This is irreversible.

No. Nobody gets it. And that is why you're going to disappear. Not because you do not, in fact, possess any of your beautiful, wondrous traits of empathy, intelligence, creativity. Your beauty. Your softness.

But, ironically, because of them. And because it is your time to die. And you will talk, and fade, and talk, and fade, and talk, and talk, until there's none of you left, and it's over.

I see this now. Other than for genetic freakshows like myself with my outer-limits tier CNS, whites are almost completely predictable and controllable much 's coveted catgirls.

No thoughts. No real heart. Or spine. Not men, certainly. You know who acts like real men in times of war? The nigger. The mudslime. They'll fuck your women and cut your fucking head off. And they won't give a shit either. Because you're white and FUCK YOU. And that's enough. And they act. And everyone gives them space, because they are not afraid to throw away the remainder of their shit lives so that they can defy the world telling them to cull their natural instincts of violence and conquest.

That's why they're intimidating to most people. We used to also be intimidating. For the same fucking reason.

...We are a failed species. God have mercy on us all. Jerk off to your anime you degenerates. Fuck you.

That’s you then

government provided macking practice for betas and no bully zones

Well then, just make the military service mandate.
Option 1: More men in army, sending more men into wars > more sacrifices for a greater cause > better ratio between men and women
Option 2: reintroduce lethal sports (think gladiators)

Option 3: Kill the subverters. Close the borders. Deport genetic pollution. Reform nation.

>Forgetting survivalist value
Explain how the most simple human lifestyle goes (caveman style)

Wait I wasn't done. Option 3 Continued: Take away women's rights. Re-educate women. Hard re-educate brainwash detain fighters for months/years. Kill absolute lost causes publicly . You're welcome! I gave you the literal only fucking answer.

Well, then looking for other solutions to utilize sexual activity.

>Take away women's rights
Jow Forums and western society is too effeminate to go along with this.

Encourage beta cucks who aren't able to have sex to better themselves instead of demonizing. The core issue is their weak, effeminate minds and bodies. Ofc the majority of men aren't born to be 10/10 Chads but even the most fugly specimen can attain acceptable status with enough work.

Women as a group have a net negative economic output over the course of their lifetime. They only survive through various forms of welfare and protections extracted from productive men. Eliminate welfare, nonsense that crushes employers like paid family leave, and abortion. Eliminate those things and a woman will be forced to pair bond with a provider/protector male if she wants to survive. Marriage always worked as an institution because it was an economic requirement for women. They need socialism to live the life of a whore.

>Implying advising works
They should better undergo some psychological process. Aka confidence training

Doesn't make any sense. Women hate pressure and to be liable. Go and bitch on Reddit.

Hah. Yeah that's uh, that's why it's over, man.

It's over. Stop talking about this shit. You're dead. Emasculated, and dead.

What are you talking about, retard? Men for most of human history gave women no rights.
It's a great solution, but westerners just won't go for it. If you have an idea as to how we can flip the tables, then tell me.

Thing is, no-one actally wants to be a provider/protector.

Somehow I suspect that if you set the clock back overnight, 90% of men especially older men would still be reall wary of women and reluctant to date or marry.

Every new generation of horny teenage guys will always of course be vulnerable to getting hunted and tied down by roasties as has always been the case, though. So I guess in like five years there would be a baby boom because despite all the warnings and everything tradition and the internet teaches about the nature of women young guys with their hormones in executive control would still fall for the oldest trap in existence

We will never succumb to the sands of time. Only people like you will wake up to a generation of pure hatred.

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There will always be token white boys to opt in and fill the gap other young men (and middle aged and older men) leave.
It's observable in the west right now. There are social benefits to being a token white boy, as everyone worships whites regardless, but the west cannot survive with such a small number of white males contributing while the rest languish.
This is the issue nobody wants to talk about. The west expects tradition, masculinity and everything old fashioned out of white men but society has changed so much that it doesn't work like that anymore.

Fight promiscuity and advocate traditional family centric lifestyles for men and women.
If your grandparents or grand-grandparents were around in todays culture of relationship without compromise they would be incels or single with cats at 35+.

Good idea. Society should be more pro-sex/sex-positive and it's weird that after sexual revolution we are becoming increasingly more prudish, especially regarding male sexuality

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There is no flipping any tables. In three or four generations you won't exist. Accept this. Move on. As long as we as a people remain incapable of organized military defense our traditions, our ethnic, our reality, we are dead. The mechanisms that are stopping violence right now only plays into the hands of the Jew who subverted us. And those mechanisms are flawless, well timed, and without a strong, anti-reactionary IMPULSE will to DESTROY (in lieu of a recent offense grievous enough to warrant "rage"), they will always be able to control the temperature of the boiling pot keeping most white people comfortable as they're murdered.

Pure hatred? When? And where can I sign up?

This. Getting rid of the punative divorce laws and child support would have bitches acting right over night. Also ban abortion (murder).

I don't know about a "sex gap" but the best way to restore ourselves to a healthy society is to backtrack on all the social freedoms we have given ourselves over the past decades.
We've all be taught "not to be ashamed" of whatever fucking horrible things we do. That needs to stop.
You should be ashamed to heavily play videogames and shit once you're out of school.
You should be ashamed to be known as a slut, a faggot,a furry or any other sexual thing.
You should be ashamed if you're fat, if you have poor diet habits, if your grass is long or your car needs to be washed.
Shame is cultures way of forcing conformity. Our modern lack of shame has brought about the downfall of our once great civilization.

I should be ashamed to be posting on this fucking site at 30 years old. But I'm not. And that's the problem.

By dating younger women while stigmatizing player and slut culture.

So you agree that we need to take away women's rights, then I ask you how, and then you say it can't be done? Why do you bother interacting with me?
When the west crumbles, it will be due to it's own sins, corruption and degeneracy. Internet posts won't change fate. The west is lucky that it has not yet collapsed just like all the other degenerate societies it emulates has. Only we are much worse.
I'll give you one more chance to be consistent and explain to me how we can take away women's rights, like you initially alluded to. Faggot.

I consider myself to be an admirer of Fascist philosophy/ the Perennial tradition and lean towards a government model akin to that of National Socialism; not averse to the State having certain powers, but good god, that sounds fucking dystopian to me.

Society is not prude, people just don't like it when low-value and even average men try to be pussy slayers.
Those guys are thrown a bone though and told to "improve" themselves though, how nice eh.

This is the only solution. Loser betas think they deserve a virgin 10/10, but do nothing to make themselves desirable. If you can't put in the work to get fit or wealthy you should be with a 4/10 or whatever else you can attract

we all have the ability to NOT be a degenerate

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stop woman from having jobs, marry them off at 16, to someone who is about 10 years older.
Makes them produce babys and blacks time for degenerate whoring around.

100% european traditional way, in this case looking up to a widespread practice of the Byzantine empire - bring eunuchs back, and make them a powerful caste within the society.

Pathetic incel virgin
Women will never be for you

The great thing here is that even if so called "real men" and "traditionalists" refuse to take away women's rights, women will once again become inferior to men when society collapses anyway.
The problem will correct itself.

Kill yourself degenerate cuck, then there is no sex gap you worthless peice of shit. How do you expect a woman to date down when you won’t. Basic human behavior. You all are socially inadequate. Just don’t pass your genes down to mess the next generation.
