Post 111880990 what's it like being a white Male

1. I’m a bong interested in American culture and I get the impression that pretty much no one likes you, especially amongst young people. I’m aware that zoomers and millennials have lived in the most diverse generation yet, so how has that enrichment been affecting you?What’s that like spending your childhood and early adulthood amongst them? For real though, what’s it like irl. Is all this just internet memes and everythings fine irl or does everyone your age hate you for real? Are they asking you to atone for the sins of your ancestors? How is your sexual prospects and market value also for white men in GenZ, are you still top like the stats suggest or getting cucked massively like shills on here say. Knowing America is the most diverse and has the most toxic brand of PC in the world what’s it like. Yes I asked this question earlier but I reached the thread limit and it seemed very popular so I would be interested in hearing more :) . No bully mods. I base my view of America on Tumblr,Twitter and Jow Forums.

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I like this thread.

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stop avatardfagging with this niggerlover

Meh, dont fall for the memes. Everyone hates us in theory. Everyone loves us in reality. Just stay away from sjws and you're fine. Oh and niggers. I don't think that really needs to be said, but you're from the Eurozone, so always stay away from niggers.

Wtf nigger this was my post. What’re you doing reposting it without my permission you stupid fucking nigger. I haven’t posted this once in a full week, also there are literally 4 Of us who post lana pics and make threads. It’s our way of communicating with each other. Kill yourself niggerfaggit

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This is actually my post. You stole it from me

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But you have the American flag and are thus clearly not the Bong in the post. This is fucking fraud. Stop pretending to be me.

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U jelly?

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Everyone "loves" us because it's conditional. They know that without white men the west will not exist. It's opportunism to the extreme.

I'm using a proxy jackass. We work for the same ppl.

stop helping the enemy

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Love is always conditional. Have a blackpill.

I’m looking at my coworkers monitors right now, you don’t work for us. Fucking larper.

they hate us coz they ain't us

Show flag Moshe

Is love just Stockholm syndrome?


I'm aware of that, but the way you phrased your post bothered me. White men are only semi-respected in the west for that reason I mentioned, not because we're a traditional society and everyone truly loves us.
I'm not sure why Jow Forums types have an issue with just sending all the nasty ones away, but perhaps that view is too outdated now.

Come to the left corner office we can talk there

He did

Whoops my mistake user, tbis was never my thread.eveything is fine g-goy... guys.

I'm tired of leafs. You CanuckCucks always have a issue with something trivial.

Im a 43 y/o white male who just got divorced after 11 year marriage. I thought it would suck being single at this age, but trust me, it doesnt. I retired from the mil, decent shape for my age, and a good job that gives the impression that I am more than what I am. Women are all about success, so just fake it till you make it.

One - all the women my age are a wreck because of bad relationships, or cant find someone to make them feel good, hence, a lot of house wife ass on the side.

two - all the young hot women are used to being around beto onions millinial SJW, and have no idea what a strong man is like. I go to bars and be a man, and these young ladies love it. Im not a dick, just confident and direct with a chauvenistic type attitude. some of them put up a front like they arent going for it, but a few drinks later, yep, easy pussy.

three - black women love white guys, and you can literally take your pic. If you need to fuck something, a she boon is your easiest bet.

Asian women love white guys too. very easy to get laid. Thats why its so hysterical to see these virgins on this sight crying.

It's not trivial. You misphrased a post about a very serious issue. But you deserve credit for admitting that it's conditional.
I hate Canadians too, though.

Nah, its just an illusion. Women love men for what they can do for them (feelz and monies). We love women for what they do for us (sex). Stop acting like a man or stop providing monies = no more love. Bitch gets a bad sunburn on her face and a masectomy = no more love.

I wasn't just talking about women though, I barely thought of them honestly when I first addressed you.

Hmm, at least we can agree on something.

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I'm just standing here on the patio trying to enjoy my post-coital cigarette and sailor jerry's when, lo and behold, my wife appears in the doorway, naked, except for a yearning glare from her green eyes and an old guns n roses t-shirt that's too small for me now. I know what that glare means. In the span of 45 minutes of hard fucking I only made her cum four times. She knows I can do better. Frankly, so do I. Well, it looks like at least another 30 minutes of pussy and ketamine is on the menu, boys. Afterwards, I'll probably post here while I enjoy my bowl and watch last night's Jeopardy on youtube. Probably have a double mojito, too.

Anyway, what in the actual fuck is going on in this thread?

pic related, our destruction has been entertaining, so far.

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We also agreed that the "respect" white men get is totally conditional.
If you ever cared to notice, look at all the hatred spewed by various sources when the topic of white men dropping out of society comes up.

Burn in hell pedo scum

dat rugged jawline
there is absolutely no chance that she is not a trap

Nice mate

Okay, here's my blog post.
I like to think my experience shatters the mold of what non Americans in Jow Forums would predict the white male experience to be like:

I'm a white male studying engineering living in Florida. I'm registered independent and I voted for Trump. Politically, I'm right leaning.
I understand the crazy leftist perspective:
My sister is one of those white guilt, sjw, liberals and she won't talk to my father and I because we refuse to share her ideology.
I have a white girlfriend of three years, we have lots of sex, and a healthy relationship.
We listen and respect each other.
She also studies engineering, different field than I.
Maybe we will get married.

My university has a very diverse student body and nobody really bats an eye at it. As an educational establishment, it's less important to be diverse than it is to have a high standard of education.
I have many different races of people in my classes, but still few women.
Many of the teachers aides are from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh because they speak good English and in exchange for working for the university they can get cheaper tuition to earn their doctorates. They work very hard so I respect them.
I'm in a campus club for university women.
(free food and engineering job offers)
They don't know why women don't want to get into Stem. I'm not sure why either, but I have hunches.
I have worked several engineering jobs and never been turned away for lacking diversity, nor have I been chosen over another candidate for being white.
The university takes many steps to incorporate other cultures into campus life through culturally themed events.
It's all in good taste, and they include white culture just as much as any other.
I'm not spit on for being white, but if someone did I'd give them a piece of my mind.

There is no fault in race, only in character.
Life isn't bad. Things seem fair for me.

>5’10 green eyes, brown hair
I am less polite in public because I am tired of my customs and way of life being thrashed away and only exploited by 1st gen’rs to make me seem weak (having to adapt to the outter-world’s backwards-macho- posturing and territorialness). Mostly respected, except by Feminist professors which I counteract by always being overtly Anglo, emphasize British culture and references, and bring up history of Canada which triggers most (Laurier racial policies, positive take on our conquests, WW1 & 2 pride/righteousness). You’d be surprised at how mentioning Shakespeare gets these profs going. They haven’t read any, but the thought of a non-ethnic being referenced - aside from the Frankfurt schools and post modernists - really grinds their gears. I have an easy time with ladies, of all types - should I chose.
People in public transit and grocery stores look at me as if they’re waiting for me to die. Most of my friends are bleeding heart liberals, they don’t discuss politics with me and when they do it ends up in “hahahaha omg I hate yoooouuuu” like I’m their father giving them a useful lesson, delivered in a skillful and clever way as to make the lesson fun and not scourn them.

>I’m a bong interested in American culture and I get the impression that pretty much no one likes you,

I've seen this post before. Not exactly word for word but the basic premise. Which means it's a new shill tactic. Pathetic.

Check the earlier posts on the thread

>>Never turned away for lacking diversity
For Now

Thanks that’s a very interesting contribution leaf

Fuck you she’s a beauty queen

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I wanted this thread to be popular:(

>I wanted more data to mine :’(

There are so many mutts it makes me want to cry. Women are all pozzed and even church girls have tattoos. I want to flee this nation because there is no hope. It saddens me since my family has been here for close to 400 years. There is nothing left to fight for. I am looking for nations to flee to that I have ancestral heritage in, but they all are being cucked also. Truth be told, I have a bias against Slavs and Meds. They are not my people.

Oy vey the goyim know

I’m sorry user that’s sounds real bad

As an aside, I got along great with some international students in my dorm. The Christians from Nigeria were really cool. We could openly mock each other and laugh about it, often in border-line racist terms.
>They hated the N word, though haha not that I called them that. More so they didn’t like when rappers say it.

The Beijingers took advantage of my politeness/hospitality, and didn’t seem to want to be here.
>heard stories that Chinese internat’ Students are sent abroad to act as a piggy bank for their parents, a money hole where they send the max amount of monthly funds so the kids can buy up material goods and/or properties.
>Could be racist/bigoted rhetoric but it seems plausible
But I’ve met some cool Beijiners this year so idk maybe bad luck??
The shocking part was how bizarre they thought our multicultural/white guilt motif is at our university. Idk why but internat’ students have a problem with our diversity “too many [insert ethnicity here] this place is fucked”, on the regular

White liberals are fucking evil desu


Theyre subhuman that’s for sure

wow the autistic spammer is still making threads every hour with the same premise, that sure is epic

Don’t do that


Sorry user

