This scares and upset boomers

>This scares and upset boomers

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Other urls found in this thread: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false

well boomers are easily scared and upset

>Americans would vote against these basic human rights

I feel no sympathy for people who vote against their own class interests

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>the uneducated ?
>the sicks ?
>The continents?

Aside from abolishing ICE those are all good though

>abolish ICE

No! Who else will deport the evil 100-year-old Nazis living as free men in America?

Attached: trump loves jews.jpg (999x754, 207K)

Is this considerd radical shit to europeans?

Those are solid ideas, other than the abolishing any sort of migration control, that's just fucking stupid.

You’ll be taxed to death for that shit like europoors. It’s not feasible. Enjoy having 95% of your paycheck taken away lol

I mean just print more money lmao
I thought y’all were supposed to be smart??

But millions of germans served the nazis.

>education, healthcare, dismantling domestic terrorism and addressing climate change is considered radical to American right wingers/conservatives

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People saying abolish ice don't want open borders but want to create another immigration agency because they consider ICE to be rotten to the core
as proven by the numerous straight up satanic shit they did

not really
but we don't know what the last two are
lack of free education has recently become a thing here but denouncing universal healthcare is political suicide. european conservatives won't do it and it's not a "socialist" thing to want.

God I wish bottom left was my gf.

ICE has nothing to do with migration control. It is relatively new government group literally designed to harass minorities.

>abolish ICE
What justification could you possibly have for that? One that isn't blatantly admitting you want to flood America with your fellow mexicans the law be damned.

See ICE is not border patrol nor is it the traditional immigration department that has been around long before ICE was established.
America is seeing less illegal immigration as the years pass. Stop swallowing right wing propaganda.

Not an American so I don't know the subtleties of their forces, does ICE deal with illegal migrants who have already snuck into the country, or do they have another purpose?

This scares and upsets me as a white man

And how are these socialist clowns going to pay for their 'free stuff'? Haven't the learned from Venezuela?

Shut the fuck up you literal shitskins
ICE will not be abolished
Illegal immigrants will be deported

Their ideology is gimme that shit whitey


All your bases are belong to us

Venezuela failed because 90% of their economy was based on poor quality oil. It doesn't matter if they were an AnCap paradise they would have failed regardless of any way of governing

I'll personally call ICE on you

Who is going to pay for all that? How will it be implented? How long will it take?

>free college for all
when government money is involved tuitions balloon even higher. easy to get subsidized federal loans are the sole reason that low quality for profit private schools like Devry university even exist
>free healthcare for all
Vermont, one of our richest and least populous states, tried something very close to genuine single payer healthcare. It collapsed very quickly.
The reality of the matter is that we have not only the highest private health expenditure in the world but also among the highest public health spending. The only way single payer will ever work is if public health insurance holds a large enough market share that it can hold the customers ransom from hospitals and pharmaceutical companies and refuse to buy things over a certain price ceiling like they do in europe. This will never happen because the growing pains of such a change all but ensures that the ruling party that pushes it through are voted out of office and all changes undone.
>Abolish ICE
this is such a dumb hill to die on. Its literally only flaunted to make good looking tweets. The most radical leftist possible could be elected today with full support from the house and the senate and ICE still would not be abolished because of how unrealistic and just plain dumb. Even mainstream democrats are calling out the people spouting this nonsense as fantasy tier populism.

Attached: OECD_health_expenditure_per_capita_by_country.svg.png (600x316, 34K)

>free college for all
No, college system right now can be expensive, but people are also just straight up shit with their decisions as well. If you go over $30k in for anything other than a med school degree then you are a dumbass.
>free healthcare for all
Maybe not "all", but most would be fine as long as there is a paid option as well.
>Abolish ICE
>Green New Deal
No clue what this is

They could have prospered if their government knew how to use the oil revenue instead of using it to create massive welfare programs and increasing taxes on the rich. The platform of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is no different to the platform of Hugo Chavez.

They prosecute them. But, some states like MA are Sanctuary states which refuse to cooperate with ICE. For example, in Gloucester a woman was raped and the perpetrator was taken into custody. The court let him go so ICE would not take him, setting him back on the streets.

>real communism has never been tried

and just plain dumb the idea is*

Free college is a fucking retarded idea because college is already free for everyone but the upper classes.

Leftists literally want Mexican rapists free to roam around American cities

In my state they plan to tax Amazon and Walmart but fail to realize that the companies may leave the state, or that the policies may target all business.

Abolish ICE faggot
ICE was created by Dubbya, it’s not some old-ass organization anyone is going to miss

Nice Jow Forums thread my fellow Jow Forums users

I hope ICE breaks in your front door and deports you

Yep, and you only have to look at the internal migration statistics. People are fleeing high-tax, high-regulation states like California and New York to pro-business states like Texas and Florida.

All of these things would be nice besides getting rid of ICE.

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Based fact poster.

ICE has one redeeming wing, HSI, which actually does legitimate law enforcement and targets serious activity like gun running. ERO exists for literally no reason other than to harass minorities, it's completely useless and filled with mall cops who should be in prisons.

I genuinely wish non white people die horrible deaths
Fuck them and the Jews who control them
If one ever gets uppity with me irl I'm putting my fist through their jaw

They’d deport you first, you angry retard

Leftists love MS-13 and want to give them citizenship. They're sick.

Minorities should be harassed
Fuck them
They should not even be in this country
They should live every day in fear that ICE is coming to get them because they are criminals
Fuck them

>People are fleeing high-tax, high-regulation states like California and New York
California is a pro-business state, and it has a net positive migration of people with either high incomes or college degrees as a result. Only shitters go to Texas.

>Increase government spending
>give OPEC more power over us
>introduce more labor and property scarcity by opening up the border

How are these the progressive candidates again? They're pretty much just corporate shills

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I’m gonna put a brown baby in your sister

They want nothing less than white people replaced

>asians not represented

I thought it was the republicans that wanted to get rid of ice

In my town we have a literal convicted illegal MS13 member that is only allowed in our town with a police escort because he needs college too.

My sister is mentally handicapped
Its non white shitskins like the ones ITT that do
They want white people dead and are extremely vocal about it

democrats don't like asian people

>They prosecute them.
Oh, then that's no problem, if they're illegal migrants they shouldn't be there in the first place, so prosecute away.

ICE is essentially a government agency tasked with arresting and prosecuting illegal immigrants that have successfully abused our visa system or hopped over the border.

Naturally, these are the bad people because they enforce laws designed to protect the american working class from the influences of international capitalism trying to force borderline slave labor back into the US

Good thing you dont leave the house then.

ah yes and who will pay for all of that 30 years from now?
>Taxes paid by brackets:
>Racial groups by income bracket:
>Medicaid Enrollment by race, projected from these numbers:
>Welfare use by race:
>Medicare Enrollment:
>Social Security Enrollment by race in 2014: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false
>Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
>Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014

Attached: lifetime budgetary impact by race (shit quality).jpg (263x191, 9K)

We'd stop wanting you dead if you did the same

I thought that everybody was talking about the Internal Combustion Engine (Gas cars)

Attached: really nigga.jpg (220x192, 10K)

>The Us will be muttier and more thirdworld than South America in your lifetime

Press F boys

That was supposed to be a global warming joke

They need to be deported immediately
I don't want them spending several years in court or spending time in American hails jails
They have to go back immediately
Your not the good guy here Pedro, when ICE arrests your beaner grandmother they are completely justified in doing so
You subhumans don't belong in this country

>Had to remove the citation at the bottom that indicates the bar graph comes from Vox Day's blog
>Not even in a png

Because I'm afraid a spic will violently kill me

I’m gonna put a brown baby in your retarded sister

>Be me
>Was planning on killing you
How did you know?

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I'll slit your throat if you touch a hair on her head
I'll then kill your entire beaner family

I’m omw tell her I’m bring my own lube

Because spics love killing people

>wanting to pay for Stacie's gender studies course
>wanting to pay for Tyrone's gunshot wound
>wanting to abolish the thing that gets rid off illegals

Most of the world has these things and yet far lower taxes.

I did not have it saved. I ripped it from the first google result I saw and copy pasted the sources


Reasonable, if private remains an option.

Full retard.

Could be okay, if not handled stupidly ("MOAR TAXES!!!!!!!") and doesn't rule out investment in and expansion of nuclear energy.

These brown women are there for photo ops and Twitter virtue signaling
They will do absolutely nothing

>free college
>free healthcare
man, it sure is great that you can just generate money for these things from thin air without cost to anyone

But srsly tho

This is why you don’t let low IQ shitskins into your country en masse and unfettered. They’ll just continue voting for the same socialist policies they escaped from and bankrupt the country/collapse the economy.

Meanwhile Asia is booming and commie soulless chinks are about to take over the world and have everyone under their thumb

Didn't Finns have terror squads who would drag communists from their houses into a nearby forest and shoot them? Those were good times.

This. I wouldnt mind maybe paying a small amount towards collegd scholarships for deserving students, but free for all is so shit especially with the degrees people get nowadays even with high tuition rates.

lmao ur either fat or a hungry skelly wh*Te boi

I wish it worked. We need to plug the holes so they can’t come back. Some mestizo that had been deported 5-6 times ran over and killed some girl in 2017 not sure what happened to him.

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Except nothing will happen
Republicans had the house and senate for 2 years and passed tax cuts
The caravan is coming in right now and no one is stopping it
Spics will flood in and rape and kill white people until we are all dead

One of the reasons Sweden is a failing state is that you never had a good civil war to sort shit out.

top right married her brother lmao

>anything remotely resembling government spending is socialist

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As per Somali tradition dictates

>abolish the agency persecuting criminal
>do not decriminalize the act
I'm not a first worlder, but this puzzles me. No other country, but the USA has this. Why not just let those, who you want there get legal status and remove the rest?

The problem is their ideas or skin color, its that they're w*men

>using a meme made by whites
>niggers are now stealing from people over the internet

No the problem is their skin color
Jews want unlimited beaner immigration so they never lose another election again


Just woke up and realised I´m not American. Thank fuck for that

The blacks didn't steal and make that, the (((Jews))) are the ones spreading that shit.

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Gib asylum pls
