Name a better language

Pro-tip: YOU CAN'T!

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It’s German engineered.


I like italian best
anyway, I enjoy english I just hate voiceless and voiced TH it's gayer than french U
I don't want to see no tongues when someone speaks

english is one of the best languages because it has been able to adopt words and meanings from other languages very easily over the years.

cool mutt language

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Latin is unironically the only right answer

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I guess Karl Martel was an Englishman too.

Isn't English the most information-dense?

What's so good about it? It's just a collection of monkey grunts and caveman scribbles, like any other language besides Korean

>the language of america is literally a mutt language
it all makes sense now

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It spells itself out too literally and inhibits the mind's ability to make natural connections, and natural connections are poetic and allow deep subtext. Latin is the greatest language ever devised.

Old norse sounds alpha as fuck

unironically finnic languages



Korean is just Japanese but worse

No you cannot. I rejoice when i go to foreign countries and their signs are in english, it gives me so much pleasure to speak english to a foreigner in their country and know they'll understand my godly tongue. Bow down

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Still more versatile than this abomination

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kurwas will resonate in all corners of the galaxy

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Italian, French, and Spanish.


It's ok language I guess. I just can't stand that the letters are pronounced wrong and sometimes the pronouncing changes.
That's why spelling is a fucking contest.

Post examples pls
Vocaroos, text, anything


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Why? It makes perfect sense.
It's a Verleih for Fußbodenschleifmaschinen.
This Schleifmaschinen are made for Fußböden.

Fuck off Jew

Better yet if they have taken the time to learn a few i insults. Its like they learn English just so i can call them a cunt.

Spanish or literally any other.

>Best language
>Not Portuguese

The fuck is wrong with you guys

Too many useless letters



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Relative to other languages I'm familiar with English grammar is quite simple and sensible. There really aren't any 'that's-dumb' features you'd automaticaly dispense with if given the choice like grammatical gender or honourifics/registers.

What's difficult about English is 1. ENDLESS synonyms with slight shades of meaning and 2. spelling almost totally divorced from pronunciation. Of course these have their advantages (richer expression with the former, and a common written standard regardless of local pronunciation the latter)

Unironically Greek.
It's hilarious that it lost its place as lingua franca by 2 (two) votes. Those British cucks spent a lot of shekels to make sure.

What? It's just precise description, so people don't ask dumb questions.
How would be a rental shop named in the US that only rent grinding machines for floors that are especially is for indoor areas?


We have a shop that does more than one thing

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French is the nigger language.

It's also the language of the world's most extreme poverty (sub-Saharan Africa; Haiti).

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>Only 11 million people speak Finnish ever while billions speak English

We also, but we also have specialized shops, like Fußbodenschleifmaschinenverleihe.
Still, how would such a shop named in America?



While we are on the subject i have to say how impressed i am at those polacks who speak English as a second language. If it wasnt for the flags i doubt i could even tell whos a native an who isnt. Its a shame that in England there is rarely a need to learn another language which just encourages us to be lazy. I think i might try learning German.

Ελληνιkή είναι μεγάλη, αυτά μαλάkες μόνο ξέρεις αγγλιkά.

Italian it's pretty good.
Russian sounds cool


Probably just indoor rental shop


they only know Walmart and McDonald's, don't overstrain his small mind

What exactly is so good about it? Its actually a very poor language. One might say 'straight forward' in regards to its simplicity but thats actually the only positive I can see. Its useful because of that and easy to learn which is why its so dominant and widespread. I like british english though. I like how it sounds but not your american gibberish. Its like the majority of its speakers, trashy.
t. purebred german linguist

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Khé?, america is mejica?

English is the dumbed down version of already dumbed down languages
A bunch of nogs speaking broken french doesn't make french less unique and english less trash

Nice analysis, in English.

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But that implies he would also rent another stuff. That not so specialized like a Fußbodenschleifmaschinenverleih. How would a highly specialzed rental shop like a German Fußbodenschleifmaschinenverleih named in the US?
No wonder he can't give me an adequate answer.

Literally impossible. English is the greatest language due to its evolution in an environment where 3-4 languages had to merge into one, and by doing so dropped a lot of the redundancies and pointless rules of other languages, like feminine/masculine nouns, multiple articles like German “der, das, die” became simple English “the,” and thousands of additional words and phrases were added and absorbed which increased the idea base. Read this book for the full story

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Sanskrit will be spoken across the world after Kali Yuga ends.

त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव । १
त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव । २
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमेव । ३
त्वमेव सर्वम् मम देव देव ॥ ४ ॥

You are my mother and father,
You are my family and my friend,
You are my wealth and my knowledge,
You truly are my All, The Greatest of All Gods.

A for effort.

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Pick a random verb in English (besides "be"). It has at most 5 forms: see/sees/saw/seen/seeing. The vast majority it's just 4: jump/jumps/jumped/jumping. And the simple present -s for he/she/it isn't semantically important (lots of second language speaks skip without issue). Infinitives just add "to -".

Adjectives, adverbs, aren't modified at all. (black is always just 'black', big is always just 'big'). Nouns modified just for plural/singular (99% of the time just with an -s).

Name a language that isn't some limited creole or constructed gag language that's as simple.

Unironically the most patrician language, 2nd best is German

Can't help you there, I honestly haven't seen a small shop specializing in that.

Cacaй кyдacaй ;)

>millions of niggers speak his language
poo in the loo, pajeet

The most brainlet answer there is. Literally the most simplified languages, you can converse in them after ca. three months

as charles V said

I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse


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english not relevant enough in the good old euroepan time.

It would be probably
>Indoor grinding machine rental shop
Now just leave out all spaces and you got a bit cloeser to the masterrace of word creations.

Based Brother.
I live for Indra, I shall die for Indra.

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Latin has been more relevant than Italian ever was

charles V hired a bunch of mercs to burn your capital to the ground last and ended the renaissance, last I checked. I wouldn't be taking any advice from him.

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To be honest Korean is the better language. And I'm not even a weeb

Say "ask" in French
Okay now how do you imply someone asked it or someone forced you to say it in one word?

We have ask, inquire, and demand, among others. They have different implications and they're just about as concise

Are you retarded? I answered your stupid OP in the same language you used. Always when I think that Ive seen and heard it all, some braindead, american good-for-nothing like you comes along and opens his fucking mouth. I bet if I would have responded in one of the other four languages I speak fluently, you wouldnt have understand a fucking word. Dude your are really a fucking moron! Thats how the world looks on americans and rightfully so.

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Probably because standard italian only became spoken nationally after the radio became popular in the early 1900s.


Είμαι μια μπυργkερ, τι θέλεις;

Ειδα θουπαkος Σαkορ στήν Μύkονος.

They're considered among the most beautiful languages in the world for a very good reason. Your babble is never on any of the lists because it's so incredibly unappealing to the ear.

31 characters
>Indoor grinding machine rental shop
36 characters

Germany 1:0 USA

Like all other countries prior to modern communication, different areas spoke different dialects of the same language.

Nice English, Hans.

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extremely rare for an american.

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Not really. The Korean alphabet is way easy to learn, a single day at that too, but it's severely limited in expression, compared to English
>can't even say goodbye

USA isn't the origin of English so that's kind of silly.

I'm more interested in efficiency

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100% agree

both 9 syllables

based, anglos are shit
its sisähiomakonevuokraamo in finnish

>what is chinese?
Think again bucko

well, jokes aside, i think it's french or ancient greek.

That word gave me eye cancer.

English is a jewish language.
Cobbled together from a few languages by travelling (((merchants))) to make it easier to communicate over a larger area in Europe.

German is a better language.

aimer à
attendre de
faire venir
se recommander
se renseigner

english is hard, but you can get through with tough thorough thought though

Most of these don't even mean ask

Why do you lie, Pierre?

Quoi ?

German sounds like a truck full of bricks crashing into a glass cathedral. It's really unpleasant to listen to, almost as bad as Sw*dish