Transhumanism is the future

Where were you when you realized that transhumanism is the only moral option moving forward? Were never going gas the kikes, nuke mexico, or send the blacks back to Africa. A big issue with their nations is their low IQs, but that can and will be fixed. They will finally be able to form functional civilizations, but once that genie is out of the bag white nations (assuming they still exist) will have to get onboard or become the new niggers of earth. I really think this is unavoidable.

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The only moral option is restoring humanity to the state it evolved to live in.

Trans humanism will be a new age of slavery, the only difference is that you will enjoy it due to the implants manipulating your body. Also i hope people like the thought of becoming obsolete.

The question is, has humanity ever evolved to a state it could live in its environment? The answer may shock you.

IPhags will be the first to go into the Borg cube.

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I don't disagree, but that would entail a lot if death and disenfranchising a lot of people to set things back along that course. I'm not sure people will have the stomach for it even though in the long run it would undoubtedly be the best option. No, people like quick fixes, and relative to that, transhumanism will be seen as the more moral of the two.

We can't cure basic diseases and our nigger tech is already biased and censored as fuck. You are full of shit, Cyber Shlomo.

Have fun when a dab of water short circuits your arm, faggot.

Well, I guess you can call is the second most moral option, but it's not like we have any choice either way.
If you believe in the market, the market will force people to get augmented.
If you believe in the global government, the global government will force people to get augmented.
If you believe in the exploiter class, the exploiter class will force people to get augmented.
If you believe in the AI, the AI will force people to get augmented.
I think the white nations (such as they are) will actually spearhead the movement.

They probably will. It'd be the only way to assure any sort of worldwide egalitarianism, aka the false god we've been taught to worship instead of nature.

Which kind?
Genetic and biological transhumanism is the future. Technological transhumanism will mean the end of mankind.

implying they arent already

I want to believe.

transhumanism is an even bigger meme than the race war. You will never fix niggers.

If it works as advertised (adding IQ points from your smart phone to your brain), then I don't see why not.

Depends what transhumanism will mean, is it to upload everyone's mind to the internet or is it to create a new A.I. overlord to rule us all?

I’ve held the view that genetic and cybernetic augmentation are the only viable future for our species since I was six.

>lets further increase the difference in quality of living so that more third worlders try to get to civilized countries
No, thanks.

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Humanity most needs spiritual growth, right now. We are the pinnacle of creation. We should be trying to perfect ourselves, not transcend our nature.

>Not killing third worlders as technology increases.
>Not leading them into you're country & certain "Refugee zones" only to gas, irradiate, or starve them to death en masse.
It's like you just want the problem to fester.

>We are the pinnacle of creation. We should be trying to perfect ourselves, not transcend our nature.
First, that's a lot of ego right there to think humanity is the pinnacle of creation. Secondly.
>Implying perfecting ourselves doesn't entail transcending our nature.

It takes a lot of arrogance to assert we are anywhere close to improving upon the capacity of the human mind, when our best and brightest seemingly can't stop societal collapse every 200 years or so. Any "improvements" will be shallow, thickle attempts at accelerating this paradigm.

Tradition is the only thing that can insure a good future for mankind.

>Impying improving human intelligence is comparable to stopping civilization's collapse.
One requires study, research, & engineering over the course of many years.
The other involves getting individuals of disparate ideologies, philosophies, & races to cooperate & act in the general interest, if not necessarily the best, of society at large. Not only with diligence, but patience & temperance as well.
Guess which of these is the more difficult path?

there will be no morals.
just clockwork.

only the rich will be able to afford genetic and cybernetic enhancements. there will be an upper caste of enhanced trans-humans and a lower caste of slaves. the high-intelligence regular humans will be softly disposed of. thats the purpose of brown immigration, they are preconditioning the future slave caste

The worst mistake is supporting this. Yes it is the future. Hell on Earth. Idiot.
I suppose these are the Elon Musk shills who lies like fuck about him.

Fuck off your vaporware faggot.


Why though? I could make a lot more money selling it to the masses.

>"spiritual" person
>doesn't believe in God

Zoltan, is that you?

>If it works as advertised
Yea and if I'm able to teleport I don't see why I couldn't go to the moon.

it's everything but moral. yet we have four roads forward that I know of. 1. super AI, 2. transhumanism, 3. gene manipulation, 4. eugenics. if a nation or an alliance rejects these, it will be crushed by its neighbors who do not

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This is the stupidest meme to have ever existed. We are no closer to understanding the human brain than we are to a Theory of Everything. The idea that we're going to be able to augment consciousness because The Big Data Kike has figured out how to effectively move lots of disposable consumer shit on the internet is fucking retarded.

We know, we don't care.