>trillions spended in military around the world
>can't protect border
what timeline is this?
>trillions spended in military around the world
>can't protect border
what timeline is this?
>cant stop 911 too
Can't they just swim around it?
Put the keyboard/phone down you fucking Cro Magnon.
Not bad though, your english is pretyy good for a native arabic speaker
read this post then exit thread.
>that wall
The absolute state, is THIS what 50 billion taxpayer dollars went towards?
le creature du amerique du nord
His spelling doesn't suddenly make the point invalid
The Jewish one
ITT: DemocRAT shills who thought Trump was talking about building a wall like the Great Wall of China or some shit.
>Thowy mum I spended all me money on gumballs
What do they mean by flying the flag of the country they claim is so terrible they need refuge from it?!?
I remember Trump himself saying in a rally speech that the wall is actually going to be a real, solid wall, not simply a metaphor for border security. So your 6D chess theory fails this time.
Why can't we just park a destroyer off the coast and shell the beach?
t. DemocRAT shill
“The wall” was a metaphor for the friends we made along the way these past two years, idiot.
>trillions spended
Which 3rd world shithole has Soros picked you up from memeflag?
The elites want them here as cheap labor and consumers.
That's why it won't stop.
It doesn't but why waste time to argue with a room temp IQ immigrant?
Christ you NPC trump supporters are fucking dumb
Just as slavery and the power of a federal government to ban it was the central question of the 19th century in America, immigration and the federal government's unwillingness to restrict it is the central question of the 21st century in America
The timeline where no one won WWII but the Jews
never forgetti
Maybe the real wall was the friends we made along the way?
The left can't meme so they have to steal memes. Pathetic
Protect the border from what or who exactly?
From a bunch of poor civilian bums fleeing gang violence in their home countries?
Are their an existential threat for the US? Nope.
Russia with their anti-democratic meddling and disinformation campaigns all around the world is much bigger existential threat for the US.
China with their human rights abuses and anti-democratic economic coercion is much bigger existential threat for the US.
Iran with their ambitions of recreating a theocratic Persian Empire is much bigger existential threat for the US.
North Korea with their nuclear and biological weapons proliferation is much bigger existential threat for the US.
ISIS and Al-Qaeda with their ambitions of creating a theocratic Wahabbi empire is much bigger existential threat for the US.
Even the rise of a new authoritarianism and anti-americanism all around the world is much bigger existential threat for the US.
A few poor bums wanting to be a part of the shining city on the hill is obviously not an existential threat for the US. The US is the US exactly because it inspires and attracts people.
The water on the border is polluted with special species of sharks, unknown to the regular citizen.
Hahahahaha, stupid DemocRAT shill, you have no power here.
Literally this. Look at , and how he has to take the NPC meme from us. Pathetic.
Based Vlatko
The sessions has been fired timeline.
Sessions was considered being a radical for being too far anti immigrant. Trump is cucking on the border
>Chinese built the Great Wall to defend themselves from the "barbarians" hundreds of years ago.
>In 2018 they put rusty fences on the borders to keep out the immigrants.
Thank god Trump won or this would be the current time li...
What the hell were all these designs for then, you blustering moron?
publicity stunt
none of those designs are being constructed
Look at this leftist shill. Only NPCs choose your side
>what timeline is this?
the timeline China wins
>Us regular normal people can understand and comprehend the intellect and plans of the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE.
Jesus, low energy DemocRAT shills today. Sad!
>Can't they just swim around it?
Most brown people don't know how to swim.
Spended.....................FUCKING SPENDED....................................DRUMPF FUCKING SPENDED HOW MUCH FUCKING MONIES.................................SPENDED
They could use some motorboats for a couple bucks a trip then!
Quite nice business opportunity.
>i have no arguments but i must speak
their shitty homeland isnt ours and its people are not our responsibility. Especially those with no respect for our laws. They are criminals and should be treated as such.
They are economical migrants who wont do anything besides dodge taxes and send money home, and make labor work more competitive, have worse standards of work yadda yadda yknow im fucking sure if you gave a damn about the facts I wouldnt need to explain why illegal immigrants are bad but yet here you are virtue signalling to no one as whay you say is moral only to the same retards who would keep blacks on welfare and give every instituition race quotas to compete with whites and asians. Because a meritocratic system doesent favor hispanics or blacks.
Stop pitying people and stop making others suffer for your pity, its pathetic. Have some dignity for south america. It wouldnt be as shit if you started holding them to the same standards as every other place. I thought all men were equal?
you probably wouldn't even have to shoot more than 100 of them until the rest decided to turn around and just go back home.
I have no country but I must shitpost
I left europe and travelled thousands of miles of sea and land to become a mutt
You forget that the Jewish lobby which basically controls the US are the ones lobbying for the wars in the Middle East on behalf of Israel. At the same time they're for open borders for the US. So this is exactly what you would expect. This is how your country is under Jewish control