Are women hitting the wall earlier than before or white women just age like milk?
Honestly, who would even marry a >25 y.o. female nowadays?
Are women hitting the wall earlier than before or white women just age like milk?
Honestly, who would even marry a >25 y.o. female nowadays?
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drugs + booze + miles of cock = age horribly.
>Honestly who would marry a female nowadays?
>blurry pic, lots of makeup, wide angle, down angle
The left ain’t so great.
They're slamming into the fucking wall at 90mph now because of the kind of lifestyle being pushed. Women 50 years ago didn't subsist on fast food, smoke pot, drink, hook up with random dudes, or get regrettable tattoos the way they do now. There are seriously girls out there who are washed up whores at 17.
You guys know its true, just saying.
And that as well. Every guy 30+ can confirm this stuff.
go fap to some drawings, you fucking pedo.
It depends on the women. The women at my tradcat parish who are 30 with a few kids already are still pretty hot because they eat healthy food and take care of themselves and always get thin again. Still can only marry
What happens at 42?
Mid life crisis? Not sure.
Also poor sleep and exoestrogens.
This here.
They wouldn't be aging so poorly if they didn't party so hard but today's idea of a woman being free is just being a wild slut. And that weighs down on anyone.
My wife is 33 and I find her more attractive than ever.
Sad to see such sadness and despair here.
This "data" has no source and I cannot ever find any to back it up.
Closest data we have is that attractiveness peaks at 18 (because that was the youngest measured) and drops from there
Sauce is needed.
also makeup is bad for your skin. so they use makeup when they are young than as their skin gets worse they have to use more makeup to cover it up which makes it even worse.
What happened to 42?
working women age like men
they're looking 20 when they're 14 nowadays so it's only natural
I suppose it's a diet heavy on fat industrialized food
the delusion is palpable
This is bullshit just because its trying to measure a sexual "attraction" that women do not have for men. Change it to "percieved value" and its accurate
ive met 12 year old girls who have slept with over 20 men. they look, talk, and act like 30 year olds. its obscene how rapidly females can become total whores.
>white women just age like milk?
I've actually noticed this. A lot of white women start showing dramatic signs of ageing by the time they are ~32. Having a kid or two speeds up that process. Once my wife had her second kid, it's like her fat distribution completely reorganized itself and went from all the right places to all the wrong places. They lose interest in sex too. I'm now stuck with discreetly soliciting escorts once or twice a month.
nothin wrong with cheating. you are supporting her and the kids after all.
This is true
Men discover the meaning of life at 42
>ive met 12 year old girls who have slept with over 20 men exactly do you know these girls, user?
Her second kid? Get a dna man
Back when I used to use cocaine I would encounter them from time to time. They usually provide sex for whatever low level drug courrier in exchange for free blow.
Yeah, monogamy is kind of absurd under some circumstances. Women lose their sex drive after having kids, but men don't, so the rule book does have to be edited a little in that regard.
They hit puberty earlier because of the chemicals in the water turning the frogs trans, are unheathy from a young age (being overweight when young is linked to early puberty by itself) and continue unhealthy diets even if they don't eat too much. They have high stress due to the breakdown of family and culture and social norms that have kept people sane for the last 100,000+ years. Is it any wonder that they seem to age faster?
Alternatively, due to the fetishisation of youth and the relentless drive against the old, our own views of what looks old have been warped by mass media as part of a concerted compaign to cause us to ignre our elders, even if they're still young.
>tfw whilst typing this get a youtube ad about how stress messes up your skin
Sin makes you age faster.
I've met so many old people who look fantastic since coming to Christ.
My divorced skank mom is haggard as heck now, and she used to be hot.
I'm tired and I worded it wrong.Syntactic ambiguity aside, you know what I mean.
I’ve seen some 19 year old girls now with large amounts of grey hair.
Makes me wonder wtf is going on in their life
How many white children do you have without autism?
>Honestly, who would even marry a >25 y.o. female nowadays?
I know a dude who married some late 20s slut who had already been married, and fucked niggers to cause her divorce.
To be fair, hes like 300lbs and has the personality of a broken window.
But fucking desperate retards have to stop rewarding this. That guy completely validated an adulterous coalburner, and now she has access to his money.
>Women lose their sex drive
Conversely, I notice males are beginning to bald sooner than they did decades ago. I think a lot of this can be chalked up to food additives, water/air pollutants, unnecessary prescription drugs doctors throw at us (antidepressants). We're all exposed to so much more toxic shit than we were even in the '60s or '70s.
The value of a woman decreases with age. This is a fact. News at '11.
After 25, it's pretty common
Sure (((dude)))
>Sad to see such sadness and despair here.
muh emotions, totally a dude...
Im 35 now,honest to God,i was invisible to any good looking chick in my 20s.
Still am,just saying how it was in my 20s
>30 years old, look younger though
>mfw looking at facebook pictures of my exes and girls i knew in high school
I'm 24 and my fiancee is 29. She is very pretty and looks like 21 y.o. She doesn't have kids and was never married. I'm going to marry her because she is intelligent, great in sex and actually cares about me. Doesn't use facebook or other social medias because she is introverted. I used to date girl my age 2 years ago and that was disaster. She started to look like a trans after few months I don't know why. In the beggining I thought my fiancee maybe is too old for me but I continued to date her. I had a terrible accident in my work and she was the one who was visiting me everyday and bring me delicious homemade food. I realized then that I would never meet anyone more loving, and caring than her. I think is not the age of the woman is important but her emocional maturity and the way she treats you.
That is the toll that acting like a man takes on a women's body.
>seven years ago
>or perhaps 107 years ago
The expression is actually "film at 11", and that's 11 o'clock, not '11, as in 2011 or 1911. As an aside, the reason a newscast would run a preliminary story without the film is it had to be developed in the pre-digital era. So you'd get the story without footage during the early evening news, then the story and footage during late evening news.
I have never hated any group as much as I despise American millennials.
>diamond dozen
>case and point
>for all intensive purposes
I've never known anyone to be so willfully stupid, lazy and ignorant. Utter classless pieces of useless nigger trash. The real redpill is knowing your generation isn't worth saving.
Men age like wine, women age like milk
That’s great user. But she’s not too old, you are probably too young. She needs to have a baby soon and I doubt you’re ready to be a father
Oldfag here. You should see once they hit 40. I've seen women 40-45, even younger, who could easily pass for 50-55. Kids take a lot of you, but even the childless ones now age like milk. Booze. Drugs. Years of excessive makeup, EDs, tanning, teeth-whitening. Random cock. Nature. I just sit back and smile as the cunts try sooooo hard to put Humpty back together. The best are the cementheads who've relied on their ass their entire lives. They have NOTHING. Watching them walk around like people who've lost their dog is beautiful.
Source of pics for verification?
how come them china women be lookin like they 20 when they are 35?
i work wit this one gook slut and i thought she was like 20 until she told me she was 35.
wtf is it the food they eat or something? cuz i know dem gooks be eating dem octapussies and veggies like crazy
If they're like me, divorce rape, MGTOW, rabid misogyny.
>But don’t let anyone tell you that your sexual value plummets at 20, or even hits a wall at 30. It’s just a scare tactic.
>In my experience, it’s possible to feel sexually attractive, and be perceived as such, well into your 50s.
The data of the graph is not why I believe in the graph.
The counter-arguments is why I believe in the graph. It shows a hysterical, immediate and reflection-less self-defense.
Young love is the most beautiful and natural love, but it doesn't fit our society, culture and the expectations that we have built up for women and their desire to be adored and supported throughout life.
In general we have built up these superficial expectations for life that we - as humans - are all "equal" throughout various dimensions such as age, gender and race. This makes us behave politically correct on the surface to stay out of harm, but we all know that it is bullshit, and that we are all fighting against each other in a big hierarchy to score with the hottest chick. We are just as hostile against each other as other species of mammals, but we mask the hostility using sophisticated and cunning strategies with our developed frontal lobes.
Cultural terminology such as "friends" are just an example of a tool to make mutual peace with a potential enemy. Throw in a drama revolving the hottest chick, and you will see how this "friend" will turn into your enemy.
The illusion of humans being friendly and helpful by nature is upheld by our needs to stay out of harm from our neighbors.
The nigger becomes aggressive if you officially reveal his low value, and you will be labelled a "racist" to be expelled.
Likewise you will be branded pedophile for officially stating the high value of a 15 y/o blonde girl.
Likewise you will be called "whatever"-phobic for officially calling out the degeneracy of trans-/homosexual urges of some
Im 24 and my asian gf is 27, she looks younger than white women in their early 20s. Plus i love the dirty looks i get from white women, i have just grown to hate them over the years.
Asian how?
If Jap. Good for you.
If Fliproach, prepare for overnight transformation into Brezhnev incoming.
>I find joy in once beautiful girls decaying with age
You sure don't sound like the perma-rejected guy now getting his revenge
I thought like 98 percent of skin aging was down to sun exposure?
...yeah shes a flip.
Her mom is 51 and could pass for mid 30s tho
Coalburners are to be avoided like the fucking plague!
Once they go black, don't ever take them back!
It's temporary. Postpartum hormones are fucked. I hear it's comparable to what they go through with menopause. After a few months their hormones should start to recover and they start craving the cock again.
They let Indian people in poland?
>In my experience, it’s possible to feel sexually attractive, and be perceived as such, well into your 50s.
This is correct though
Alot of thirsty faggots make this possible, even at 30 women are valued extremly high and it shows NO sign of slowing down
better diets in general, low fat, good protein, fish, veggies, etc.
anybody else a shit and you're a fag for replying to those half nude threads on here
A proud millennial white race traitor. Now there's something you don't see every day!
Its really just make-up in public and people validating them bitches when they're actually a 5 or 4 ,but makeup turns them into a 7 or 8 and because of society its ok to trick a nigga. Basically a wolf in sheeps clothing.
>Plus i love the dirty looks i get from white women
Why would women care?
If youre attractive enough to get a white girl you shouldnt have to be with an asian girl
If youre not top 10% attractive...why do they care?
In my experience white women have been pretty horrible partners. Also just because you and i share the same skin color doesnt mean i like you or have loyalty to you. I love this chick, she actually cooks, cleans, and is feminine unlike white slag pig whores.
I dont want a white girl
Exactly. Because being a bitter virgin is the only reason I'd be laughing at this. Go tuck your cock in Dane, your bull is waiting. Fuckin feminized logic.
They care cus theyre jealous. Same way you autists look upset when a white woman is with a nonwhite
All stuff that used to only grind men down is grinding women down now too.
>overnight transformation into Brezhnev
Correction: working women age worse than working men.
Just wait until you hit 42
You obviously are taking advantage of this situation... why don’t you have a seat over there
I would imagine that her experience is based on the result of a cunning strategy used by a guy as a means getting laid with her.
The situation here is that she is NOT as worthy as her 20 y/o former self, but she is still worthy enough to attract horny guys.
No girl is jealous of a fish bitch bro, you're delusional. Nor do they desire you
>start new job in office
>coworker is some blonde white woman (26 at the time)
>be friendly to her and accidentally flirt a bit with her
>in the coming months have enough money so I get new glasses
>can see good again
>look at that coworker again
>can see from a distance how caked up she is how many wrinkles she has already and her hairy upper lip
>cringe hard at this and ignore that roastie and pretend she doesn‘t exist
>she becoems really bootyblasted that I ignore her
>start flirting with the new 18yo intern girl instead
>roastbutthurt is off the charts and she blinds some manlet from another department to fight me
Yes they are
All these roasties become unattractive and beat after taking armies of dicks by their early 20s. By then no respectable man will want anything to do with them. They have no idea how to make it on their own without leeching off all the cucks who enabled their behavior because of their “bro who cares if she’s a slut I’m getting laid broooo” nigger-like, dudebro mentality. And then its all downhill for them. They become future single mothers or cat ladies.
I respect that but why would they care?
Ive met many white women and ive never ever met one who is even close to lonely
So why are they giving you a dirty look?
Jealousy means you want that thing someone else has, most white girls are so swamped with men wanting to fuck em they wouldnt even take note of one dude mixing with another race
This is akin to saying a multi-billionaire gives you a dirty look when you collect food stamps because he is jealous of you
I've been around for awhile. You're delusional if you think it isn't true
I just don't share your joy of observing once beautiful girls settling with their prime coming to an end. It's almost as if you celebrate when successful people are dying
Thank god I have the gift of 20/10 vision.
Alcohol ages them big-time lol
But there's always a betacuck who will buy them piles of petrochemicals to paint on
Or maybe they just start offering their anus to the male
Ok white whore, go swipe daddys credit card and suck some black dicks. Many around here will still kiss you later cus ur white.
I cant read minds, but perhaps women do not like competition and they feel threatened when attractive women of other races are taking their men. I tried with white women and theyre insufferable.
Don't be bagging dudebro now dude. Come on bro.
Your story is highly amusing, germanon. Thank you for sharing
divorce, they get shit poor
>25 year old is less attractive than a 47 year old
>25 year old is less attractive than a 47 year old
I think you read that wrong. It is
>25 year old has less money than a 47 year old
based and reddotted
15+ bitches have always been disgusting old hags.
>they feel threatened when attractive women of other races are taking their men
We will never know i suppose
I do find it funny because if you are correct then it means girls not only have all the betas orbiting them they also dont want anyone else to be happy with someone else
girls dont want men happy
>one time toasty roastie storms into my office and DEMANDS that I search some papers for her
>point at where they are without moving from my chair
>she gets really reaaally butthurt and stomps on the ground like a butthurt kid
>gave her the papers she was searching for (so she fucks off) while talking down to her like to a child
>she storms out
>half hour later that manlet walks into my office and demands to speak to me alone
>go outside with him
>pump up my chest and look down on him take aggressive stance
>manlet starts talking how I can‘t just talk to the roastie like that
>tell him I can talk to her however the fuck I want
>he starts walking backwards and retreats back into his office like a dog with his tail between his legs
>that roastie giving me butthurt looks everyday
Things only kept escalating m8