What is this rise in transgenderism?

What's the reason behind it?
First is it like homosexuality which results from child abuse or traps are schizophrenic and thus can't be treated.
Why is social media and porn sites flooded with them?
Enlighten me. This shut is just too chaotic for it to be a plain conspiracy. Is it in the water? The lack of proper father figures? What the help is going on?

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Munchausen syndrome by proxy


fpbp checked

i waqnt to touch i want to kiss

I say I am a trans lesbian who has not transitioned at parties all the time. Makes real women let their guard down and easier to bang.

its all because of the media glorifying it and caitlyn jenner. Being a tranny was NOT acceptable even 10 years ago and now there is an insane boom of young trannies under 18 that never existed before. it was always schizos and homeless people / crack addicts you would only see at the mall or in the ghettp

Other thread died before I could post this, I guess this one will do. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I understand. I'm not opposed to alternative research being done personally. Dysphoria is a terrible condition to have and I think it's important for medical science to keep its options open rather than grounding itself in dogma. That said, while it may not be the most perfect treatment, it is the best we currently have. In the same vein, SSRIs and other antidepressants are not a foolproof cure for depression. Yet these drugs help millions of people live a much more functional life than they otherwise could. Years from now, people might look back on many of our modern practices as we now look back on heroin being used as cough syrup. But medicine has to work within the bounds of current knowledge; we can't, for instance, stop treating cancer patients with chemotherapy and let them suffer while we wait for a better treatment to come along.

I don't like the constant media attention brought to trans issues either. I think media representation can be important to make people understand that we're human beings just trying to live our lives, but the approach is very sensationalized, and often has the opposite of the intended effect. It's a symptom of a larger problem in our culture, a shameless attention seeking hedonism, wrapped in smug condescension.

I appreciate your politeness and well wishes. Have a nice day, user.

Conversion therapy is proven to be harmful and ineffective. What we have now allows many of us to function as adults and contribute to society. It's not pragmatic to keep capable workers in a padded cell simply because their existence hurts your feelings. We'd be worse than economic dead weight. If you're concerned about your kids getting the wrong idea, tell them the truth: we suffer from a medical condition that causes us great psychological and existential distress. It's not a trendy or fun fashion statement to be trans.

High carb diet produces lots of insulin. Insulin suppresses hormonal system. Hormones determine gender expression. Transgenders have weak sex hormones and their high carb diets push them into gender dysphoria. Plastics and other endocrine disruptors contribute too.

Very redpilled. Almost like a Chad.

still waiting for sauce

You just got no balls to stay stick it out as a man.

There is no "rise" in transgenderism. It is completely natural and was stifled for centuries. What you're witnessing is humanity coming back to nature uninhibited from Judeo-Christian oppression.


>lying and pretending is being chad

> It is completely natural
Killing each other is natural also

>completely natural

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Look buddy... Here is a question for you... Why is it that it is very common to see a gay woman who is a dike or a gay man acting all feminine? Why is it that gays reject to identity of the sex that they were born with?

The answer is simply that technology has made a life where the physical hardships of life have been removed. Gender roles have completely broken down as there is no longer anything that makes them necessary. Therefore people dont understand why men should be raised to be strong and dependable and why woman should be raised to not be sluts and to be kind.

Because our lives no longer require this unlike THE REST OF HUMAN HISTORY people are losing it. Snapping. You have a serious issue of gender confusion within the homosexual community. They attempt to rebel against a norm that no longer makes sense as it no longer applies. This is founded in a poor self esteem and often childhood trauma.

Transgenders are an extension of that. (((They))) are using this as a tool to further degrade our culture and perception of ourselves in order for us to be more easily controlled.

Thats the deal. Your welcome.

Kill yourself you christ killing kike

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Please cite one example in history where there was a debate as to whether or not men are men and women are women. Show us the debate that took place in any civilization other than modern western culture.

You don't go from 'God created Man in his image' to 'Brainchip the people and transhumanism' in one generation.

We need incremental doses of degeneracy to normalize attacks on the sanctity of the body in order for the population to consent.

Stfu. Goals above methods.

But that is gheii.

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Absolutely wrong since today's paradigm is simply the end goal of protestantism (proto-capitalism) SJWs aren't amoral they are ULTRA moral.

transgenderism and sacred prostitution devoted to Ishtar were very common in Babylonia.
It's satanic since it mocks god's creation.
Separated genders (male/female) that they can only be one in sacred marriage.

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attention whoring desu, 2 genders don't allow them to be a special snowflake
see the previous balk threads

Either you're wrong or millions of trans-folk, the majority of scientists, and the bulk of the civilized world are wrong.

Why do you think the entertainment industry has been pushing so hard to make this shit seem normal? People love underdogs. And don't think for a minute kids are doing this on their own. Parents and adults are absolutely nudging them in this direction, especially with how the left clings to authority: kids go to authority figures (who are never the parents, let along the father), and that authority figure (who isn't even remotely qualified to answer whatever question the kid has) tells them about tranny-ism. Or the kid, being convinced that he knows better than his biology, because biology is apparently a terrible barometer of truth, assumes that he's Bruce Jenner or whatever else.

Short Answer: Jonestown tactics.

You are an idiot

wow, davina shitrat, slay queen!

He's getting cuter and cuter.

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There is no "rise" the freaks make up less than 0.01% of the population. It just seems like it's common becuae they media pushes it hard.

i care if its hot not if it is right

>What is this rise in transgenderism?
An epidemic spreaded by ill-minded individuals with bad intentions. Just like AIDS.
Also get the fuck out of this board, tranny pedophile.

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>Millions of trans
Nazis numbered in the millions. But people have no trouble dismissing those millions of humans as wrong
>Majority of scientists
No, just the ones that you've heard about, that get published in journals who are under pressure to publish politically correct studies by their globalist trustees

Try again

Men pick up that there are too few women to go around so they break down mentally and reason on line of "If you can't beat them, join them"

No, you are the ignorant here. You should study both the western cannon and theology since you're obviously lacking in these areas. What I'm saying is literally what pretty much every relevant philosopher is saying today.

If SJWs were really amoral, then they would welcome with open arms inequality. That's not the case, equality is literally christian universalism taken to its extreme. Instead of feeling attacked by an anonymous poster, why don't you research these topics if you're interested?

They are wrong.

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Looks like everything is going according to "plan" to me.


I know a trans man, "he" claims to have memories of being raped by Daddy.

There's a reason "transtrenders" is a thing. I'd wager that much of it is a social contagion.

You have the small number that always existed and would always exist. Due to the population increase you can expect more in raw numbers, but not the increase in proportionality that we see now.

You have a entire generations raised to hate their natural inclinations. It's not just that women are told they CAN be masculine, they are told that if they want to be feminine, it is evidence of an evil conspiracy to brainwash them. Same with men. A man who wants to be a man is told he must act like a woman instead.

These people doing the telling then turn around and claim that anyone who does NOT act like a traditional sexual stereotype is in fact some variation of gay/queer/trans/etc. even though they have spent a vast amount of effort indoctrinating them to act in such a way.

This functions like a mass hysteria. During any given day, you might feel anxious, maybe have a headache or feel malaise for all sorts of reasons. Now, if someone tells you there's been a hazardous susbtance leak, you'll associate it with that, and become convinced that you're poisoned, especially as everyone else says the same. However, there is no leak. You're just interpreting normal unpleasant bodily signals as evidence of a poisoning. In the same way, feelings of uncertainty about what you are as your body changes in puberty can easily be interpreted as evidence that you're actually transgender. It's for this reason that people used to have to live for years as what they said they were before the doctors would even consider surgery or hormones. In the name of "rights" this has all been bypassed in favour of self-identification, and once you do, you socially need to follow up on it.

Ever noticed that all the tomboys have vanaished? At the same time, there is a much larger rise in FtM than MtF...

>millions of trans-folk
There are not million and there are not "folk".
>the majority of scientists
Who? The only reason this is "accepted" in the science community is because of the pressure of pro-tranny groups that ruin the lives of scientists that go against this madness.
>and the bulk of the civilized world
Nobody likes trannies. GTFO.

It is a way for attention whores to gain instant victim class untouchable status. Social outcasts can suddenly be applauded as brave by claiming a new identity. Children have their minds warped by progressive virtue signaling parents as well. Tell a kid that being brave is good and being trans is the height of bravery and many will become trans for approval.

There. *clap*
Is. *clap*
No. *clap*
"Rise." *clap*

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Animé culture.

Indeed. Felipe is my boifu.

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i want to suck her cock

I would hypothesize that they are more evolved. They are the first ones to break the chains from the limited social view on sex and gender. I think in the future things will be much more ambiguous as we depart further from our barbaric ways

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When are you going to kill yourself, Reiko?
You were already kicked out of Jow Forums. Nobody likes you here.

its someone sending a sign to modern men telling them they arent kicking the shit out of societal weirdos enough and need to step it up.


I think it's a combination of things.

1) Removal of taboos and social oppression makes what was always there (but rare) more visible.

2) Political pressure from the left to change/overthrow traditional Western values.

3) Social pressure. It's a fad. Unhappy teens get to be treated as special because they are trans or some invented gender.

4) Societies in decline tend to go a bit crazy about sexual matters.

5) Environmental. I'm convinced that we'll find out that plastics in the food supply are doing enough endocrine disruption to have an effect across populations.

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I think they will commit suicide as soon as they reach 30.

Indeed he loves anime and other jap shit.

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Nope, that is not my name. Try again.

You don't understand how stupid you are. It's a waste of time to argue with you. The amount of meaningless bullshit that has been crammed into your tiny little brain is mind blowing. Words have no meaning to you. How can we debate is words have no meaning...

I don't need to research this. I have brain and can think for myself.

Politics. Crazy left.

Therapy should have been the option. Now we have this. Crazy mutilated people roaming the streets.

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not even your elementary school teacher accepts that as a source

Maybe because idealized anime trannies give these disgusting human beings the illusion of what they are not.

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It’s actually just plain old Münchausen syndrome, the proxy only applies if the subject is using someone else’s (usually a child, spouse, or elderly parent) fake or manufactured condition to gain attention and social standing.
The real answer is that all this shit is being pushed hard to give the jew surgeons practice for constructing the baphomet. They want to create a hermaphrodite that can reproduce with itself, an unholy imitation of the virgin birth. This is meant to conceive the antichrist

SJWs are literally the antithesis of morality. Their entire end-game is to deconstruct morality altogether following along marxist guidelines on the social surface as a distraction while the elite try to usurp institutions across the globe on an economic level and create a chasm of Bezo-tier elites using everyone else as slave labor. It's why Jow Forums calls every one of these liberal college kids useful idiots and a death cult because they're cheering for and championing the same people who would just as soon see them killed off if they can't get any labor value from them. How new are you exactly?

>They would welcome with open arms inequality

That's exactly what they do. They routinely claim that a given segment of the population is inherently evil and destructive based on skin color. The call people fucking Nazis and facsists - in other words, write them off as completely undeserving of any compassion. They completely support a society where one demographic is second class based entirely on skin color.

>Consensus equals fact
Communist detected.

>that is not my name
You admitted to being in his Discord. You are a pill-pusher pedophile.
I hope the gypsies lynch you.

there's a split with trannies
some are rather normal and wouldn't attempt to pass as the gender they want until they know they can, in other words they would go out looking like cross dressing freaks they have some awareness and shame.
the other type are the totally deluded freaks who should just be taken out back and given the old yeller treatment.

>unironically believing in desert fairtytales

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This is the answer people

This isn't elementary school. Wikipedia cites all of its sources. Look through them, or don't. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

Shut up Hans. Remove the kebab from your country first.

There are literally 1.4 million individuals that identify as transgendered in the US alone. Look it up. You will not erase us. Trump will not erase us. I advise you educate yourself before engaging in conversations you obviously know nothing about because it makes you look like an ASS.

Giving your back to Allah and letting Shaitan to enter your soul and contaminating it, of course

It's jewchaddery brah

Evolution. G*rmans outsourced the reproduction and time to spend with their wives to stronk t*rk bulls so they could have more time to develop nuclear fusion reactors they always shitpost about here. Trannies are probably technological evolution to avoid children of men scenarios. We will become more resistant to the negative effects of civilization on reproduction, in return great great grandchildren will be genetic disaster traps.

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and for the causes id say the crazy ones are weak and either are influenced by messed up sexual urges or they thing life would be easier as another sex so they want to swap, and/or they just have mental problems.
as for the more aware and sensible trans genders it seems to be less sexual and more about them wanting to live life as something else, still a mental issues but in this case I don't think it stems from perverse urges

(((Their))) plan to control population and decrease amount of humans.

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>There are literally 1.4 million individuals that identify as transgendered in the US alone.
That is not true. Trannies make up 0.03% of the population. 100K at most.
>You will not erase us. Trump will not erase us.
You are already being erased, kek. Sorry for that,
>I advise you educate yourself before engaging in conversations you obviously know nothing about because it makes you look like an ASS.
I will just laugh at you.

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You made that decision to spoonfeed me when you claimed to have a source backing up claims.

I don’t believe in any of that garbage, the fucking kikes do though.

>Estimate of U.S. Transgender Population Doubles to 1.4 Million Adults

Satan said to God: I will have them change the creation

I never did belong to any subversive group on discord. Go harass someone else with schizophrenic delusions.

Post some CNN with it.
Let children alone then. Stop shilling that disgusting looking tranny here. Stop targeting autistic children trying to make them chop their dicks off, freak.

based, post more info.

I'm sure some kind of Mexican on Jow Forums knows better than "heh.. the New York Times."

Even Infowars is better than the New York Times.

More than likely. But how the fuck do they get hormones at all? Here it's illegal even for medics to prescribe it.
Local definitions
Homo = crazy
Trap = homo with schizo

Also, transexualism is a mental illness.

>you will not erase us
>1.4 million
The FEMA camps could easily hold that many people. The logistics of genociding 1.4 million isn’t really all that daunting for a country like the US.

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Is NY Times your only source, tho? Because if you only have one source, then it's questionable at best.

>But how the fuck do they get hormones at all?
They should not. They should get mental help.
>Here it's illegal even for medics to prescribe it.
And that is a good thing. Romania already has enough problems to add freaks into it.
>Homo = crazy
>Trap = homo with schizo
Both are right. And the last one is a pedophile.

Wat? I don't talk to anyone in private here. The site is 18+ and traps are a troll thing here. Jow Forums has tranny shit going on since 2010 for sure. It's similar to the chink gore webm's. Hello newfag.

>he still thinks print media is a reliable source

Interesting...is this statement of yours a theory or do many people think the Jews are trying to create the Antichrist this way?

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>The site is 18+ and traps are a troll thing here
Then troll in /lgbt/ or /b/ and get the fuck out of this board, child molester.
>Jow Forums has tranny shit going on since 2010 for sure
>It's similar to the chink gore webm's
No. This is just you trying to justify your fetish. Have you heard of autogynephilia?

This is a naive argument and a dangerous one because it has certain truth to it, but it's only half at most, the fact is that modern humanity is significantly much more exposed to contaminants that act as endocrine disruptors, which is more likely to explain all of this. This argument reminds me of the "it's not that modern humanity has more cancer but we can detect it better!", again, another stupid half-true argument, yes, we can detect better cancer but we are also much more exposed to carcinogens.

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You're just trying to cover the fact you have shitty sources lol

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Female privilege and estrogen in the water supply.

Any other answer is incorrect.

ehhh line trap was here before 2010 fren
Jow Forums was a liberal place < read Liberal, NOT Leftist < those are two totally separate things