So reddit is losing their shit over this Facebook post, but what is Jow Forumss take?

So reddit is losing their shit over this Facebook post, but what is Jow Forumss take?

Was the posters suspicion justified?

Attached: DB8C7242-4D41-4F13-B986-B2EFDFD501BF.jpg (500x844, 76K)

Shill thread
Fuck off

I'm sure it's 100% real.

niggers in packs are extremely dangerous

Maybe they were going door to door and selling an invention? Maybe they were looking for lawncare work? Bet you didn't consider that you fucking racists. Instead you automatically assume the worst about people, probably because deep down you know you're the worst kind of person of them all.

dayz good bois din do nuffin

Why can't blacks keep their clothes on in public

>too fat to take off his shirt, ever, the post

i've heard of penis envy, but gut envy? you're pathetic

Weak bait. Racism and profiling must not be tolerated.

quality bait right here